Endless Dungeon will have players skulking through an ominous space station while blasting through never-ending waves of monsters. Even when aided by big guns, turrets, and a laundry list of other meta upgrades, failure is still a possibility, especially when the creeps start crawling through every hole, teleporter, and gestation pod in the map.

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There's more to Endless Dungeon's gameplay than mindless shooting, and players need to take everything they do into account if they ever want to make it out of the Station alive. Here are some tips on how to do just that.

Endless Dungeon is hosting a closed beta test from Sept. 7 to Sept. 18. The following tips are based on the information, mechanics, and balancing present in the beta test, but they are expected to remain viable even after the game's full release.

Divide and Conquer

endless dungeon devotion garden

A group can have up to three characters at a time, and players may notice that one gun supported by a couple of turrets is usually enough to hold a room. With that in mind, splitting up is often the best course of action when a monster wave is about to hit and players need to protect more than one important building.

Solo players can order individual teammates to hold a room by holding down the Spacebar and selecting a chosen character's portrait. Just don't forget to recall them once the attacks have subsided.

Open Doors and Calculate Risks

endless dungeon escort crystal bot

It's best to assume that there's a monster spawner behind every door. Instead of recklessly opening every bulkhead in the station, players should do their best to try and explore in only one direction at a time. This limits the number of directions that monsters can possibly attack from, allowing players to concentrate their defenses on a few key rooms.

This doesn't mean players should avoid opening doors after finding the exit, though. Keep in mind that resources are earned every time a door is opened, so the best way to go about this is to find the exit, set up a protected escape route, and then open the rest of the doors on the floor before moving on.

Hot Swap Weapons

endless dungeon combat scene

There is a wide variety of weapons in Endless Dungeon, and they all have different strengths and weaknesses. Ammo may be unlimited, but there are some weapons that take some time to reload or cool down before they can be fired again.

Luckily, swapping guns will not cancel these reload times, which means players should always be swapping to their secondary weapon after firing off a big blast from hard-hitting railguns or rocket launchers. This method also allows for rapid heavy weapon shots if players find guns that have relatively short reload times.

Get All The Upgrades

endless dungeon equipment

Characters can be upgraded inside and out of the dungeon. Players can spend Food to earn perks during a run, and there's a plethora of other upgrades waiting to be unlocked at the Saloon.

Every advantage helps in Endless Dungeon, and players should make sure to grab everything they can.

Pick The Right People

Score screen in Endless Dungeon's CBT

While it's possible to get away with any combination of characters, picking the right ones can make a run flow much more smoothly. Ideally, the raiding party should have one DPS, one healer, and one support specialist to create a well-balanced party, as is the case with many other RPGs.

The starting trio of Zed, Shroom, and Bunker already fits this composition well. However, each character's strengths and weaknesses must be considered, so it may be best to bring someone like Comrade for his turrets, Blaze for his mines, and Fassie for his crowd control, depending on what players want to run with.

Use The Right Weapons

Fighting Bug Momma in the Endless Dungeon CBT

The damage types here aren't just for show — fire, lightning, light, and acid will do more or less damage based on what they're hitting. Blobs resist electricity but melt against acid, bugs can shrug off acid but are highly flammable, and bots can reflect light but can get short-circuited by lightning.

Each character can hold up to two guns at a time, so it's best to arm the squad with a variety of weapons so they can deal with every situation more efficiently. Kinetic guns (those that spit normal bullets instead of elemental rounds) have no bonuses, but they don't have any disadvantages, making them versatile picks.

Endless Dungeon releases on Oct. 19 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and Android.

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