Enshrouded is a survival game set in the mysterious world of Embervale, which has been plagued by an evil fog called the Shroud. Despite being relatively new, it has garnered a lot of attention. You step into the shoes of the Flameborn and embark on a journey to defeat the Shroud and other evil enemies and bring light back to Embervale.

As you explore Embervale, you can gather a variety of items that help you survive in the harsh world. Honey is one of the materials that you can obtain in Enshrouded. Fortunately, you can get it in the early hours of your journey. Here’s how to get honey in Enshrouded.

Enshrouded: How to Get and Use Nails

Players will need nails to craft various items in Enshrouded. Here’s how to get them.

How to Get Honey in Enshrouded

Honey is an important resource to have in Enshrouded. It is an ingredient in several crafting recipes, including healing potions. It's smart to keep healing items on hand for unexpected situations because the world is full of challenges.

Honey is harvested from beehives, which can be found throughout the game’s world. For beginners, if you look around the first Flame Altar (the one near Longkeep), you will come across trees with quite a few beehives on them. In addition, you can also find a lot of trees with beehives near the first Ancient Spire (Harvest Homestead), and you can find honey here. Another spot for honey is Willow Crush, which is located north of Harvest Homestead.

If you want to craft your own beehives, you will have to look for the Farmer. The Farmer is one of the NPCs in Enshrouded. Like other NPCs, they also have some quests for you, and completing them will unlock the Beehive Smoker. You can use it to get your own honey and wax.

Like other resources, honey, or rather beehives, also respawn. Therefore, it’s recommended not to cut down trees with beehives because then you will have to go looking for new locations when you need honey.

honey tree in enshrouded

To get honey, you should look for gray bags on trees. If you are lucky, you might even find two or three bags in the same place. Once close enough, you can harvest the beehive to collect honey. If a beehive is located high up on a tree, you can use your arrows to reach it. Simply aim and shoot your arrow at the beehive to collect it. Harvesting a beehive will give you one honey and one wax, so it’s a double-win for you.

enshrouded game

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
January 24, 2024
Keen Games
Keen Games
Survival , Open-World , Action RPG