No open-world game is complete without characters that bring it color. When it comes to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the developers did a fantastic job of adding characters that made players respond emotionally. Not only do these characters drive the story, but they also complete the universe of the game.

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Each character is unique, with their own purpose, but not all characters are equally well-liked by fans. From being annoying to saying the same thing over and over again, many NPCs tend to drive fans of Skyrim crazy. Others, meanwhile, are just simply iconic.

10 Liked: Jarl Balgruuf

Skyrim Jarl Balgruuf

All of the Jarls in Skyrim are pretty cool characters, but there's no one quite like Jarl Balgruuf, the head of Whiterun. Not only is he the first Jarl players are likely to get in touch with, but he also plays a central role in the main quest of the game.

Balgruuf is also special in the sense that he's the wild card of the civil war quest line, and perceives himself to be above bigger politics. All he cares about is the city of Whiterun and its people.

9 Hated: Farengar Secret-Fire

Farengar is the court wizard of Whiterun and one of the earliest NPCs who can sell the Dragonborn enchanting and magic-related items. He'll also send them off to fetch something from Bleak Falls Barrow and often treats the Dragonborn and other visitors with slight arrogance.

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Farengar's attitude is pretty typical for a wizard. However, he's seen as annoying precisely because he depends so much on the Dragonborn's hard labor, despite considering himself above them.

8 Liked: M'aiq The Liar

There's no character quite as iconic as M'aiq the Liar, a Khajiit in yellow robes that can be met in multiple locations around Skyrim. Although he serves no real, important purpose in the grand scheme of things, his entertaining dialogue has made him a fan favorite.

M'aiq is notorious for his incapability of telling the truth. Most of his stories are outrageous lies and gossip, with little foundation in actual truth.

7 Hated: Maven Black-Briar

On the list of Skyrim characters many fans would pay real money to kill, Maven Black-Briar often comes up pretty high. The arrogant woman and matriarch of her family business basically holds Riften in a chokehold.

She's rude and judgmental towards the Dragonborn, and sees them as nothing more than workforce to do her bidding. Too bad she's an essential and can't be killed without mods.

6 Liked: Neloth

Players with the Dragonborn DLC will have no doubt met Neloth at some point. An extremely talented wizard and a member of the famous House Telvanni, Neloth is quite a capable magic user, and he knows it. His arrogance, however, is just as annoying as it is entertaining.

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Neloth's dialogue is some of the best comedy in Skyrim, and it showcases his mindset, which is completely detached from reality. Wizards do tend to be a bit unhinged.

5 Hated: Heimskr

Whiterun sure is full of these memorable characters, including Heimskr the crazed preacher speaking in favor of Talos. This guy will literally stand in the same spot at the entrance to Dragonsreach and just blabber on about his favorite god for hours.

It's no wonder players grow tired of him eventually, as he just shouts about his beliefs all day without giving others peace.

4 Liked: J'zargo

Skyrim Jzargo In Snow

In the College of Winterhold, one of the new apprentices along with the Dragonborn shows quite a bit of promise. J'zargo, the sly and overly self-confident Khajiit mage, believes himself to be a gift to the world, a diamond in the rough. Competitive and eager, he just has a special edge.

Although most arrogant characters are irritating, there's something charming about J'zargo's cunning personality, which has made him one of the most well-liked followers.

3 Hated: Cicero

Skyrim Cicero Modded

As cloying as he is hated, Cicero is a member of the Dark Brotherhood that arrives to the Falkreath Sanctuary to disturb its peace. Almost immediately, no one seems to like or trust him, and they'd be right not to, given what he thinks of the sanctuary's politics.

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Cicero is very obviously a bit insane, extremely annoying due to his constant jesting and giggling, and suspiciously eager about everything. It's no surprise many players choose to eventually kill him.

2 Liked: Paarthurnax

Skyrim is full of highly wise characters, but none of them are quite like Paarthurnax, one of the dragons who originally betrayed Alduin to side with mankind. As a dragon, Paarthurnax is nearly immortal and has seen much during his lifetime. It's that timeless wisdom of his that makes him so charming in the eyes of players.

Some of the most popular quotes from the game also come from Paarthurnax, who truly makes the player think. His philosophical approach and the heartbreak many feel when asked to kill him prove he's without a doubt the most loved character.

1 Hated: Nazeem

Finally, the character that makes every player's blood boil as soon as they set foot in their very first big city in Skyrim, is obviously Nazeem. This man has driven players to their wit's end with his sassy and completely unnecessary attitude, to the point where many confess to killing him almost instantly.

Before laying hands on Nazeem however, keep in mind he's required for a quest, so it's best to wait until everything's completed before beating him in broad daylight.

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