The latest entry into the Endless series is almost ready to see the light of day, but the developers are still in need of willing testers who can provide valuable feedback for the game. Endless Dungeon is currently running a closed beta test, and hopeful fans can use this opportunity to get into the game before its launch on October 19.

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For the uninitiated, Endless Dungeon is a dungeon-crawling twin-stick shooter with roguelike elements and cooperative play. While it was originally slated to be released this month, it was since pushed back in order to give the talents at Amplitude Studios more time to polish things up. Now, players can help with that polishing process by signing up for the CBT, though it includes one very important caveat.

How to Join the Endless Dungeon Closed Beta

endless dungeon escort crystal bot

Instead of drawing lots from a pool of volunteers, the Endless Dungeon closed beta is only available to those who purchase the Last Wish Edition of the game on Steam, EGS, or the Microsoft store. Sadly, this is for PC only, though the full game will launch for modern consoles as well.

After purchasing the Last Wish Edition, players should get access to a separate Endless Dungeon closed beta client in their game library. From there, players can simply download the game and hop into a few runs alone or with friends.

Anyone who buys the Last Wish Edition on Steam will also receive two Buddy Passes that they can give to two other people. The recipients will then be able to play alongside the player in the beta's cooperative multiplayer mode.

Since this is only a beta test, the contents of the game will be limited to the following:

  • Up to four heroes: Blaze, Bunker, Shroom, and Zed.
    • This includes quests related to these characters.
  • Five districts (map tiles): Access to new districts is unlocked by finding keys during runs.
  • Three monster categories: Blobs, Bots, and Bugs.
  • Two bosses: Shelldiver and Bug Momma.
  • Meta-progression features: Beverages, upgrades, etc.

The full game contains significantly more content than what's listed above, including an expanded roster of characters, a wide arsenal of weapons, and more secrets hidden behind the Station and the mysteries surrounding it.

The closed beta will run until September 18th (07:00 PDT). After that, the folks at Amplitude Studios have roughly one month to squash bugs and implement all the feedback they get from players ahead of the game's official release.

Endless Dungeon is set to release for PC, Android, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

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