
  • Endless Dungeon is a pseudo roguelike tower defense game set in the same world as Dungeon of the Endless.
  • Players can unlock Beverages in the game, which are modifiers that can be enabled or disabled to change gameplay.
  • Each Beverage has its own unique effects and trade-offs, offering different gameplay experiences and challenges.

Endless Dungeon is a pseudo roguelike tower defense game set in the same world as another beloved indie game, Dungeon of the Endless. In this spiritual successor sequel game, players will need to steadily climb down this abandoned Space Station that a whole cast of colorful characters just can't seem to escape from.

8 Hidden Gems On Steam You Never Knew About

There are well over 30,000 games currently available on Steam. Unfortunately, many quality indie titles have slipped through the cracks.

As players make more progress in Endless Dungeon, they'll unlock Beverages, which are essentially modifiers they can enable or disable to change up a playthrough or even to add more challenge. Let's go over all of the Beverages that Fassie at the Saloon has to offer, and which ones are the best.

7 Bloody Melee

Shoving Things Literally Gives You Life

Endless Dungeon - Bloody Melee Overview At Bar



Unlock Method

Bloody Melee

Medkits no longer heal the player but make them invincible for 10 seconds after being used. Additionally, players get -100 percent defense and +10 Life Steal on Shove.

Defeating Bug Momma

Sadly at the bottom of the list is one of the more interesting Beverages that Endless Dungeon has to offer, Blood Melee. Bloody Melee, when enabled, makes it so that players will die much faster and medkits no longer heal them.

But, in exchange, they get a big boost to lifesteal on shoving enemies and they become invincible for 10 seconds when using medkits. It's an odd payoff, as it'll feel great in the early floors of a run. But, as players get further down and the enemy count (and boss count) begins to increase, the lack of defense and window to actually safely shove enemies becomes more and more apparent.

6 Pepper Punch

Turn Those Turrets Into Death Machines (That Need Babysitting)

Endless Dungeon - Pepper Punch Overview At Bar



Unlock Method

Pepper Punch

+50 Percent Turret Damage, +20 Percent Turret Defense, Turrets now deal 100 of their own damage to themselves per shot.

Defeat Shelldiver

By far this is one of the best beverages to use for any Comrade players out there since their whole gimmick is placing Turrets and their ability to do so doesn't have a cooldown. However, this Beverage was likely designed with primarily environmental turrets in mind, and that's a bit tougher to play around.

Endless Dungeon: Beginner Tips and Tricks

Endless Dungeon can be difficult to clear, but even the meanest of challenges can be beaten with some foresight and a solid plan.

To successfully stay alive while this Beverage is enabled, players in solo will want to keep their turrets close to them at all times or research heavily into Diagnosticators to passively heal turrets as they damage themselves. In a Team Squad multiplayer session, they can switch it up a bit and split the team up to monitor their own groups of turrets within different areas. Regardless of what strategy a team picks, the Wit stat goes a long way when this Beverage is enabled.

5 Silent Punch

For The True 'Elite' Gamers

Endless Dungeon - Silent Punch Overview At Bar



Unlock Method

Silent Punch

Mini-Map, Tactical Map, Wave Staus, Red Sector, & Border Marker UI Elements removed/disabled, but players get +30 Percent Speed and +20 Percent Hero Attack Damage.

Defeat Red Dead Eye

This next Beverage is one that's in a small subcategory of 'ultra sweaty' Beverages that players who are exceptionally skilled (or think they are) at Endless Dungeon will benefit the most from. The speed and damage buff of this Beverage is huge, but the downside in how much information they lose access to overall is typically not worth it.

That said, once players get familiar enough with the game, room layouts, and all the other small visual clues the game gives them, this Beverage is a bit easier to handle. Still, a very risky one to enable, and not one that anyone would recommend to a newer player.

4 Medkit Megashake

Expensive Medkits That Are Absolutely Worth The Cost

Endless Dungeon - Medkit Megashake Overview At Bar



Unlock Method

Medkit Megashake

+100 Food cost to buy Medkits. When a Medkit is used, for 15 seconds afterward +50 Percent Hero Defense, +20 Percent Firerate, +50 Hero Attack Damage, and +20 Percent Speed.

