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The Shroud is an evil force that has taken hold of the vibrant land of Embervale. It's now on the shoulders of the Flameborn to rescue Embervale and bring back peace and stability. However, the beautiful land is full of all sorts of challenges for you, and to tackle them, you need a lot of tools and materials.

Wood and stone are among the most useful resources in Enshrouded. Players can use them to craft a number of items, and luckily, both of them can be obtained pretty early into the game. If you don’t know how to get wood and stone in Enshrouded, keep reading to find out.

Enshrouded: How to Survive Longer in the Shroud

The Shroud kills everything it comes into contact with, but these useful tips can extend your stay in it.

How to Get Wooden Logs and Stone in Enshrouded

Gathering essential resources like wood and stone is crucial for crafting and survival in Enshrouded. To get wood, players will need an axe. The good news is that its crafting recipe is unlocked by default, so you don’t need a workbench to make it. Here are the ingredients required to make an axe in Enshrouded:

  • One x String
  • Four x Twigs
  • One x Stone.

String is a crucial craftable material in Enshrouded. To make it, you’ll need three plant fibers, which you can collect by harvesting from bushes. Keep in mind that crafting a string requires three plant fibers, so keep harvesting until you have the required amount. Harvesting these bushes can also give you twigs along with plant fibers.

The last ingredient you need is stone, which you can simply pick from the ground. Just look around and you’ll find plenty of them. Collect one stone, and with that, you have all the required ingredients in your inventory.

wooden logs enshrouded

Go to the crafting menu, select the axe, and craft it. Once you have an axe, all you need to do is find trees and chop them down to get wood. In addition to regular wood, the game also has Shroud wood, which can be collected by cutting down trees in a Shrouded area. Identifying a Shroud area is easy as it's covered in a blue-greyish mist that limits your visibility to a few yards. Keep in mind that once you enter these areas, you can only stay for a short time.

stone in enshrouded

Now talking about stones, they can be found lying on the ground all over the land of Embervale. Simply find one and click ‘collect’ to get it. Once you collect it, it will be added to your backpack.

enshrouded game

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
January 24, 2024
Keen Games
Keen Games
Survival , Open-World , Action RPG