Over the past few months The Flash star Ezra Miller has been involved in some very public bad behavior, and it's making DC fans wonder if he should still appear in projects as the scarlet speedster. In fact, some fans already believe Elliot Page would be better suited for the role.In some of these incidents, The Flash star Miller has found themself involved in two arrests in Hawaii, one for disorderly conduct and harassment and the second one for allegedly throwing a chair at a woman's head. Miller also has many other allegations of harassment and the most recent claim that the star had groomed a young girl starting back when she was age 12. There have also been talks of The Flash star housing a family with kids on his Vermont property, with allegations of the home having dangerous objects lying out, like guns and marijuana.RELATED: Ezra Miller Probably Won't Play The Flash Again In Future DC Films With all this negative publicity surrounding The Flash production, surprisingly, Warner Bros. executives have stayed quiet on the matter, which has led to more and more outcry from DC fans. Many fans have even given some suggestions about who should take Miller's place. One of the names circling among fans is Page, who’s starred in other projects like the The Umbrella Academy, Super, and is most well known for Juno. Many fans have taken to Twitter to pitch Page, saying he would make a perfect Barry Allen/The Flash.

As Miller continues to dodge authorities who are attempting to serve him with multiple protective orders for the family of the girl he allegedly groomed and another one for an undisclosed Massachusetts woman and her twelve-year-old child, the uneasiness about them keeping such a significant role continues to grow. With The Flash movie scheduled to hit theaters next year and production finished, Warner Bros. recasting the first film in The Flash franchise seems very unlikely considering they would practically have to reshoot the entire movie, which would cost the studio millions. However, there are chances that the role could be recast following the release of the solo film, and maybe the studio will consider using Page in the role as the fastest man alive.

As the release of The Flash film gets closer and press for the movie begins, Warner Bros. will ultimately be forced to make a statement, not just about their current Flash stars' multiple run-ins with law enforcement, but also their future plans regarding who will stand in the place of the fastest man alive in the DC Universe.

The Flash is currently scheduled to release in theaters on June 23, 2023.

MORE: Is DC's Schedule Shuffling A Sign Of Trouble?

Source: EvilRollo/Twitter