Star Wars fans hoping for more of Emilia Clarke's Qi'ra may be disappointed. Though there have been no indications of a sequel to Solo, the actress quashed any news about her returning to other Star Wars projects.

Solo: A Star Wars Story wasn't the most successful of Disney's Star Wars efforts. It introduced Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo and was supposed to tell the origin story of the scoundrel, which began on Corellia, where he had met and dated Clarke's Qi'ra, later revealed to be an apprentice to Maul (Ray Park, Sam Witwer). Solo ended up floundering at the box office, and Ron Howard says Solo 2 is not a Lucasfilm priority, so this plot thread has only ever been picked up in comic form.

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Speaking with IndieWire about whether Clarke was pursuing a Star Wars return, she suggested it wasn't happening anytime soon. "I mean... no. That would be lovely, that would be very nice," Clark said. "I'm genuinely having a wicked time on Marvel, though, they're absolutely brilliant." Given that she knows nothing of a potential return, that means it is incredibly unlikely for Qi'ra to show up in another live-action Star Wars property like The Mandalorian anytime soon.

Solo A Star Wars Story Qira

Clarke will also be fairly busy working on Marvel Studios' content. She was cast in Secret Invasion, where Clarke is rumored to play the character of Abigail Brand. It's unknown if that obligation will stretch beyond Secret Invasion, but Marvel Studios tends to plan ahead just in case.

Clarke is on record saying she wants to stay on for the MCU after Secret Invasion. So, she may play a recurring role across Marvel Studios' multi-media empire. Clarke will star opposite Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury in Secret Invasion, and her continued association with the Fury would make sense. Abigail Brand is a SWORD agent in the comics, and she may be Clarke's focus for a while. If she isn't a Skrull, that is.

Qi'ra is also not the only role fans have been requesting of Clarke. Many have wondered if Clarke would return as Daenerys in a Game of Thrones spin-off series, such as the untitled Jon Snow sequel in development. For her part, it doesn't look like Clarke will return to that role anytime soon, either.

Solo: A Star Wars Story is now available on Disney Plus.

MORE: Star Wars: Solo Should've Been A Series & Obi-Wan Kenobi Should've Been A Movie

Source: IndieWire