
  • Axes in Enshrouded offer balanced cutting and blunt damage, making them great for warrior and tank builds.
  • Players can find axes like the Tainted Axe and Wolf Pack Axe in early and mid-game stages for effective DPS.
  • Deeproot Axe and Guillotine Axe are powerful two-handed options for warrior builds, with high damage and parry stats.

For players who want to play a warrior or tank style of character in Enshrouded, an axe is an interesting weapon option. Axes in this game are either one-handed (great in combination with a shield), or two-handed for laying down more DPS. What makes axes so interesting, is the fact they do both cutting and blunt damage together, making them good, balanced weapons for simple solo builds.

Enshrouded: Best Survivor Skills

While perhaps one of the less popular classes, there are plenty of Survivor class skills in Enshrouded to take note of. These are the best of them.

Enshrouded was released at the start of 2024 and has risen to be a popular action roleplaying game. The exquisitely hand-crafted world has been the main source of the praise it has received. It's an intriguing mix of sandbox open-world exploration and subtle signpost quests, with excellent base-building. Without further ado, here's a look at some of the game's best axes.

7 Tainted Axe

Possible To Get Early In The Game

Tainted Axe In Enshrouded


  • Damage: 47
  • Durability: 250

Players intending to take tank skills to create a tank build in Enshrouded could do worse than making the Tainted Axe the first weapon they try to loot. It commonly drops as an uncommon or rare, but it is possible to get a legendary, as pictured here. With equal cutting and blunt damage, this is a nicely balanced axe.

Enshrouded: Best Early-Game Food Recipes

Finding suitable food options can be hard during the early stages of Enshrouded. Here's a list of the most appropriate recipes to consider.

This axe can be looted from silver or golden chests, with the latter giving a better chance of getting a legendary tier Tainted Axe. For players who find camping loot chests boring, this axe also drops from bosses in the Springlands region of the map.

6 Wolf Pack Axe

Easy To Get Mid-Game One-Handed Axe

Wolf Pack Axe In Enshrouded


  • Damage: 47
  • Durability: 260

The Wold Pack Axe is a simple-to-acquire weapon for beginners, once a player is mildly geared up and has access to the Nomad Highlands region of the map. It is possible to fast travel to the Ancient Spire in this zone, once the map region has been uncovered.

There is a golden chest in a room to the north of the spire, and this chest has the Wolf Pack Axe in the loot table. The Frozen Call Wand and Apprentice Wand can also be looted from the same chest, so it may take some time to use the reload/respawn trick to get a legendary version of this axe.

5 Hair Splitter

Mid-Game Axe Looted From Two Locations

Hair Splitter Axe In Enshrouded


  • Damage: 47
  • Durability: 280

The Hair Splitter is a solid choice for a mid-game one-handed axe. It is lootable from two locations; Nomad Highlands and Kindlewaste. It is a chest loot item, so find a golden chest in one of these locations for the best chance of looting a legendary tier one.

Kindlewasts is very easy to get to and should be uncovered during the Alchemist crafting NPC quest. This is only around 1000m from the starting area. There are a few POI in this area where a golden chest can spawn. Find one, and then farm it using the reload/respawn trick.

4 Lumenshade Axe

Should Be Easy To Loot In The Kindlewastes

Lumenshade Axe In Enshrouded


  • Damage: 47
  • Durability: 300

Another great one-handed axe that can be looted in the Kindlewastes region of the map. However, it is only going to drop from a golden chest. There are a number of POI that can spawn golden chests in the Kindlewastes, so try and find one of these.

Once a suitable chest has been found, it can be farmed. This is done by exiting to the main menu and reloading the game. This will respawn most chests in Enshrouded. Remember to bring a bit stack of lockpicks though.

3 Lightforged Axe

A Great Boss Loot Axe

Lightforged Axe In Enshrouded


  • Damage: 47
  • Durability: 300

This is a great end-game one-handed axe, but it can be a little tricky to get, and the player will need to be fairly geared up to get a legendary one. This axe drops from the Vukah Brawler boss in larger Vukah camps. The higher the level of the boss, the better the chance that a legendary Lightforged Axe drops.

Enshrouded: Best Battlemage Skills

Those looking to make the most out of the Battlemage class in Enshrouded should consider using these reliable skills.

Once a suitable Vukah Camp has been found, it can be farmed. All the player has to do is move out of render distance and reload the game, the camp will then have completely respawned and the boss can be killed again.

2 Deeproot Axe

Two-Handed DPS Machine

Deeproot Axe In Enshrouded


  • Damage: 70
  • Parry: 26
  • Durability: 340

Players who are focusing on warrior skills will love this weapon, The Deeproot Axe is two-handed, so this is not a good axe for tanks, who are better off using a one-handed axe and a shield. However, it does have 26 parry, so it can be used for basic attack blocking. This is a great axe for players who are going for a warrior build, as there are some great beginner skills for warriors.

This axe can be hard to get. Although it is located in the Springfields area close to the starting area, it is a low-drop chance weapon from golden chests in the Scavenger Stash. So it may take some time farming the gold chest in this location to get a legendary one.

1 Guillotine Axe

Can Be Looted From Chests Or From Bosses

Guillotine Axe In Enshrouded


  • Damage: 70
  • Parry: 26
  • Durability: 350

The Guillotine Axe gets the top spot on this list simply because of its style. The Deeproot Axe is almost interchangeable with this weapon, and both are great end-game two-handed axes. The Guillotine Axe should, in theory, be available in the early to mid-game stage, as loot from bosses. However, the drop rate is not great in low-level zones.

Enshrouded: Best Ranger Skills

The Ranger class is an incredibly powerful class in Enshrouded. Those looking to make the most of it should use these skills.

The best place to find a Guillotine Axe when playing Enshrouded is from golden chests in the Revelwood area. As usual, the reload/respawn trick can be used to farm the chest until a legendary tier one is looted.

enshrouded game

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
January 24, 2024
Keen Games
Survival , Open-World , Action RPG