The universe of Elite Dangerous is chock-full of ancient relics in civilizations across different planets and star systems just waiting to be discovered. And for players who want to take their exploration game in Elite Dangerous to the next level, perhaps pursuing upgrades for their ship in the form of Guardian Modules can be an enticing endgame option.

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In Elite Dangerous gameplay, Guardian Modules or remnants of the ancient Guardians, a civilization driven to the point of extinction by their own robotic creations. At the hands of the right user and alongside the right components, Guardian Modules can transform ships into juggernauts in both battle and exploration. However, just how can players secure the Guardian Module Blueprints they need to even get their hands on these much-coveted items?

Why Get Guardian Module Blueprints

Guardian Modules in Elite Dangerous

With space travel being a core emphasis in Elite Dangerous gameplay, players who want access to more powerful gear in their ships shouldn’t neglect accessing Guardian Modules. These modules come from the Guardians, a humanoid species driven to extinction by their own creations, the Constructs. Given the rare status of Guardian Modules, they provide significantly more efficient upgrades on ship components, boosting a player’s performance in both outer space exploration and combat.

However, as with other rare items and components in Elite Dangerous ships, Guardian Modules aren’t easily acquired. In fact, players need to acquire Guardian Module Blueprints first, and then unlock the option to craft these weapons via the Technology Broker. However, players can’t just buy these modules from the Broker, as they need to unlock them via Guardian Module Blueprint Fragments first.

Guardian Module Unlocks

When players acquire enough blueprint materials, the game may let them access a myriad of Guardian Module options that can significantly boost the performance of their ship, be it a small Elite Dangerous spaceship or even large ones. Once players unlock these Guardian Modules, they can be permanently purchased from any Technology Broker. These parts are as follows:

  • Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster: This is an optional internal module that gives a flat boost to the overall jump range of the player’s ship.
  • Guardian Hull Reinforcement Package: This module gives a boost to a ship’s hull integrity as well as its Thermal and Caustic Damage Resistance based on a flat value.
  • Guardian Hybrid Power Distributor: This gives a boost to capacitor recharge rates but in exchange for generating additional heat on top of lower capacitor capacity.
  • Guardian Hybrid Power Plant: This gives 32-percent more power compared to other power plants of the same class. It does generate more heat and more mass.
  • Guardian Module Reinforcement Package: This reduces the overall damage that the ship modules receive from weapon hits. It also provides additional protection against forced module reboots and HUD scrambling.
  • Guardian Shield Reinforcement Package: This gives a flat value increase to shield generator strength.

Guardian Module Blueprint Fragments

Guardian Site being harvested for materials

Before players acquire their favored Guardian Modules to upgrade their Elite Dangerous gameplay, they need to get its necessary Guardian Module Blueprint. However, players are only able to acquire them through Guardian Module Blueprint Fragments, which they can also only collect through Ancient Data Terminal Sites.

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Once acquired, players need to trade these Blueprint Fragments with the Technology Broker in order to acquire the Blueprint that they wish, after which they need to locate special materials to fulfill the needs of creating their desired items.

The Hunt For Guardian Modules: Ancient Data Terminal Sites

An Ancient Ruin inside a Guardian Site

When players are on the hunt for Guardian Modules for their Elite Dangerous gameplay, they need to first access Ancient Data Terminal Sites. These are located with Guardian Structures, which are ruins of the various advanced buildings created by the Guardians during the apex of their civilization. While abandoned, these Guardian Structures hold various treasures and wonders, particularly Ancient Data Terminals and the Guardian Sentinels that protect them.

Take Note Of Planets

What's more interesting is how Guardian Structures are often found in distant star systems in Elite Dangerous, with extremely specific planets. Players interested in acquiring Guardian Module Blueprint Fragments and other components may want to take note of planets of interest, as they contain their own Guardian Structures and different formats of Ancient Data Terminal Sites. Here are the planets in question:

  • HD 63154 (Planet B3A)
  • Synuefe NL-N C23-4 (Planet B3)
  • Vela Dark Region DL-Y D112 (Planet 1A)
  • Synuefe GT-H B43-1 (Planet C4)
  • COL 173 Sector GS-J B25-4 (Planet D2)

