While most players are familiar with the iconic ten races of The Elder Scrolls, there are a number of different races that exist in this universe. Some of these races have played vital roles in the lore of the games to eliminate great threats, some are evil, and others are on the brink of extinction.

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It’s unlikely Bethesda will add any new playable races to the game considering it’s been almost 20 years since the last race, the Orcs or Orsimer, were added to Morrowind. That being said, here are some of the many races that would be fun to play as.

10 Tang Mo

Tang Mo elder scrolls

The Tang Mo are a race of ‘monkey people’ living in an area known as The Thousand Monkey Isles in the region of Akaviri. Not a lot is known about the Tang Mo. Like other beast races, they have frequently been hunted for use as slaves and are known to be simple but brave folk. They are said to routinely fight off the Kamal, snow demons, every summer.

Alongside the reptilian Argonians and the feline Khajiit, the primate Tang Mo would be a good addition. From a lore perspective, the Tang Mo could function as strong hand-to-hand warriors or monk-like characters.

9 Lilmothiit

Lilmothiit Elder Scrolls Mod

Lilmothiit mod by Tyroine.

The Lilmothiit are a beast race that resemble foxes. They used to reside in the Black Marsh though they left for unknown reasons, possibly driven out by the Argonians. It’s also said that most of if not the entire race was wiped out by the Knahaten Flu.

They have been mentioned multiple times throughout the series and is one race that fans frequently want to see. They could be a fun addition serving as ideal Witchhunters or Nightblades employing both stealth and magic.

8 Ka Po’Tun

Skyrim KaPoTun

The Ka Po’Tun are tiger folk that inhabit Akavir. Their leader is said to be capable of turning into an orange and black dragon. They are separated into the Red and Black tribes. They are known to be fierce warriors and are dedicated to conquering Akaviri and then Tamriel.

The Ka Po’Tun would be a strong warrior type similar to Nords, Orcs, or Redguard. Granted, this race would be similar to Khajiit in many ways, but it would serve as a contrast similar to how Nords and Imperials are different.

7 Imga

Skyrim Mod Clyde The Ima

Clyde the Imga follower mod by muppetuppet.

The Imga would be the Nords of the monkey world. Imgas are ape-men who live in Valenwood. Interestingly, they are one of the few races who actually admire the Altmer and seek to be like them, in spite of the years of oppression and in some cases slavery. They also have a strong distaste for all humans.

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In spite of their large size, they are incredibly dexterous. They are often known to wield swords and duel for their honor, which would make them ideal Knights or Crusaders.

6 Xivilai

Oblivion Mods Xivilai

Xivilai are an intelligent form of Daedra that live in the plane of Oblivion. They share a lot of similarities to Dunmer in that they are resistant to fire and can summon lesser Daedra to assist them in battle. The difference is that these beings are stronger, tougher, and more brutish.

Admittedly it would be tough to justify them as a playable race considering they would draw hostilities from all other races. Though this could lead to interesting gameplay and story, perhaps one that embraces a more villainous route to completing the main quest.

5 Reachmen

Reachmen elder scrolls

The Reachmen are a very tribal race of humans who inhabit the southwestern area of Skyrim known as the Reach. They wield hedge-magic which allows them to poison or corrupt nature, and they can dominate lesser beasts and beast-folk. They commonly embrace lycanthropy and worship Hircine.

As a playable race, the Reachmen would be similar to a cross between Bosmer and Orcs. Wild Barbarians with some druidic magical abilities that would make for interesting gameplay. It’s also built into the lore considering the Forsworn.

4 Ayleids

The Elder Scrolls Ayleid

The Ayleids or Heartland High Elves were the rulers of Cyrodiil for many years. They are considered a more barbaric and crueler version of Altmer, though they are just as if not more intelligent than their paler peers. Their ruins with powerful magical artifacts litter Tamriel.

This is another race that would draw hatred from all others. They would be magically gifted with some skills in traditional combat. They would make ideal Sorcerers for instance.

3 Snow Elf

Skyrim Snow Elves

Snow Elves were once a race as powerful as the Altmer before being dominated and enslaved by the Dwemer. This enslavement and intentional poisoning by the Dwemer led to a splinter race being formed known as the Falmer, blind and savage beasts that bear many similarities to Goblins.

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Some unaffected Snow Elves survived, though their numbers have dwindled significantly. They could serve as a more magically inclined version of Dunmer with resistance to Frost.

2 Dwemer

Skyrim Dwemer

The Dwemer were a technologically advanced race that resided deep in the earth. Their armor, weapons, and constructs are highly valued among other races. The entire race, with the exception of Yagrum Bagarn, disappeared entirely with no knowledge of where they went, if they’re dead, or what their actual fate might be.

Having the Dwemer return or a small clan that didn’t disappear suddenly reveal themselves would make it possible to play as them from a lore perspective. They would be fierce warriors with some magical capabilities serving as ideal Battlemages.

1 Tsaesci

The Elder Scrolls Tsaesci

Perhaps the most interesting race to play as would be the Tsaesci. The Tsaesci are a race of vampiric serpents folk who tormented the other races of Akavir. While some records depict them as having the bodies of serpents, like the Lamia, others describe the Tsaesci as humanoids with scales instead of skin. It’s unclear if they are considered vampiric due to their tendency to feast on humans or if they genuinely have abilities similar to vampires.

They are described as fierce warriors using large daikatana blades and Dragonscale armor. This would make them like Redguards for beast folk or a militaristic version of the Dunmer. They are another race that would have immediate hatred among the others, especially if the Imga, Tang Mo, or Ka Po’Tun make an appearance.

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