With the release of High Isles gracing Elder Scrolls Online, fans and beginners alike have flocked to the new region, trying all aspects they can get to, including World Events. World Events are cooperative elements of Elder Scrolls Online that allows the players to come together for a common cause. Sometimes it's stopping Molag Bal's anchors, other times it's fighting a huge dragon.

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Currently, there are six available World Events dotted around the map so it can be a challenge to find the one players both enjoy and find hard enough to introduce a challenge. After all, nothing is worse than getting into what was assumed to be a great battle only to fell the beast in a few seconds. Luckily, there are a few World Events that find that perfect balance a little better than others.

6 Dark Anchor

Dark Anchor

Dark Anchors are often considered to be beginner-friendly World Events. They are points in Tamriel where the legendary Molag Bal attempts to pull the region into his realm. He places anchors down and sends a vast amount of enemies to stop anyone trying to get in his way.

It sounds like it would be challenging and a race against time but this event just seems to be underwhelming after a few goes. It's incredibly easy for anyone of a high level, and even beginners will find this to be a bit repetitive if trying to complete them all. It's still great and worth doing but it's definitely not the best World Event in Elder Scrolls Online.

5 Abyssal Geyser

Abyssal Geysers in action

Working in a similar way to the Dark Anchors, the main idea around this World Event is to just hit everything in sight. It's a hack and slash that can reward you well or can be a waste of time. Nevertheless, it's set in a beautiful location and there aren't too many to complete if that's the main goal.

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Ultimately, set in Summerset, the Abyssal Geysers just feel like a copy and paste of Dark Anchors but with a bit more challenge thrown in. It's fun but still rather disappointing for higher leveled players.

4 Volcanic Vent

Volcanic Vents in action

Volcanic Vents are the newest World Events to be introduced to Elder Scrolls Online, coming into the game through the High Isle update. They are fire-filled chaos fights that lovers of hitting and hopping will adore. Just don't try and use any fire on them as it is the main element of this World Event.

Perhaps what sets this event in the middle of the pack is the fact that it's a recent addition and is still fairly new and exciting. It has the challenge many are looking for and is still the same style of gameplay fans are used to. It may get boring over time or it may get better, but that is yet to be determined.

3 Oblivion Portal

Oblivion Portals

As a rather unsuspecting World Event, many will either simply walk past it without noticing or will walk through the portal with little idea about where it leads. This portal leads to a fantastically deadly place that brings chaos, destruction, and a brand new place to explore.

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It almost feels just like a public dungeon but with more challenge to it and much better loot. And players get the chance to explore the realm they have landed themselves in a bit more making it longer, more exciting, and great for those who want to experience more chaos. That's definitely what they will get when experiencing the Oblivion Portal World Event. Chaos is one of the best words to describe this experience, along with a little bit of technique and a lot of power thrown in. It's not particularly beginner-friendly but with a large enough group who know what they're doing, this will definitely be possible.

2 Harrowstorm


These brutal storms can be seen for miles around and only foretells the death and destruction brought to Tamriel via a Harrowstorm. Perhaps one of the best elements of the Harrowstorm is how many people underestimate them. Make no mistake, while there may not be a plethora of enemies, players are likely to die at least once on their first try.

Fighting in this world event requires technique, watching the surrounding area, taking down what needs to be taken down, and avoiding the storm at all costs. It's deadly, thrilling, and a joy to experience.

1 Dragonscour


When it comes to playing a game like Elder Scrolls Online it wouldn't really feel complete without the ability to fight a dragon. This is one of the main reasons why the Dragonscours World Event is both so popular and so much fun.

Essentially, players can follow the Dragon on the map until it lands. Once it lands they will have to rush in and start destroying it. The dragon will unsurprisingly fight back and can easily be as deadly as it looks. Players will need to work together and it will be a struggle, but killing it is the ultimate satisfaction.

Elder Scrolls Online is currently available on PC, macOS, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Stadia.

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