Endless Dungeon has a lot of avenues players can traverse down to upgrade their experience. That’s great to see in a roguelike, as a lot of them have a rather stingy pathway, asking players to “git good” to bypass any challenges they may come across. While in the titular dungeons, players can gain two types of currency: Scraps and Chips.

Endless Dungeon: Beginner Tips and Tricks

Endless Dungeon can be difficult to clear, but even the meanest of challenges can be beaten with some foresight and a solid plan.

Every hero in Endless Dungeon has the potential to equip three Chips at any given time. Chips range in usefulness from basic stat boosts to more complicated passive abilities. For all eight playable characters and the Crystal Bot, here are the ones players should strive for.

8 Nanocrystalline

Crystal Bot

Nanocrystalline chip upgrade in Endless Dungeon

Nanocrystalline is a mouthful of a chip upgrade for the Crystal Bot. For a refresher, the Crystal Bot is what players have to defend in the game. It is the stand-in for the tower in a standard tower defense game. Now, the most important thing in a tower defense game is a sound strategy to keep the main resource safe.

Nanocrystalline is a great way to do that because it will increase the Crystal Bot’s health by 50%. Health upgrades also exist for Cartie, Comrade, Bunker, and Zed, but Crystal Bot should take top priority.

7 Rolling Stone

Crystal Bot

Rolling Stone chip upgrade in Endless Dungeon

Rolling Stone is an odd name for this chip upgrade for Crystal Bot as the tiny machine does not all of a sudden turn into a ball like Samus in the Metroid franchise. Another character, Cartie, actually does have a ball move like that, though. Odd names aside, Rolling Stone will increase the Crystal Bot’s speed by 15%.

The normal speed for the machine is painfully slow, so every little speed boost will help keep it safe as it journeys across the map. Other characters can also increase their speed with chips, such as Blaze, Shroom, Bunker, and Zed.

6 Eat Your Carats

Crystal Bot

Eat Your Carats chip upgrade in Endless Dungeon

Eat Your Carats is another weird name, but a punny one at that for the Crystal Bot. This chip will allow players to begin a run with a mod Crystal upgrade ready to go. These upgrades for the Crystal Bot are temporary and randomized, so it’s hard to know what players will get initially.

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They could get something cool, like a way for the Crystal Bot to heal or perhaps a deflection technique that will return damage back to enemies. Crystals can otherwise be mined at certain spots on the map, but this will usually put the Crystal Bot in rough situations in Endless Dungeon.

5 Robotics Professor


Robotics Professor chip upgrade in Endless Dungeon

Moving on from the Crystal Bot, technically, Robotics Professor is a chip upgrade for Cartie. Cartie is one the Heavy Gun heroes of the bunch, and despite her small size, she can carry gigantic guns. This chip will benefit the Crystal Bot if Cartie is in the same room as the machine. The attack and defense strength will go up by 25%, and the speed will be boosted by 10%, too.

If players decide to divide and conquer a map in a co-op session, then the player who chooses to be Cartie should guard the Crystal Bot with their life as they will make a great combo.

4 Pamphleteer


Pamphleteer chip upgrade in Endless Dungeon

Pamphleteer is a chip upgrade for Comrade, another Heavy Gun hero. Comrade will probably be the last character that players will recruit, which will take some time, as is common in a roguelike. One of Comrade’s special abilities allows him to produce turrets without using Industry Production resources. Initially, he can produce two and change where they are set up on the fly.

Pamphleteer will increase the turret stock by one. Another good chip upgrade to combine with this is called Power of Rhetoric, which will increase their attack power by 25%.

3 Running Hot


Running Hot chip upgrade in Endless Dungeon

Running Hot is a chip upgrade for yet another Heavy Gun character, Blaze. This four-armed hero looks like he came straight out of the Old West, and his gun-happy mentality would back that theming up. Now, there is an elemental weakness system similar to the Pokemon series in Endless Dungeon.

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Bugs, for example, are weak to fire. Heroes don’t have elemental affinities, but guns they can find sure do like the Heavy Gun called Campfire. Running Hot will increase Blaze’s attack power with any fire weapons by 50%, making him a great hero for bug runs.

2 Soul Hash


Soul Hash chip upgrade in Endless Dungeon

Soul Hash sounds like some good southern cooking down at the Waffle House. In Endless Dungeon, though, Soul Hash is a chip upgrade for Shroom, and it is not food-related. Shroom is the healer in the game, making Shroom an invaluable part of any team. Shroom has two healing abilities, with his ultimate creating a giant healing circle around the party.

The normal healing skill will show Shroom throwing Souls at other characters for a bit of a health boost. Soul Hash will then increase the initial stock of Souls by two when players enter a level.

1 Pistolero


Pistolero chip upgrade in Endless Dungeon

Pistolero is a basic chip upgrade that will increase attack power by 20%. Fassie is one of the characters that can gain this ability, but so can Shroom and Sweeper. The commonality between the three characters is that they are all Hand Gun heroes. While Pistolero may not be a fancy skill, benefitting the group in a large way like the upgrades for Crystal Bot, there is nothing more classic than an attack boost.

After all, the stronger one is in battle, the harder enemies will fall. This applies to all types of genres, from tower defense/roguelike experiences like Endless Dungeon to standard action games like Dark Souls. Power over defense is not a strategy every player will go to, but it works here.

Endless Dungeon was released on October 19, 2023, and is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Endless Dungeon

PC , PS5 , PS4 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , Xbox One
October 19, 2023
Amplitude Studios
Tower Defense , Roguelike , Shooter