
  • The Blades play important roles in several games in The Elder Scrolls series and have a long history on the planet of Nirn.
  • They were formed after the formation of the Reman Dynasty and have been the protectors of the emperors of Tamriel.

The Blades are an organization that plays important roles in several games in the Elder Scrolls series. Their most noticeable appearances have been in Morrowind,Oblivion, and Skyrim, though they have appeared in other games in the Elder Scrolls universe. Their history on the planet of Nirn also goes back further than many players realize.

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Usually appearing in the role of an intelligence service or as bodyguards, The Blades are tied quite closely to the Septim dynasty and the emperors of Tamriel. Though, many aspects of their origin and purpose are only ever hinted at vaguely.

Updated August 10, 2023 by Jake Fillery: The Blades are an important addition to Skyrim, and perhaps all of Tamriel. Without the Blades, it’s safe to say that the Dragonborn would be fairly clueless, and somewhat defenseless. The Blades have a long history, and fans of Skyrim and especially The Elder Scrolls will want to know the importance of this guild of proud warriors and dragon hunters that have given Tamriel their protection for centuries. Players may not have known much about the Blades before Skyrim, but their importance cannot be understated. It’s best to learn the Blades’ history, whether that be as a friend, foe, or just an avid knowledge keeper so that players have the power as the Dragonborn to invest their minds in things they didn’t know about the Blades.

17 Akaviri Invasion


During the First Era, the Akaviri attempted to invade Tamriel. The Akavir come from a continent to the east of Tamriel, where little else is known about them other than what was seen from their invaders. These Raiders of the First Era invaded for unknown reasons. Whether it was to expand their empire, to find battle, or simply to explore the unknown. However, what is known, is that they were stopped on their first invasion thanks to the help of Lyrisius, the champion of Boethiah. Although, this is a questionable legend, like most things in Tamriel.

It was within this first Akaviri Invasion that the book ‘Rise and Fall of the Blades’ details Reman Cyrodiil’s voice booming with such power that they surrendered on the spot, proclaiming to him that he is Dragonborn, the one that they invaded to seek. The Akaviri joined the Dragonborn and helped to create the Reman Dynasty.

16 Emperor Protectors

Skyrim Emperor Mede

The earliest version of the Blades was formed after the formation of the Reman Dynasty. This was seen when Reman Cyrodiil, the Dragonborn, was named the Emperor after the Battle of Pale Pass. In this battle, the First Akaviri Invasion ravished Tamriel, until the Dragonborn made them surrender willingly due to his power being that which they seek.

Ever since the earliest days of the Reman Dynasty, the armies of Akavir have protected the Dragonborn, and his bloodline, hence why they would continue to protect the Emperors that followed Reman. Even if they did not possess the power of a Thu’um.

15 Failed To Protect Uriel Septim The 7th

Emperor Uriel Septim VII Oblivion

One of the most important tasks beheld by the Blades was the protection of the Emperor. They were the personal guards for a reason. Yet, The Oblivion Crisis saw them fail for the first time since records could prove. Uriel Septim the 7th was killed, as were his sons. This saw the end of the Third Era, in which the Blades suffered a great loss to their order with no Dragonborn to serve, and no purpose to provide them with life.

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These secret agents of the Dragonborn were hopeless and without cause with the death of Uriel Septim the 7th. The Oblivion Crisis was just the beginning of their demise, and the fact that they failed to protect him, only made them weaker when it came to their gravest threat: the Thalmor.

14 Hunted By The Thalmor

Thalmor Prisoner Escort

It would make sense for the Thalmor to try and snuff out any remaining members of the Blades. After all, the Blades were competent, proud, and fierce warriors that could easily defend themselves and the Dragonborn, dedicating their lives to the Empire. They were prime targets of the Thalmor once they rose to power, hence why they have been hunted for years at the request of the Aldmeri Dominion.

