The Elder Scrolls is a living world filled with history and events that concern cultures and beings from across a continent and dimensions. The first game in The Elder Scrolls series, Arena​​​​​​, was released in 1994 with its world map almost the same as it appears in modern games in The Elder Scrolls. As with all story worlds that become this massive with almost three decades of time to expand the lore, some parts of the world and history are more well-known among fans than others, especially regarding the content that Skyrim deals with, but much of the more obscure lore of The Elder Scrolls is just as compelling as the more mainstream lore.

Much of the more obscure lore in The Elder Scrolls can be found through in-game books throughout the games, some of which are consistent in the mainstream series, but others only appear as commentaries on in-game historical events after they have occurred in the timeline. These books are incredibly interesting because they tell a small part of the whole, whereas other pieces need to be found to make sense of the true picture as in real-life history. For example, the events and possible causes of the Accession War are discussed in the journal of Lymdrenn Telvanni, which can be found in Skyrim.

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World-Changing Events That Happen Across The Elder Scrolls


The Oblivion Crisis was the central event of The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and, though it only took place in Cyrodiil, the Crisis actually affected every Province of the Empire. The Hero of Kvatch and Martin Septim are known for permanently closing the Gates to Oblivion, but stories about ordinary people rising up against the invading Dremora are abundant in the books of Tamriel.

One example of resistance against the Dremora during the Oblivion Crisis was the An-Xileel Daedric Resistance in Black Marsh, where the Argonians organized an army that proved to be so effective that they invaded the planes of Oblivion and the Dremora lords were forced to close their Gates to avoid being overrun.

The Argonians managed to hold Black Marsh and prevented any other Gates from being opened until the Crisis had ended, being the only Province to do so. Part of their success was attributed to the Argonians' connection to the Hist, the most ancient beings in Nirn, and native to Black Marsh that take the form of trees. The Hist's connection to Nirn allowed them to predict the incoming invasion, and warned the Argonians of what was to come; this allowed the Argonians to prepare for a resistance despite the Empire recalling its forces from the Province.

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The Effects of a Stronger Black Marsh in Morrowind

Dagoth Ur in Morrowind

The success of the An-Xileel Daedric Resistance had a domino effect and resulted in a much stronger Black Marsh than before. As a result, and in response to centuries of raids and slavery, the Argonians invaded southern Morrowind in the Accession War, an event which not had happened had the An-Xileel risen to power thanks to the Resistance, and had Morrowind not been weakened thanks to the Crisis and the eruption of Red Mountain. The Accession War permanently changed Morrowind's relations with Black Marsh, brought the fall of several major Dunmer Houses, and sent countless Dunmer refugees flooding into Skyrim.

Skyrim's geographic position to Morrowind makes their connection obvious, especially during times of need, but the Dunmer and Nords share surprising connections in their beliefs and lore, including the island of Solstheim and other various events that involve Red Mountain. The Heart of Lorkhan lies within Red Mountain, an artifact said to have been taken from the god Lorkhan as punishment for creating the mortal plane. As Red Mountain resides in Morrowind, the Heart has obvious connections to the Dunmer, with Indoril Nerevar's death and the Tribunal's rise to power directly related to it.

Lorkhan is considered a trickster god among the elves as he's credited with tricking the other Aedra into giving some of their power to create Nirn, the Mortal Plane. Lorkhan was punished and is the only Aedra considered to be truly dead, with his body comprising the various physical parts of Nirn such as the two moons and the Heart of Lorkhan being located in Red Mountain. Because of his role in creating mortality, Lorkhan is reviled by all elves but the Dunmer.

But Lorkhan is also revered among the Nords, who know him as Shor. He plays a particularly important role in the Nord's belief in Sovngarde and the afterlife, implying that Lorkhan is not dead, as many of the other religions in Tamriel believe. Lorkhan also has an unlikely connection to Sithis, the god of the Dark Brotherhood; religions in Tamriel believe that Lorkhan was originally created by Sithis to destroy everything in the universe after the Aedra had enslaved everything Sithis had created. This is a perspective that aligns with how most Mer, apart from Dunmer, view Lorkhan, as he brought mortality to the world.

Humans have a very different perspective on Lorkhan from the elves and instead interpret Lorkhan as creating all mortals. They credit their existence to him, and so do not see him in the same negative light. This could explain why, when in Sovngarde and speaking to Tsun, a Dragonborn who introduces themselves as the Listener for the Dark Brotherhood is met with hostility, implying the connection with Sithis is not truly a positive one.

Lorkhan's one of two Aedra present across all religions in Tamriel, and interestingly appears in the Redguard Yokudan religion of Hammerfell. Unlike other Imperial Provinces, Hammerfell never worshiped the Eight Divines and instead brought over their own religion from the continent of Yokuda. In Hammerfell, Lorkhan and Shor are known as Sep and is depicted as the helper of the chief god of the Redguard pantheon. In their creation myth, he tricks the other spirits into creating a new world by telling them they could reach The Far Shores, the Redguard afterlife, by balling up old snake skins and forcing them to live out the rest of their lives as mortals.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - Anniversary Edition is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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