
  • Pick the Arcanist as a character class for a unique and satisfying gameplay experience with powerful spells and strategic abilities.
  • Get a companion to make the journey in ESO less lonely and more exciting. Companions provide valuable dialogue and assistance in combat.
  • Invest in a mount to save time on travel and make exploring the vast world of Tamriel more convenient. It's worth the investment, even if it's just a low-tier mount.

Though it definitely had a rocky launch, The Elder Scrolls Online has blossomed into an epic MMORPG. It lets fans explore the vast range of the Elder Scrolls universe, sinking hundreds of hours into the deep lore of Tamriel. As enticing as that sounds, they have to start somewhere.

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The first ten hours of Elder Scrolls Online are pivotal. They lay the foundation for the rest of the experience, letting players work out which skills they want and how they want their characters to look. While their journeys are entirely up to them, there are certain tasks that they should focus on. These milestones make the experience objectively easier. In turn, fans are more likely to keep playing and not quit out of frustration.

5 Pick The Arcanist

The Arcanist in The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom

The most recent character class came with the Necrom expansion, and it's arguably the most fun of all. The Arcanist's enjoyment stems from harnessing the energy of Apocrypha. This manifests as various spells. Of course, there are standard defense and healing moves, but the class also has some truly twisted magic never seen in ESO. Players can sweep the arena with demonic tentacles or blast enemies with cataclysmic beam attacks. They can also open interdimensional gates, letting them (and their friends) teleport around the area. These tricks are unconventional yet extremely satisfying in how they mix up the typical ESO gameplay. They're not just for show, though.

These spells can also be more powerful. As players cast magic, they build up crux charges. They can then use these charges to amplify their abilities. This mechanic encourages fans to stay in the action and rewards them for doing so. They use those rewards how they see fit, thereby adding more strategy to each encounter. It's one of the many subtle ways the Arcanist distinguishes itself.

4 Get A Companion

Companions in The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls series is about finding one's own adventure. As such, players are on their own most of the time. Such solitude can get lonely, and fellowships are a treasured trope of the fantasy genre. Because of that, some entries let players recruit an NPC companion.

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ESO is among these entries, and would-be adventurers should take advantage of this opportunity. The companions here all have unique dialogue about numerous scenarios, providing some intriguing perspective in the moment and making the world feel more alive. In addition, that world is less daunting with an ally by one's side. Companions are a potential saving grace in combat, especially when outnumbered.

Fans even determine how effective their partners are. Each companion comes with gear and abilities to equip, and players pick ones that complement their characters. Not only does this create a killer team, but it adds a whole new layer of customization. One wishes that Elder Scrolls utilized party mechanics more often.

3 Buy A Mount

A tiger mount in The Elder Scrolls Online

As in real life, players travel on foot by default. It can be extremely tedious, particularly when backtracking or trekking to a distant destination. Tamriel is a big place, after all. Fans can't always rely on the Fast Travel function. Thankfully, as in most open-world titles, ESO has a convenient solution.

Fans simply acquire a mount. The game has a few ways to do this. Players can buy one from a stable with their in-game currency. Alternatively, they could fork over real money to get one from the Crown Store. Those short on cash earn one automatically at Level 10. Depending on how adept gamers are at MMORPGs, they might achieve this in a few hours. The resulting mount may be low-tier, but it's still better than walking. However they're attained, mounts save a heap of time on travel. Fans can then put that time toward more exciting exploits.

2 Focus On Quests

A Necrom quest in The Elder Scrolls Online

A core appeal of Elder Scrolls is going anywhere and doing anything. That remains the case here, albeit not in the most consistent fashion. Fans freely enter any main questing areas, such as Skyrim or Morrowind. Each comes with hundreds of quests--both story chapters and side missions. That's good since gamers should stick with them for most of their playtime. Not only are they the most surefire way to rack up experience and level up, but they're also the most reliable in terms of performance.

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Detractors have lambasted ESO for its stability issues. Much of that is justified, and nowhere is it more apparent than in Cyrodiil. This area serves as the PvP zone. In moments of high traffic, the frame rate could slow to a crawl. For that reason, it's best to visit it sparingly.

1 Inventory

Item management in The Elder Scrolls Online

A staple of RPGs--MMOs in particular--is looting. Players earn various weapons, armor, and other materials. They then use these to buff up their characters or accumulate more money. Sadly, they hit a roadblock once they reach maximum capacity.

That's why ESO fans should invest in a larger inventory. To do this, they visit pack merchants and purchase more bags. It may seem like a waste at first, but fans will be surprised at how quickly their inventory fills up. Moreover, few things are more frustrating than seeing a valuable treasure and being forced to leave it behind. Having enough space means players can keep the stuff they find and reap greater benefits in the process.

The Elder Scrolls Online is currently available for PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series S/X.

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