With the PlayStation 5 having officially released, successful comedian and celebrity Ellen DeGeneres attempted to make a joke regarding the speed of console releases compared to that of iPhones. Rather than talking about the PS5 directly, Ellen referenced a hypothetical PS6 in a joke that seems to have fallen flat with Twitter users.

With many gamers still concerned with getting a PS5, discussion around a potential PS6 seems a bit early. Still, Ellen made the joke anyway, quoting a fictional couple 200 years in the future. Ellen’s joke reads “‘Honey, have you seen my iPhone 378? I need it to preorder my PS6',” and it is safe to say that gamers as a whole did not approve of the attempt at humor. While the attempt at a joke garnered over 20,000 likes and 10,000 retweets, the 5,000 comments being mostly negative are a good indication that something went wrong in its delivery.

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SomeOrdinaryGamers’ Mutahar tweeted his own reply to Ellen’s joke, telling Ellen she should “ask Twitter to add a laugh track function so it can mask the unfunny.” CallMeCarson, another big YouTuber known for humorous content, replied to the tweet with a gif showing a man dropping his phone and falling over in his chair due to something he’s seen. While Ellen may be an award-winning comedian, she seems to have missed the mark on this Twitter joke.

Many of the people that found the joke unfunny filled the comments of the tweet with jokes of their own, most of which were aimed directly at Ellen. One Twitter user posted a picture of Arthur Fleck's failed comedy routine from the movie Joker, while another highlighted the word "comedian" in Ellen's Twitter biography. With some clever PlayStation-related memes and silly gifs thrown into the mix as well, the truly funny aspect of this PS6 joke is the responses that were made to it.

Despite two high-profile content creators and hundreds of gamers calling out Ellen for her poor judgment regarding the joke’s posting, the gaming community still had more shots to fire at the talk show host. YouTuber Chris Ray Gun went above and beyond, though, posting a short video in response to the tweet. Sporting a fake laugh and saying “oh, I get it,” the video was a perfect example of the exact reaction the joke did not get. With all the negative responses, it is safe to say that Ellen’s latest attempt to connect to the video game community did not go as well as having Ninja on her show.

Hopefully, gamers enjoy playing on the PS5, because they could be playing on the latest PlayStation console for the next two centuries if this joke from Ellen DeGeneres proves true.

The PlayStation 5 is now available.

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