Playing a ranger in Enshrouded is a little more challenging in the early game. There are better options for new players who want to create a solid solo build. Good bows are rare in the early game, and a lot of the early game combat takes place in enclosed spaces, which is less than optimal for bow users. That being said, once the player is somewhat geared up, gameplay becomes easier.

Enshrouded has an excellent, hand-crafted, open-world map that offers a lot to archers. The profusion of towers, hills, and cliffs, means that ranged players can often find a handy platform to shoot down from, keeping them safe from melee enemies below. This somewhat offsets the problems that players focusing on ranger skills will have when fighting in an enclosed space.

Enshrouded: Best Early-Game Food Recipes

Finding suitable food options can be hard during the early stages of Enshrouded. Here's a list of the most appropriate recipes to consider.

7 Banebringer

A Hard-To-Find Bow That's Not Worth Farming

Banebringer Bow In Enshrouded
  • Power: 25
  • Draw speed: 0.6 seconds
  • Arrows speed: 7%
  • Durability: 260

On paper, the Banebringer bow is a good upgrade over the bows that the crafting NPCs can provide. However, there is a specific problem with this weapon in Enshrouded. It seems to have a much lower drop chance than its stats would deserve. It's possible that this is a bug.

Enshrouded: Best Survivor Skills

While perhaps one of the less popular classes, there are plenty of Survivor class skills in Enshrouded to take note of. These are the best of them.

Many players have reported spending a lot of time using the reload/respawn trick on a golden chest in order to loot this bow, but with no luck. And this seems a waste of time, as there are much better chest loot bows anyway. Players can and should use it if they happen to luck into looting one. Otherwise, skip it and go for a different legendary bow.

6 Wildwood Shortbow

Easy To Loot In The Early Game

Wildwood Shortbow In Enshrouded
  • Power: 25
  • Draw speed: 0.6 seconds
  • Arrow speed: 7%
  • Durability: 250

For beginner players who are focusing on ranger skills, the Wildwood Shortbow makes an excellent early upgrade to the uncommon bows they will likely already have. It offers a decent power increase, and should be fairly easy to loot.

The Wildwood Shortbow is found in chests in Enshrouded. To get a legendary version as pictured above, the player will need to loot golden chests. These can be farmed by reloading the game, as this will respawn everything, including the chest. Keep reloading the game and looting the chest until a legendary Wildwood Bow appears. Remember to bring plenty of lockpicks.

5 Wolf’s Snarl Longbow

Good Mid-Range Bow That's Hard To Loot

Wolfs Snarl Longbow In Enshrouded
  • Power: 35
  • Stamina cost: 5
  • Arrow speed: 7%
  • Durability: 250

The Wolf’s Snarl Longbow would be higher on this list if it were easier to loot. Even though this bow can spawn as a legendary weapon from any golden chest in Enshrouded, some players have reported having to spend dozens of hours doing the reload/respawn trick to get one.

If players are desperate for this weapon in Enshrouded, they always have the option of logging into one of the public resource servers and taking one that is available for free. These servers generally restart every hour to respawn all the resources and items.

4 Arsonist’s Bow

Boss Loot Bow

Arsonists Bow In Enshrouded
  • Power: 25
  • Draw speed: 0.6 seconds
  • Arrow speed: 7%
  • Durability 260

The Arsonist’s Bow is easy to loot, as long as the player is sufficiently geared to handle a tough boss fight. They will also need to have explored enough of the map to unlock the very northeast Ancient Tower.

Enshrouded: Best Wizard Skills

Wizard is one of the most powerful classes in Enshrouded, and for players who choose this route, these are the best skills to pick.

To loot this bow, head to the aforementioned Ancient Tower. Drop down into and survive the Shroud area below. Search around for the Elixir root. There will be a Thunderbrute boss patrolling the area. Find it and kill it. The player may need to reload the game a few times and keep killing this boss until they drop the Arsonist’s Bow.

3 Composite Bow

Easy To Loot In The Kindlewastes Area

Composite Bow In Enshrouded
  • Power: 25
  • Draw speed: 0.6 seconds
  • Arrows speed: 20%
  • Durability: 280

The Composite Bow is arguably the best bow that rangers should try to loot to replace their low-level weapon, simply because it is one of the easier legendary bows to get hold of. This is also a great choice as a backup ranged weapon for warrior and tank-build players.

The player will be signposted to the Kindlewastes as part of the Alchemist NPC quest. All golden chests in this zone have a chance of dropping the Composite Bow, although it may take some time to farm a legendary one. Using runes to upgrade this weapon is a good investment.

2 Forsaken Bow

A Great Bow, But Hard To Loot

Forsaken Bow In Enshrouded
  • Power: 25
  • Draw speed: 0.6 seconds
  • Arros speed: 20%
  • Durability: 300

The Forsaken Bow is one of the best ranged weapons in Enshrouded, but it can be very hard to get. The only location where this bow spawns is the Sunken Temple region of the map. This is an end-game region, so it is tough to get into and dangerous as well.

Enshrouded: Best Battlemage Skills

Those looking to make the most out of the Battlemage class in Enshrouded should consider using these reliable skills.

Players who do have access to the Sunken Temple can try and loot the Forsaken Bow from any golden chests in the area. Using the reload/respawn trick will help with this. This is a good bow, and it's worth the effort of farming to get it.

1 Shadowbane Bow

Arguably The Easiest Legendary Bow To Aquire

Shadowbane Bow In Enshrouded
  • Power: 25
  • Draw speed: 0.6 seconds
  • Arrow speed: 7%
  • Durability: 260

Although there are other bows on this list that top the Shadowbane Bow on stats alone, this Enshrouded weapon has one significant advantage. It is one of the easiest legendary weapons to loot for rangers, as it can spawn in chests across the entire map.

To loot a legendary version of this bow, the player needs to find a golden chest. They can then use the reload/respawn farming method to try and loot Shadowbane. This is probably best done at the same time as trying to farm something else, such as armor.

enshrouded game

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
January 24, 2024
Keen Games
Survival , Open-World , Action RPG