Companions take the solo adventure that Elder Scrolls games bring to the table and make it more cooperative. In Elder Scrolls Online, they are the second line of attack to help players fight through the landscape of enemies. Companions not only provide backup but help create more opportunities to trap the enemy and make big challenges a little more manageable.

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Mirri Elendis is one of only two companions available in Blackwood, making the player's choice of skills even more important. Depending on the build that's most effective in the team, everyone will have a different list of skills for her. However, the most effective skills for dealing damage and opening up the battle are usually the most successful. The following skills let her deal the most damage in the smallest amount of time.

6 Elemental Barricade

ESo, companion skills

A great combination of offense and defense, this skill will create a wall of elemental magic that protects the party. Not only will Elemental Barricade distance players from their enemies in times of need, but it will also damage anyone that tries to get past. This skill is a double-edged sword that can be used as a distraction for other attacks, or as a prime opportunity to heal up without having to worry about fatal blows.

The best perk is that the attack and cooldown timeline up nicely, meaning there is always an opportunity to barricade on the field. The 18-meter range would be the only thing the group has to get used to in battle. Gamers can play around with the dimensions to learn what's safe and where the most damage can be slung at the enemy. The best skill in any battle is one that opens up possibilities, which the Elemental Barricade does very well.

5 Shadow Slash

Mirri Elendis Skill

Sometimes the best way forward is to keep things simple without any distractions. Shadow Slash cuts straight to the point and delivers a big hit in under half a second, knocking the opponent off balance for an additional 7 seconds. Not only does it set Mirri up for a combination move, but it allows the player to prepare a final attack while the enemy is disoriented.

The speed will also interrupt the enemy's attack and cut the healing time in half. Since this skill unlocks at Rank 1, there should be plenty of time to commit Shadow Slash to a whole string of setups. The only issue with the skill is its lengthy cooldown, which puts more pressure on players to choose the best time to strike.

4 Life Absorption

Elder Scrolls Online, Companion Skill

The skill's name gives its purpose away. With Life Absorption, Mirri Elendis will deal a decent hit of damage while healing herself or a teammate for double. The heal is almost as much as her regular skill damage, giving players a two-for-one deal. The most impressive aspect is the skill's range. Since it can fire from 28 meters, Mirri doesn't even have to get into the danger zone to execute.

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Being able to choose who gets to receive the heal is incredibly useful. Redirecting the health to another ally is sometimes crucial in a battle. This becomes especially apparent when the party's tank is taking all the damage. Life Absorption makes sure the heavy hitters don't get taken out doing their job.

3 Haste

Eso, required armor skill

A skill with some conditions, Haste only works if Mirri is wearing five pieces of light armor at the time. Luckily, that fits right in with her stealth assassin build. Haste is an important skill for those that like to be technical with their companions, using every skill to maximum advantage. It will reset all cooldowns for every move, giving players a clean slate to plan a new wave of attacks.

With her skill set, Mirri Elendis can capitalize in a big way with this refresher, dealing serious damage to even the most formidable foe. A shot at two strings of combinations together is something that most players can't afford to turn down, especially with the speed Mirri brings to the battle.

2 Twilight Mantle

Eso, COmpanion Skill

This is another healing skill, but this time it's focused on Mirri, healing her health while shrouding her in shadows. Completely invisible to the enemy, Twilight Mantle restores 25% of her maximum health, allowing players a break from the onslaught. This is also good news for those who need to use Life Absorption on other characters, since there's a completely separate heal in the chamber.

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Not only does this skill eliminate some of the danger from a big attack, but it can also be used offensively to position the team for a slick counterattack. The advantage of being invisible gives players more options to attack from. They can cut through the offense and take control of the situation.

1 Impeccable Shot (Ultimate)

Mirri Elendis Ultimate Move

This ultimate move is another two-pronged attack. Impeccable Shot weakens the enemy before delivering a blow three times as powerful as the rest. The strongest attack in Mirri's arsenal by far, Impeccable Shot's 20% weakening effect turns the skill from a regular move to the best chance at a fatal strike.

It might be tempting to get a little trigger happy with the attack; however, it doesn't come cheap, costing 200 ultimate points to activate. Players will have to decide exactly when to unleash the fury and take the enemy out for good, ending the fight in style with one of the most effective companions in the game.

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