These Altmer supremacists want to outlaw the worship of Talos and disband the Blades by force. Whether that’s because the Blades have close ties to Talos, or because the Blades were a great espionage asset of the Empire. Without the Blades, the Thalmor have free reign with little political repercussions in the way.

13 Cyrodiil Headquarters

Elder Scrolls Online Cyrodilic Jungle House exterior

Sky Haven Temple is an abandoned base for the Blades located in Skyrim. However, their main area of function was in Cyrodiil, thanks to the Cloud Ruler Temple. This temple is where the history of the Blades was formed. From the very first entry of the Dragonguards and Reman Dynasty to the last of the Septim Dynasty and the Blades.

Despite the importance of this Cyrodiil base, it was laid waste by the Third Aldmeri Dominion, who slaughtered everyone inside. Perhaps one day the Blades will grow in strength again to retake the temple. But the blind arrogance of the Blades and their refusal to grow without the death of Paarthurnax makes it unlikely.

12 Acilius Bolar

skyrim character blades armor

An important member of the Blades that deserves recognition is Acilius Bolar, a warrior who met his death with honor as he attempted to fight the Aldmeri Dominion. Bolar was the only known survivor of the Thalmor attack at the Blade headquarters of Cloud Ruler Temple. It was after this that he traveled to Skyrim, and left his sword, Oathblade, and a writ at a statue of Talos located in Bloated Man’s Grotto.

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What happened to Acilius Bolar is one of the many secret tragedies of the Blades, and how their order and legacy were all but destroyed by the Thalmor. It is with the Last Dragonborn that the Blades hope to return to power and restore the purpose and history of their order. Hopefully, Acilius Bolar will be one of many that have their name remembered.

11 Hate Of The Greybeards

Skyrim Arngeir Greybeards

There is much distrust between the Greybeards and the Blades. The Greybeards’ leader, Paarthurnax is a dragon, and they learn and meditate on the Way of the Voice, an ancient dragon language. This stands against what the Blades desire from a dragon-free world, and they believe that the Greybeards are just a cult that tries to prevent the Dragonborn from unlocking their true power.

However, the Greybeards believe the Blades to be untrustworthy, and diverters of the Dragonborn and their purpose on the Way of the Voice. This lack of trust and respect creates tension between the two factions, leaving the Dragonborn with an ultimatum between the two.

10 The Paarthurnax Problem

Skyrim Paarthurnax on the word wall

This ultimatum from the Blades and the Greybeards comes from the dilemma with Paarthurnax, the leader of the Greybeards, and an ancient dragon who sits upon the Throat of the World. Paarthurnax was a dragon of great evil once upon a time. He was one of Alduin’s greatest allies, before betraying him for more meditative and peaceful processes. Yet, the Blades see Paarthurnax as an enemy who has evaded justice.

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The Last Dragonborn has a choice to make when it comes to killing Paarthurnax in Skyrim, and a true ethical dilemma. Do they forsake the Blades, an organization that was built to serve the Dragonborn? Or do they betray the Greybeards and essentially wipe out their teachings by killing their immortal leader? It is a conundrum that has plagued many and speaks truth to the surface and misguided truth of the Blades.

9 Had Different Member Rankings

Within the organization, there are three main ranks. The first, which all initiates are classified as upon joining, is Knight Brother/Knight Sister. These individuals make up the bulk of The Blades' forces.

Next are the Chroniclers, who are responsible for keeping the missions of The Blades secret, but also assure that this information is never lost. Finally, there are Grandmasters; the ones in charge of recruiting new knights.

8 Used Akaviri Armor & Weapons

The Elder Scrolls Tsaesci

The Blades are tied quite closely with non-Tamriel sources. During the later parts of the First Era, Tamriel was invaded by forces from the eastern continent of Akavir, specifically the snake-people of Tsaesci. The Empire of Cyrodiil was quite small at the time, but they were still able to defeat the Tsaesci. Seeing their might and the potential for an alliance, the emperor of Tamriel at the time, Reman I, granted amnesty to many of these former foes. He gave some individuals prominent positions in court and the military, which benefitted the empire in the long run.