Unlocked as Part of Shroom's Questline

It makes sense that this next Beverage is a part of the healer Hero, Shroom's, questline, given its effects. Basically, when enabled, players are going to be much more intentional with their medkit use, and they'll likely be buying a lot fewer Hero upgrades at the Upgrade Stations that can appear anywhere within the Station. However, outside of these Upgrade Stations, the Food resource isn't used all that often, at least compared to Industry and Science, so the downside of medkits costing twice as much isn't all that bad in the grand scheme of things.

3 Harvey Headbanger

Trading Raw Damage For Raw Intellect

Endless Dungeon - Harvey Headbanger Overview At Bar



Unlock Method

Harvey Headbanger

+25 Percent Wit, +3 Industry per door opened, +15 Percent Speed, +60 Percent Knockback, -90 Hero Attack Damage.

Defeat the Last Boss (Eriaudy)

The Harvey Headbanger beverage is absolutely the Beverage of choice for any player who seems to dig the tower defense aspects of Endless Dungeon more than the twin-stick shooter aspects. Additionally, on a few specific Heroes, namely Comrade, Fassie, and Sweeper, this Beverage can essentially turn them into instant Turret full-healing (and boosting) machines.

Wizard With A Gun: Best Bullets, Ranked

There are a wide variety of different 'spells', otherwise known as Bullets, in Wizard with a Gun, with each one serving a vastly different purpose.

But, as far as downsides go, this Beverage is probably the most severe. The absurd damage debuff basically makes it almost impossible for a player or group of players to get by with their weapons and skills alone. Instead, they'll have to focus almost entirely on their Turret Research, Turret upkeep, and on finding the optimal Turret placements for each floor.

2 For Those Who Wish To See What Cannot Be Seen

Ignore Tower Defense, Become Hero Shooter

Endless Dungeon - For Those Who Wish To Be Seen Drink Overview



Unlock Method

For Those Who Wish to See What Cannot Be Seen

-50 Percent cooldown for Hero Active & Ultimate Skills, -50 Percent Damage on all Turrets.

Unlocked as Part of Fassie's Questline

For the next Beverage, this one has an absurdly long name and it's also pretty much the exact opposite counterpart to Harvey Headbanger. Instead of heavily nerfing the player's Hero damage and buffing Turret damage, FTWWtSWCBS does the opposite by making Turrets half as useful but enabling players to use their Active and Ultimate Skills about twice as often.

This can have a huge impact on a team that includes Heroes like Shroom, Cartie, Zed, or Blaze but it's at the very least useful for just about any Hero. However, it needs to be restated that this is a tower defense game, so the nerf this Beverage makes to Turrets is going to make a lot more of an impact during gameplay than most players likely expected.

1 Tea Of Myriad Outcomes

For Those Who Hate Keeping Generators Running

Endless Dungeon - Tea of Myriad Outcomes Overview At Bar



Unlock Method

Tea of Myriad Outcomes

Generators now select their resource randomly, +100 Percent Generator Max HP

Defeat the Last Boss (Eriaudy)

Personally, this is our favorite Beverage, and thankfully it's also inarguably the number-one choice across the Endless Dungeon player base overall. One of the most irritating things about Endless Dungeon is something that players won't really discover until at least their second or third run, and it's the act of having to constantly keep Generators alive. Generators, for those who are unaware, are these objects players can interact with to boost a chosen Resource output for every door opened in the rest of that floor, which can have a huge impact on the course of a run overall.

This is all to say that it's worth fighting off swarms of monsters mid-wave to keep them from breaking the Generator. But, with Tea of Myriad Outcomes enabled, these Generators last a lot longer and are very rarely destroyed early on in a wave, giving players plenty of time to defend them. The random resource selection downside for these Generators might seem rough, but as long as players are using their resources wisely, it shouldn't make or break a run.

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Endless Dungeon

PC , PS5 , PS4 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , Xbox One
October 19, 2023
Amplitude Studios