Players begin Endless Dungeon with three character choices but as they progress, they can unlock more. There are a total of eight characters in the game and they fall into two categories. There are Hand Gun heroes that can equip small weapons like pistols and light machine guns. Then there are Heavy Gun heroes that can carry huge guns like rocket launchers or sniper rifles.

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Endless Dungeon can be difficult to clear, but even the meanest of challenges can be beaten with some foresight and a solid plan.

Solo players can take two characters into the dungeons and unlock a third slot via upgrades in the hub world. Now, given that there are eight characters in the game with three slots max for either solo players or co-op players, that leaves a lot of combos on the table. Here are just a few ideas on how to squad up in Endless Dungeon for co-op, but these setups work just as well solo too.

6 It’s A Trap!

Blaze, Cartie, And Sweeper

A squad consisting of Blaze, Cartie, And Sweeper in Endless Dungeon

This squad should consist of Blaze, Cartie, and Sweeper and is based on the idea of setting up traps to hinder enemies. Firstly, Blaze is a Heavy Gun hero who lives up to his name. This robotic cowboy loves explosion and his passive trait will even enhance them for the team. His basic special allows him to set up mines as traps and there is even a Chip upgrade that will increase how many mines players can place with Blaze.

Cartie is another Heavy Gun hero and she looks a lot like a moth. She is in charge of research back at The Saloon and can create a Codex for players to flip through. Her basic ability allows Cartie to set up stun-based traps which players can then take advantage of by tearing enemies to bits with her Gatling weapon. Finally, Sweeper is a Hand Gun hero. His specials will slow enemies down with cleaning products, which is funny considering he is a janitor.

5 The Turret Squad

Cartie, Comrade, And Sweeper

A squad consisting of Cartie, Comrade, And Sweeper in Endless Dungeon

As the name implies, this squad consisting of Cartie, Comrade, and Sweeper will help strengthen turrets that players set up in Endless Dungeon. Let’s begin with the newest hero, Comrade, who operates the upgrade shop in The Saloon. Some of the strongest characters in games are secretly shopkeepers like Comrade. He is one of the strongest characters in the game because Comrade can make his own turrets as a natural ability. Like Blaze’s Chip upgrade for his mines, Comrade can get a Chip upgrade to increase his turret placement.

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His ultimate attack even puts him in the arms of a giant turret that can absolutely destroy enemies. Moving on, Sweeper is one of the weaker characters in the game which is why he works for trap duty. However, his passive ability will increase the fire rate of turrets in the room which is why he makes this squad too. Finally, Cartie is kind of set up like a turret because she has that Gatling weapon. Also, if she is in the presence of the Crystal Bot, it gains an attack like a turret which is useful for defense.

4 The Crystal Bot Protectors

Bunker, Cartie, And Comrade

A squad consisting of Bunker, Cartie, And Comrade in Endless Dungeon

This team, comprised of Bunker, Cartie, and Comrade, will be the ultimate defense squad to keep the Crystal Bot alive. Bunker is a robot but one of the good ones. He’s a bit slow to move around with, but that’s because he carries around a giant shield which is obviously used for defense. His ultimate ability makes Bunker become invincible for a period and this also means he cannot move.

Players can station Bunker next to the Crystal Bot and envelope it in this shield while firing shotgun-like blasts from Bunker’s Boomstick weapon. Now, as mentioned before, Cartie can give the Crystal Bot an attack. A Chip upgrade in Endless Dungeon, called Robotics Professor, will make Cartie an even more valuable member of this squad. The Chip will increase the Crystal Bot’s attack and defense by 25% and speed by 10% if Cartie is in the same room. Finally, Comrade will be good simply because of his turret abilities.

3 I’ve Got Your Back!

Fassie, Shroom, And Zed

A squad consisting of Fassie, Shroom, And Zed in Endless Dungeon

Finally, it’s time to introduce a whole new squad of characters consisting of Fassie, Shroom, and Zed. This squad is made up of heroes who will strengthen the core of the group. Fassie is a Hand Gun hero and is the bartender back at The Saloon. His special allows him to throw beverages at allies which will increase their attack power. His ultimate attack is booze-based as well but it will turn enemies against each other like the Confuse spell in RPGs like Final Fantasy.

Shroom is the healer of the game and is also a Hand Gun hero. Shroom can throw things at allies too but his skill will heal them. His ultimate will create a healing circle that follows Shroom while running around. Finally, Zed is a Heavy Gun hero with a strong attack power. Besides that, Zed’s ultimate is music-based and its usefulness is two-fold. It will increase attack power for allies surrounding her and it will also weaken enemies thus making them easier to kill.

2 The Hand Jive

Fassie, Shroom, And Sweeper

A squad consisting of Fassie, Shroom, And Sweeper in Endless Dungeon

The previous squads were all based on some kind of strategic setup to make life easier for this tower defense game. The last two of these instead think outside the box to create just a good team of heroes with unique skills that play off of each other well. This team, for example, which is comprised of Fassie, Shroom, and Sweeper, are all Hand Gun Users. Creating a team of Hand Gun users will eliminate Heavy Gun weapons from rotation, thus giving players a better chance to get good stuff.

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These three heroes should be given different elemental guns so that they can have specialties. It doesn’t matter who gets what gun but these are the four to look out for. Blinder is a light-based weapon that is good against Blurs. Metataser is electric-based and are great against robots. Sparkler is a fire-based gun and it can reduce bugs to nothing. And finally, the Pest Spray can melt Blobs with its acidic affinity. Overall this is just a good team for Shroom’s healing alone.

1 Light ‘Em Up Boys!

Blaze, Cartie, And Zed

A squad consisting of Blaze, Cartie, And Zed in Endless Dungeon

This last team should be comprised of Blaze, Cartie, and Zed and it is the opposite of the previous team because these are all Heavy Gun specialists. The same strategy can be applied above to these heroes with players focusing on elemental charges. The only difference is that two of the heroes can have elemental affinities. Cartie, for example, has a passive ability that boosts electric abilities.

That’s why she should get a gun called the Mobzapper. Blaze, on the other hand, can get a Chip upgrade called Running Hot. This will increase the attack power of fire weapons he wields by 50%, which is huge. The best gun in the game is called Campfire and it is also fire-based. For Zed, she can either go for acidic weapons or ones with the power of light. For acid, players should go with the Acid Hoser and the Photon Cannon is a good light Heavy Gun weapon.

endless dungeon new
Endless Dungeon

PC , PS5 , PS4 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , Xbox One
October 19, 2023
Amplitude Studios
Tower Defense , Roguelike , Shooter