This even resulted in many Akaviri traits, both biological and cultural, being ingrained into the emperor's surroundings. This included the armaments of The Blades, who became guardians of the emperor until the end of the Third Era.

7 Are Referenced By Skyrim's Dragon Scale Armor


Although the Akaviri armor worn by The Blades looks much more like samurai attire from the real world, there are similarities to parts of the dragon-scale armor that players can craft in Skyrim.

To start, the hip and upper leg protection looks very close to that of The Blades' warriors in Oblivion. As do the guards on the forearms and the abdominal area's plating. Furthermore, the helmets are also the kind that covers the entire head, yet have the facial areas open.

6 Were Established During The Second Era

Map of Tamriel Elder Scrolls

For context, the events of Skyrim take place during the Fourth Era and those of Oblivion during the Third Era. Being such an old organization means that there is a lot of history and legend woven into the lore of The Blades.

One of The Blades' most significant acts during the Second Era was when they assisted the emperor Tiber Septim during the Battle of Sancre Tor when Cyrodiil's forces were combating those of the Nords from Skyrim and the Bretons of High Rock. Cyrodiil came out on top, likely due in part to the assistance from The Blades.

5 Aided The Nerevarine

During the events of The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, the player takes the form of a prisoner at the start of the game. But, over time, The Blades will seek out this prisoner and will realize that they are the prophecized reincarnation of a hero from the First Era known as the "Nerevarine."

Together, the player (as the Nerevarine) and The Blades work to face the threats facing the province.

4 Failed An Invasion Of Akavir

Early during the Third Era, under the emperor Uriel Septim 5th, The Blades were charged with some dire duties. The emperor wanted to expand his reach beyond Tamriel and looked to the eastern continent of Akavir. He sent The Blades to gather information about this faraway land, which they did, but not very well. They returned to Tamriel with reports indicating the ease with which the land of the Tsaesci could be taken.

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Having no reason to doubt this information, Septim launched an expedition across the sea to conquer Akavir by first establishing a foothold in the lands of the Tsaesci, but things when wrong. Not only did the weather devastate many of the invading forces, but the serpent-men of Tsaesci were much more powerful than anticipated and repelled Tamriel's forces back into the sea.

3 Parted Ways With The Emperors

Emperor Uriel Septim VII in TES 4

During the cataclysmic events at the end of Oblivion, the line of emperors was shattered. The Blades were formed during the reign of Tiber Septim and served every Septim to ascend to the throne since the Second Era. However, as Martin Septim perished during his epic battle with the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon, this bloodline came to an end; as did the Third Era.

With no more Septim emperors to serve, The Blades stopped aiding the rulers of Tamriel at the end of this era in favor of returning to their dragon-slaying ways of old.

2 Make Potions From Dragon Remains

Potion bottles in skyrim

Following the discovery of Alduin's Wall and a few other important main quests, the Dragonborn can start a new one when speaking with The Blades scholar Esbern in Sky Haven Temple in The Reach. The elder will ask the player to acquire a dragon scale and a dragon bone for a unique and powerful potion.

Upon returning with the ingredients, Esbern will concoct a special draught that gives the Dragonborn 25% resistance against the mighty melee attacks of all dragons.

1 Appear In Their Own Game

the elder scrolls blades wallpaper

In a strange marketing choice, Bethesda decided to make The Elder Scrolls: Blades almost exclusive to mobile devices. While it has also appeared on consoles via VR as well as being released on the Nintendo Switch, Blades has not had a wide release like many other Elder Scrolls games.

Because of this, fans of the series did not give this entry too much attention. At least some players have been able to walk in the boots of a Brother/Sister Knight once more in The Elder Scrolls: Blades.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available now on PC, PS3, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

NEXT: The Elder Scrolls: Things That Make No Sense About The Lore