When players hear the term tower defense, they may get uninterested. A lot of the experience can be static and bland but Endless Dungeon is more exciting than that. There’s still a MacGuffin that players need to protect called The Crystal Bot but there are forward-thinking elements as well.

Endless Dungeon: Beginner Tips and Tricks

Endless Dungeon can be difficult to clear, but even the meanest of challenges can be beaten with some foresight and a solid plan.

For example, there are roguelike mechanics and a few decent upgrade systems to make players feel that sense of progression. Also, weapons in Endless Dungeon do not need to be reloaded. Besides the various guns that players can equip to one of eight heroes, they can set up turrets too. There are a lot in the game from offensive to defensive turrets. Here are some of the best that players can begin with.

8 Shield

Support Type Turret

Shield turret in Endless Dungeon

Players can either decide to play a defensive game in Endless Dungeon, or they can go hard on offense. These are the two typical splits when it comes to tower defense games. Using the Shield Turret will set players up with the former strategic move.

Once placed in a room, the Shield Turret will increase the defense of heroes, the Crystal Bot, and Resource Generators. It’s rare for a room to have a Resource Generator and a Crystal Bot dock, but the offer is still nice. This is a roguelike with randomly generated rooms, so anything is possible.

7 Sapper

Support Type Turret

Sapper in Endless Dungeon

Sapper is a turret that is partly on the offensive side and partly on the defensive side. It can reduce the defense of enemies in the room while also increasing how weak they are to their elemental weakness.

For example, there are bug-like enemies in Endless Dungeon that are weak to fire just like the Bug-Type Pokemon in the Pokemon series. So, if players come in with a great weapon like Campfire, they can do a lot more damage to bug enemies in a room with Sappers installed. It’s a fairly good strategy although it will take some extra planning.

6 Amp

Support Type Turret

Amp in Endless Dungeon

Amp is a turret that completely falls on the offense is the best defense side of the argument. It will increase the attack power of the heroes, the Crystal Bot, and the turrets in the room. The Crystal Bot normally doesn’t have any attacks, which is why it is the most vulnerable unit in a run. There are some temporary upgrades and heroes that can give it an attack or two though.

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It’s another strategy that needs some planning to get going along with some luck as temporary upgrades are randomized. That’s the curse of a roguelike: randomization. Crystal Bot concerns aside, Amp is just a good turret to beef up attack-type turrets and heroes, and players can just be happy with that.

5 Straight Shooter

Non-Elemental Attack Type Turret

Straight Shooter in Endless Dungeon

The Straight Shooter is the starting turret that players will automatically have in their inventory whenever they begin a run. It will fire non-elemental bullets at a steady rate at enemies that approach. The turret is not special with an overabundance of health and the attack power is average.

However, it is a reliable turret that will not let players down. Sometimes it’s good to stick with starting weapons or abilities in games and the Straight Shooter turret is to Endless Dungeon as the Plasma Cutter is to Dead Space.

4 Laser Blinder

Light Elemental Attack Type Turret

Laser Blinder in Endless Dungeon

Laser Blinder is a good light-based turret that players should invest in. It’s like the Straight Shooter turret except that its blasts will have longer waits in between rotations.

Also, the laser beams are bigger and they pack a meaner punch. Light-based weapons are good against Blurs, which are a type of enemy that players won’t find until later in the game. Blurs are kind of like the Hive race from the Destiny series which is fitting since Light is an element in that universe as well.

3 Smokehouse

Acid Elemental Attack Type Turret

Smokehouse in Endless Dungeon

Smokehouse sounds like a great place to get some BBQ, or to find some fire at least. However, this turret’s element is not fire-based and is instead acid-based which is strong against creatures called Blobs. As the name suggests, Blobs are kind of like tossed-together bits of flesh which is horrific.

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Steam's selection of tower defense games is great for players looking to try something new in the genre.

Smokehouse does not shoot out bullets or beams as it instead creates pools of acid that linger sort of like a trap-based turret. If enemies step into these acidic pools, they take damage.

2 Flamethrower

Fire Elemental Attack Type Turret

Flamethrower in Endless Dungeon

Flamethrower is indeed a fire-based turret and a firefighter would probably hate to go against one. Like flamethrowers in most shooters, this turret will unleash almost a whip-like stream of fire upon approaching enemies.

This line of fire is great as it has the potential to strike multiple enemies at once, which is what every player wants to see in their tower defense setups. Now, fire is strong against bugs in Endless Dungeon which should be an easier concept for players to grasp just like that earlier Pokemon example.

1 Tesla Ball

Electric Elemental Attack Type Turret

Tesla Ball in Endless Dungeon

The ultimate turret in the game is not that hard to find and it is called the Tesla Ball. It is quite literally a Tesla ball that will shoot out sparks of static electricity at enemies. What makes the Tesla Ball strong in Endless Dungeon comparatively is that it impacts the largest radius of the basic elemental turrets in the game.

Players can place two Tesla Ball turrets in an enemy spawning room and make short work of them every time they spawn. It should be noted that electric-based weapons are strong against robotic enemies, which makes sense.

endless dungeon new
Endless Dungeon

PC , PS5 , PS4 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , Xbox One
October 19, 2023
Amplitude Studios
Tower Defense , Roguelike , Shooter