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Water may not have any direct impact on your health in Enshrouded, but it's still a crucial resource for every adventurer. Staying hydrated matters more than you'd expect in this game, and there are quite a few recipes that require water as one of their main ingredients.

Enshrouded: How to Get Copper

Copper is a valuable crafting material used to craft various items and shields in Enshrouded. Here’s how you can get it.

Despite there being no major bodies of water throughout Enshrouded's map, players can still get some by visiting or fast-traveling to specific places across Embervale. Here's what you can do if you find yourself in desperate need of more water.

How to Get Water in Enshrouded

You can get an unlimited amount of water from wells in ruined towns. The best place to visit is Longkeep, which is right by the start of the game. The flat grassland near it will likely be where most players build their first base in Enshrouded, making the Longkeep well their main source of water for the majority of the early part of their playthrough. You get five units of water every time you scoop from this well, and you won't be able to get more until after a certain amount of time has passed, or until you reset the world by exiting to the main menu.

As you venture out into the rest of Embervale, keep an eye out for similar wells in other abandoned ruins. You'll likely see them in the center of each town, though this won't be the case for every settlement you encounter. Some might not have any wells at all.

Best Way to Get Water

Recipe for making a well in Enshrouded

Once you rescue the Mason and get Masonry Tools for him, you'll be able to build your own well. To make one, you'll need the following resources:

  • 100 Stone
  • 20 Linen
  • 1 Wooden Bucket

You can place multiple wells around your base to maximize water collection. These work just like all the other wells around the map. However, you can exploit player-built wells by scooping water, picking them up, then placing them back down again. If you plan on doing this, then you may also want to visit some nearby chests to get some of Enshrouded's randomly-dropping legendary gear. Later on, you'll be able to make Improved Water Wells that store more charges than regular ones.

Water increases your maximum stamina and stamina recovery rate, making it an essential consumable to have when adventuring, especially early on when you still lack gear and other food options. You'll also need plenty of water if you plan on making your own farm.

enshrouded game

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
January 24, 2024
Keen Games
Survival , Open-World , Action RPG