The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is a game jam-packed with mysteries, lore, and knowledge in every cave, Dwemer ruin, and general store. Players could easily play the full game without finding every fragment of history. While one epic event was crucial in the creation of the conflict that defines Skyrim as a game, it is difficult to get the full story without doing some serious sleuthing across the continent. Anyone who has learned a shout at the Throat of the World or uncovered the mask of Rahgot in the ruins of Forelhost has encountered ancient Skyrim lore, even if they didn't know it

Some bookworm players might have found a book called The Dragon War in the Greybeard Monastery at High Hrothgar or in the Ratway Warrens. This short book is a religious text that summarizes the ancient war between dragons and humankind. Evidence of this conflict can be discovered throughout Tamriel, but there is very little written knowledge about the war in the game. While Skyrim players can experience the game in whatever way they want, having knowledge of the Dragon War is sure to enrich their experience of Tamriel, whether it's their first playthrough or their tenth.

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The Atmorans and Ancient Dragons of Skyrim

Skyrim Everything To Know About The Dragon War Cover

During the Merethic Era, a group of Atmorans - now known as Nords - settled in Tamriel and began to worship animal totems. Among the many totems, Atmorans regarded the dragon totem as the most powerful. This was because dragons once lived in vast numbers across Tamriel, and could be found in every corner of the world. Seeing dragons as representations of the gods themselves, many Atmorans - mirroring those in the established "Dragon Cult" - began to worship living dragons, with Alduin thought of as the god-king.

Alduin has been mentioned in several Elder Scrolls games, and with good reason. Alduin was thought of by ancient Nords as being related to the god Akatosh, the chief deity of the Divines. Alduin and the other dragons of Skyrim believed themselves superior to all other species, including the Nord and the ancient Mer, known in modern Tamriel as Elves. Instead of ruling over mortals directly, dragons gave power to specific dragon priests in exchange for servitude. These Dragon Priests became king-like figures, ruling with total impunity, while the rest of Tamriel became slaves.

The Dragon War Allows Mankind to Learn Thu'um

Blue image from Skyrim showing the Dragonborn shouting at a frost troll.

Soon after dragon priests took power, Nords began to rebel. Their first attempts at rebellion were swiftly crushed. This began the Dragon War, as thousands of mortals fought and died while fighting against the dragons. Nordic legend states that the goddess Kyne - deemed the "Mother of Nords" - intervened and sent the dragon Paarthurnax to aid humankind in their fight. Paarthurnax, who previously served as Alduin's lieutenant, professed that Alduin's claim of godhood was false, causing many to turn against him. Paarthurnax and his dragon allies taught humankind how to use Thu'um, a powerful form of draconic magic.

With knowledge of Thu'um, the Nord rebels swiftly turned the tide of battle, winning the Dragon War and banishing Alduin from the plane of existence. Knowing that his lust for power would always remain a temptation, Paarthurnax remained in the Throat of the World. Jergen Windcaller created "The Way of the Voice," a pacifist creed that preaches for the Thu'um to be used only for worship and not combat. Windcaller eventually built High Hrothgar and founded the Greybeards in the Throat of the World, where the Thu'um could be perfected and protected from future corruption.

Players can find evidence of the Dragon War throughout Skyrim, especially in the main quest line. The quest line tasks the Dragonborn - gifted with the power of Thu'um - to protect the world from Alduin, who has mysteriously returned to Nirn and raised an army of dragons to attack once more. Within the context of the first Dragon War, it is clear that not only are players tasked with slaying dragons, but they are also preventing mortals from becoming slaves once again. While Skyrim has always been epic, the undercurrent of prophecy and ancient history grows stronger when players know what legacy they follow.

The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim: Anniversary Edition is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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