Creating Guardian Modules: The Crafting Items

Hunting for Guardian Modules

Similar to various functional modules in Elite Dangerous, fans of the game still need to make the effort to find the parts necessary to craft their respective Guardian Modules. In that regard, they need to find ways of obtaining certain crafting materials exclusive to Guardian-based items. Here's a quick rundown of what each of those crafting items is, and where they're generally found:

Manufactured Material

Another component needed in creating Guardian Modules is Manufactured Materials, which are the same as the ones players need to use in the Engineering portion of Elite Dangerous. They are relatively easy to find within the game and should be one of the most accessible items to craft. Specific to Guardian Modules are these parts, which can be obtained after looking at specific areas:

  • Pattern Obelisk Data: Numerous Pattern Obelisk Data become available upon scanning Ancient Obelisks, and take the form of Encoded Materials.
  • Guardian Power Conduit: These are obtained inside Guardian Structure areas, either from interacting with other objects or destroying Sentinels
  • Guardian Sentinel Wreckage Component: This is obtained upon destroying Guardian Sentinels
  • Guardian Power Cell: Players acquire this from Destructible Panels inside Guardian Structures
  • Guardian Technology Component: These are often available when players interact with Destructible Panels


Similar to Manufactured Materials, Commodities are easily acquired as they can be bought on the Station Market. Any market that has a Commodities Market can be used to acquire Commodities, so players simply need to take note which ones their components require. This can work not just for Guardian Modules but also weapons and even vessels regardless of their build, be it a trading ship or an Elite Dangerous PVE spacecraft.

Guardian Module Farming Route

Guardian Site being explored by vehicles

When players pursue their hunt for Guardian Modules in Elite Dangerous, they need to form a farming route somehow regardless of the planet they aim to collect items from. This is because players have to engage in a specific mini-game as soon as they get to the planet in question.

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While Synuefe NL-N C23-4 (Planet B3) is the most ideal due to its relatively accessible map and abundance in materials, most planets require certain approaches for successful farming routes. Here are some things to consider:

The Farming Necessities

The Diamondback being customized for exploration

Before players proceed to farm in any Guardian Structure, they need to secure certain items in order to ensure they have a smooth-sailing farming process. Here are things players need, all of which are designed to cater specific situations:

  • Diamondback Explorer: While the Diamondback Explorer isn't a necessity, any ship with a high-enough jump range should do the trick given the time-sensitive nature of the mission.
  • SRV x2: Players need a core SRV for surveillance and a backup SRV for combat.
  • Point Defence Systems: Positioned in Utility Slots, these are designed to deal with Guardian Sentinels in the area.
  • SRV Synthesis Materials: Certain mechanics in Guardian Structures need synthesis materials. It's ideal for players to bring at least 6x Iron, 6x Nickel, 8x Phosphorus, and 14x Sulfur.

The Farming Run

A vehicle farming for Guardian Module Blueprint Fragments

When players have their materials on hand, they may be prepared to proceed to the farming process. Each farming run should take 30 minutes, depending on how Elite Dangerous players explore a particular planet's structure. The progression should be similar to most planets and work with this route:

  • Initial Phase: In this phase, players should tour the area if they still need to in order to get a gist of the overall surroundings. Once players are ready, they should go their first Unraised Pylon and step on the "X" in front of it. This will trigger the Pylon and release Guardian Sentinels. Dispatching them will have them drop items, and the Pylon will wait for activation. Once players shoot the Pylon enough, it should release a light beam that triggers a Timer.
  • Scan Available Pylons: Some Pylons contain a glowing blue obelisk with ancient symbols. Players should use their SRV's Data Scanner to scan them, which releases a Pattern Data.
  • Charge Available Pylons: Players should also try to charge Pylons they see as soon as possible. This should release some Guardian Sentinels to attack them, which players should destroy and acquire their drops.
  • Get The Ancient Relic: During the player's tour around the planet, they're likely going to notice towers rise from the ground. One of them is available for destruction, and this should drop an Ancient Relic and stop the timer.
  • Activate The Mechanism: After getting the Ancient Relic, players need to check the site for a machine where they can release the Ancient Relic. This should open up the machine and release a blue globe, which players should scan with their SRV's Data Scanner.
  • Secure The Destructible Panels: After activating the mechanism, the various towers around the site should glow blue. Players should shoot these and get more item drops.
  • Repeat: Players can repeat the cycle by getting out of the area by traveling a few hundred meters away, logging out and logging in, and then repeating the process.

Elite Dangerous is available for the PC, Xbox One, Playstation 4

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