Apple TV Plus has recently dropped a brand-new trailer for its upcoming crime thriller series, Shining Girls. The series stars Golden Globe-winning actress Elisabeth Moss in the titular role. The show follows a Chicago-based journalist named Kirby Mazrachi, who is somewhat in denial of the heinous assault that she experienced years prior. Mazrachi ends up being confronted by a murder with creepy similarities to the assault that was inflicted upon her.

She ends up teaming with crime reporter Dan Velazquez (Wagner Moura) in order to unmask the killer’s identity. Within the clips from the new Apple TV Plus trailer, Mazrachi becomes haunted and consumed by the memories of her assault. She begins to become heavily detached from the world. She finds herself struggling to carry on in what appears to be a time-warped reality. She witnesses the faces of her own loved ones and pets seemingly shape-shift constantly - nothing remains the same.

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She begins to put the pieces together that her attacker may be responsible for this apocalyptic time-bending. Mazrachi starts to believe that she has been stalked by the same shadowy figure since she was a little girl. Shining Girls is based on the best-selling novel of the same name, written by Lauren Beukes. The book centers around a Depression-era recluse, who feels he must murder the shining girls in order to continue his travels.

The show was eventually adapted for the screen by showrunner Silka Luisa. Beukes and Luisa are also both executive producers for the eight-episode series, along with Leonardo DiCaprio, Moss, and several other stars. Rounding out the impressive cast is Jamie Bell, Philipa Soo, and Amy Brenneman. This upcoming role most definitely seems to be right in Moss' wheelhouse. Her popular role in The Handmaid’s Tale, which earned her an Emmy and Golden Globe Award, seems quite similar to the character of Mazrachi.

They are both radical, revolutionary women who are committed to holding abusive men within a patriarchal society accountable. Out of their horrific moments throughout their womanhood, they both seem to unearth hope for the injustice of it to end one day for future generations to come. They are both modern-day heroines.

Shining Girls premieres on April 29th, 2022, on Apple TV Plus.

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Source: Apple TV Plus