Black Marsh, also known as Argonia, is the homeland of the reptilian-humanoid race known as the Argonians in The Elder Scrolls. It is a dense swampland that can be dangerous to trek if one is not properly prepared. If it's not the natural environment that travelers have to be wary of, then it's the creatures that call this land home. This is an area that requires sharpened senses, for there is something dangerous in just about every corner.

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Despite the belief that Argonians are the only ones who can live comfortably in this land, non-Argonian races have managed to make a living in the harsh swampland. Here are some facts travelers should know about before exploring Black Marsh.

10 It Is Home To Two Unique Type Of Lycanthrope

10 Things About Black Marsh Lycanthropy Hircine

Most usually associate lycanthropy with werewolves that some might encounter throughout Tamriel, but there are two types that can be encountered in Black Marsh. In this province, werecrocodiles and werelions are two types of lycanthrope that stalk the swamps. While they aren't encountered as much as werewolves, they are confirmed to be real in the book, "On Lycanthropy" found in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.

9 A Deadly Disease Is Believed To Have Originated In Black Marsh

10 Things About Black Marsh Knahaten Flu

The Knahaten Flu was a deadly disease that is believed to have been created in Black Marsh. One theory of its creation involves an Argonian shaman who created it with help from the Hist. The disease started in the city of Stormhold in Black Marsh, then spread throughout Tamriel. It killed all non-Argonian races that were infected with it. Because the Argonians were immune to it, many outside races blamed them for the deadly disease. While it was not the deadliest disease known, it did plague Tamriel for 40 years during the Second Era.

8 It Was Home To Now Extinct Races

10 Things About Black Marsh Kothringi Extinct Races

The Kothringi were a human race that is assumed to be extinct after the Knahaten Flu outbreak. A Kothringi tribe in Shadowfen entered a pact with the Daedric Prince of Bargains, Clavicus Vile, to survive the flu. Clavicus Vile did help them live through the flu, but also cursed them by turning them into undead, immortal skeletons. During the events of The Elder Scrolls Online, this tribe can be encountered. As of now, it is unknown if the tribe is still there in Shadowfen or if their curse ended and passed onto the afterlife.

The Lilmothiit, also known as the Fox-folk, and the Orma, a human race born without eyes, also called Black Marsh their home. Like the Kothringi, both races are believed to have been wiped by the Knahaten Flu.

7 It Is Home To The Most Notorious Prison In All Of Tamriel

10 Things About Black Marsh Blackrose Prison

During the First Era, the notorious Blackrose Prison was created in the ruins of the city in a single day. This location was chosen because of its harsh climate and the Naga, a breed of Argonians that are known for their aggression against all non-Naga races. Non-Argonian races would not be able to trek through the harsh swamplands and if they were able to make it, they would certainly die at the hands of the Naga. The Blackrose Prison became the home of the worst criminals of the Empire. During the Second Era, the prison had been abandoned, and a group of renegades known as the Blackguards took over. The prison became their stronghold and housed their members along with vampires and undead.

During the Third Era, Blackrose Prison had been reclaimed by the Empire and was used to house criminals once again. Eventually, there was a large-scale prison outbreak and several prisoners escaped to the inner marshes of Black Marsh, but did not make it out alive.

6 It Has Never Been Fully Invaded

10 Things About Black Marsh Not Invaded

Though Black Marsh Empire, only a part of it has been fully invaded. Because of its harsh swampland environment, very few non-Argonian can safely trek through it. When Tiber Septim began his quest to conquer all of Tamriel, he brought Black Marsh into the Empire by treaty. Some believed it was simply because his army couldn't gain a proper foothold and the general fear of the Knahaten Flu.

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The region of Middle Argonia is known as the dark heart of Black Marsh. The center of Black Marsh is known to be uninhabitable for non-Argonian races due to toxic fumes and the swamp being so dense that siege weapons could not pass through.

5 It Was Home To A Notorious Pirate King

10 Things About Black Marsh Red Bramman Pirate King

During the First Era, the fringes of Black Marsh became a safe haven for thieves, pirates, and other outlaws. This eventually became such a problem that Empress Hestra sought to overthrow a notorious pirate known as Red Bramman. Red Bramman was an Argonian pirate that was known for his piracy against the Alessian Empire. He established a bandit kingdom deep in the swamps near Blackrose. After many unsuccessful battles against him, the Imperial Navy managed to get into his kingdom, and he was killed.

4 There Is A Unique Way Of Transportation

10 Things About Black Marsh Transportation

Black Marsh is known for being very different than any other province in Tamriel. Another way that makes it very unique from the others is the unique way of transportation. The Argonians don't use carriages to get around Black Marsh like the other races use to get around their home province. Instead, they use a creature called a Rootworm to get around. Travelers submerge themselves inside the Rootworm's stomach through their breathing holes.

It is said that the rootworms can travel from city to city in Black Marsh in minutes. Though in the stomach of the rootworm, it is said that one can live inside their stomachs for months as tough Argonian skin can withstand the acid.

3 No One Knows The Governing Body Of Black Marsh

10 Things About Black Marsh Government

Though Black Marsh Empire, no one really knows who governs Black Marsh. Several references throughout the games suggest that there is an Argonian king and a royal court, but very little is known about them. One thing that is known, however, is that some of the Shadowscales serve as personal assassins to him.

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Another group that is thought to rule over Black Marsh is the political group, the An-Xileel. The An-Xileel is an Argonian supremacist group that managed to save Black Marsh from being invaded during the Oblivion Crisis. Since they take their orders directly from the Hist, some believe they have some ruling power.

2 Their Economy Is Considered "Backwards"

10 Things About Black Marsh Economy

By Imperial standards, the economy of Black Marsh moves backward instead of forward like the rest of Tamriel. This is because it takes such a long time for farmers' goods to reach the Imperial province. By the time the goods reach their destination, they have rotted. Enormous investments have been made to improve the routes, but none have been successful. Despite all the money that's been put into improvements, it still takes about two and a half months for goods from Black Marsh to arrive in the Imperial province.

1 It Is Home To Very Deadly Creatures

10 Things About Black Marsh Deadly Creatures

While Black Marsh is a harsh environment naturally, the native monsters make it very deadly. One deadly monster is the Wamasu. The Wamasu are large, reptilian beasts with a tough exterior and are known for their deadly lightning running down their spine. Able to shoot lighting from the mouth, the Wamasu are fast and very dangerous for any traveler that's unprepared. Another monster is the Voriplasm, a creature that is a pool of green slime that can strip other animals and humanoids down to the bone in seconds. The Voriplasm can create mini-Voriplasms and even control the corpses of their victims by covering them in some of their essence.

Then there's the Swamp Leviathan, described as having nine-foot-long claws, large spines, and a jaw lined with tusks. They are known as massive aquatic predators that are feared and respected by the inhabitants of Black Marsh.

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