
  • The iconic stealth archer build in Skyrim is popular due to insane damage potential, flashy kill cams, and first person gameplay.
  • One player attempts to fire an arrow, the Skyrim kill camera triggers, showcasing an accidental kill.
  • Achieving a full set of Daedric Armor and weapon requires time and effort, with high level Smithing skills needed for crafting.

While attempting to shoot down a wolf in the distance, a Skyrim player's arrow finds its mark on an altogether different beast. Over twelve years have passed since Skyrim launched, and players have perfected a plethora of builds that suit a variety of playstyles. However, few have been as iconic as the stealth archer, and it's a classic that both newcomers and The Elder Scrolls veterans can enjoy.

The insane damage potential, the flashy kill camera, and first person gameplay are a major reason why archer builds in Skyrim are so popular, and this is further supported in the game by powerful weapons such as Zephyr, Daedric Bow, Auriel's Bow, or even Bound Bow from the Conjuration tree. However, the Dragonborn isn't always pinning down dragons from the sky, and more often than not, players encounter wolves, trolls, and bandits while roaming the wilderness of Skyrim.

Skyrim Bear Saves Player from Frost Troll

One Skyrim player discovers and shares a random encounter in the game that ended up saving them from a vicious fight with a Frost Troll.

Skyrim Player Accidentally Slaughters Innocent Rabbit

Clad in a full set of Daedric Armor, and sporting an enchanted Daedric Bow, raekaa attempts to kill a wolf from a distance, sharing a video clip of the event on the Skyrim subreddit. However, just as raekaa looses the bow, the kill camera in Skyrim triggers, and the arrow sails past the original target, travels across a wide distance, before piercing the leg of a rabbit. While the kill camera will undoubtedly produce unexpected moments for stealth archers in Skyrim, this may well be one of the unlikeliest kills that the Dragonborn can perform.

Curiously, Skyrim tracks the number of bunnies slaughtered, and raekaa's kill would certainly count. Though it should be noted that raekaa is playing a modded version of Skyrim for the Xbox Series S, their feat is certainly achievable through vanilla gameplay. However, obtaining a full set of Daedric Armor and a matching weapon takes considerable time. Daedric weapons and armor only start to appear after Level 46 and Level 48, respectively. On the other hand, forging them requires Smithing at Level 90, as well as Daedra Hearts and Ebony Ingots.

An alternative to the Daedric Bow could be the Dragonbone Bow, and though Dragon Bone is more readily available than Daedra Hearts at early levels, crafting a Dragonbone Bow in Skyrim requires Smithing to be Level 100. Though it's quite unlikely that Dragonbone weapons will make a return in The Elder Scrolls 6, Daedric weapons have long been a staple of the franchise, and will almost certainly play a part in the highly anticipated sequel.

elder scrolls 5 skyrim cover

PC , PS3 , Xbox 360 , Xbox One , Xbox One X , Xbox Series S , PS4 , PS5 , Switch
November 11, 2011
M for Mature: Use of Alcohol, Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes