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Bronze bars are one of the most precious resources in Enshrouded. Apart from being able to build upgraded armor for a player, it's also an essential component for crafting new items.

However, unlike other ores in Enshrouded, there are no Bronze Ores in the game, meaning players cannot revert to an Ore deposit to craft a Bronze Bar. In contrast, they can be constructed with various secondary resources, including Charcoal, Tin Bars, Wood Acid, and Copper Bars. The article below sheds light on the whole process of crafting a Bronze Bar in Enshrouded.

Enshrouded: How to Get The Wailing Blade

The Wailing Blade is a legendary weapon in Enshrouded with excellent damage and durability. Here’s how you can get it.

What Resources Do You Need To Make Bronze Bars In Enshrouded?

blacksmith enshrouded

Firstly, players must have a smelter, as this is where the crafting process begins. Smelters can be unlocked by completing one of Blacksmith’s quests—“Crucible Needed for a Smelter”. Then, players would need to have access to the following resources:

  • Tin Ores
  • Charcoal
  • Copper Ores

How to Craft Bronze Bars in Enshrouded

The crafting process for Bronze bars begins with turning Tin Ores into Tin Bars. To create a total of 3 Tin Bars, players need access to the following:

  • 15 Tin Ore
  • 2 Wood Acid
  • 5 Charcoal

Tin Ores are an essential ingredient for creating Bronze Bars, so players must ensure they’re equipped with the necessary items to mine them. The Nomad Highlands, mines, local caves, and the Umber Hollow are all noteworthy places to mine a good number of Tin Ores.

Enshrouded: Tin Ore

Charcoal is the second resource required to craft Tin Bars, and it can be done so through the Charcoal Kiln by adding Wooden Logs and Dirt. Additionally, Wood Acid is also made through the same process, and on the same workstation.

charcoal enshrouded

The third resource required to create Bronze Bars is Copper Bars. To craft a Copper Bar, players must have the following resources:

  • Charcoal
  • Copper Ores

The process of crafting Charcoal is mentioned above. Furthermore, players can access Copper Ores in locations like the Revelwood Area.

copper ore enshrouded

Once players have acquired all the above-mentioned resources in decent amounts, they can now begin crafting Bronze Bars in Enshrouded. Generally, the required resource count for 10 Bronze Bars is equivalent to the following:

  • 7 Copper Bars.
  • 3 Tin Bars.
  • 10 Charcoal.

Essential Skills to Have For Mining Resources

Players must activate a few skills before moving on to mine the above-mentioned resources, since they’ll increase the damage dealt with a Pickaxe and the likelihood of finding abundant resources in any given area.

These must-have skills are:

  • Mason Skill—used to deal 30% more pickaxe damage.
  • Miner Skill—10% increased chances of finding more resources in a specific area.
enshrouded game

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
January 24, 2024
Keen Games
Keen Games
Survival , Open-World , Action RPG