It's an exciting time for fans of the Elder Scrolls franchise. Not only is The Elder Scrolls 6 in development, but the MMORPG, The Elder Scrolls Online, will soon be receiving a new expansion pack. The upcoming Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom is a departure from previous franchise installments, as it will heavily be Apocrypha. While some Skyrim fans have already encountered the realm of Oblivion in the Dragonborn DLC, this upcoming Elder Scrolls Online DLC is sure to explore the domain - and its forbidden knowledge - in even more depth and detail. Hopefully, Necrom will not only expand on Apocrypha but also emphasize the expansion's connection to the lore in Dragonborn.

Within the almost decade-long legacy of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, the Dragonborn DLC remains one of the most celebrated adventures in the game. Not only was the main storyline focused around the first Dragonborn Miraak and his connection with Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora, but it allowed players to explore Apocrypha for the first time. Given the lack of focus on Dragonborn lore in The Elder Scrolls Online, it will be interesting to see how the upcoming expansion will connect existing threads of mythology and history to what fans and gamers have previously experienced.

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The Realm of Apocrypha Calls Players Back to Hermaeus Mora and The Danger of Hidden Knowledge

Skyrim Hermaeus Mora

While the Dragonborn DLC introduces a bevy of new content for Skyrim, the most ambitious addition might have been allowing players access to Apocrypha. The realm of Oblivion is home to Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of knowledge and memory. Entering the domain requires the last Dragonborn to travel to Solstheim and find several mythical Black Books. When each book is found, the player is transported to Apocrypha, a twisting and ever-morphing eldritch library of sorts. The level design in this area is heavily focused on puzzles, combat with Seekers and other native creatures, and exploring the winding shelves containing the thousands of books belonging to Mora.

It appears that the Necrom expansion will have a connection to the Dragonborn DLC and that the realm of Apocrypha itself may look just the same. For instance, early gameplay clips of the Elder Scrolls Online expansion pack feature a refined but similar take on the environmental design of the domain and the creatures living there. Hermaeus Mora will also be returning to the upcoming expansion, with players working to help the prince protect devastating hidden secrets from falling into the wrong hands. With confirmation that players will indeed be exploring the depths of Apocrypha, it's also likely that the new Arcanist class may be inspired by some of the perks received from Skyrim Black Books.

The Skyrim Dragonborn DLC Could Provide Hints About What ESO: Necrom's Version of Apocrypha is Hiding

apocrypha in skyrim

While the third and final Skyrim DLC allowed players to explore within Apocrypha, the gameplay was primarily designed around tracking down Miraak, the first-ever Dragonborn. Players may stumble among the mythical Oghma Infinium, a powerful Daedric artifact and tome of knowledge that the last Dragonborn is gifted upon being named Hermaeus Mora's new champion in Skyrim. The Artificer class could use the powers of the Oghma Infinium - or a more mysterious artifact - to perform their magic. This would make sense given the artifact has appeared in The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall and The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.

There is also the possibility that players could stumble upon the last known location of Miraak and even possibly the battleground where he and the last Dragonborn fought. It would be incredible to have that direct callback in the upcoming expansion. What remains to be seen is how Necrom has tied in Morrowind's city of the dead to the existing lore around Apocrypha and Hermaeus Mora. Given there is still quite a bit more to learn about the Daedric Prince and his realm, players will be embroiled in quite a cosmic adventure.

The Elder Scrolls Online is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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