
  • The Elder Scrolls franchise has been stuck in a cycle of re-releasing Skyrim instead of offering new experiences, but recent leaks suggest an Oblivion remaster might be coming.
  • Oblivion is one of the franchise's most popular entries and a remaster would be a great way to update the graphics and introduce new fans to the game.
  • Releasing an Oblivion remaster would be a welcome change for single-player RPG fans who have been waiting for something new after years of Skyrim re-releases, even if it means returning to another old title.

The Elder Scrolls may be one of the biggest fantasy RPG series out there, but it seems to have gotten a bit stuck in recent years. Instead of releasing new experiences, Bethesda has simply been re-releasing the previous entry for years. While the studio is hard at work on The Elder Scrolls 6, players have been yearning to play something besides Skyrim. Luckily, recent leaks from an FTC document suggest that maybe they will be treated to that something soon, and it may come in the form of an Oblivion remaster.

Besides Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion may be one of the most popular entries in the franchise. The game brings players on a fantastic journey that still mostly holds up well today. While the graphics may be very rough around the edges, the core loop and story are still some of the best that the genre has to offer. This makes it the perfect candidate for a remaster, so hopefully the rumors are true, especially because The Elder Scrolls would be better for it.

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The Oblivion Remaster Would Be a Nice Break from Tradition

Elder Scrolls Oblivion

Since the release of Skyrim, it has felt like the entire franchise is centered around that game. It was an amazing RPG that introduced the series to a whole new generation and is still widely regarded as one of the best RPGs around. Because of this, Bethesda has been re-releasing the game on almost every device it can. It launched in 2011, was bundled with its DLC in 2013, got its first remaster in 2016, was ported to the Switch and got a VR release in 2017, and was re-released once more in 2021. It even got an Alexa version in 2018.

These constant re-releases have made The Elder Scrolls feel like it is solely built around Skyrim. While Skyrim may be great, players have been hoping for something else from the franchise for years. There may have been many Elder Scrolls Online expansions that have brought players to every corner of Tamriel, but they are targeted toward the MMO audience. The franchise was built on being a single-player RPG series, so players have been wanting something in that realm ever since Skyrim's first re-release. Bethesda has not given them that, yet that could be changing if the rumors are true.

While an Oblivion remaster is not necessarily a brand-new experience, it would feel new for many. Taking this iconic game and updating it with modern graphics could be an easy win. If done right, it could serve as a great way to introduce new fans to the experience while also helping to bridge the gap leading up to The Elder Scrolls 6. It would be what single-player RPG fans have been waiting for, which would be a welcome change after years of Skyrim re-releases.

Skyrim is a great RPG that has definitely earned its high praise, but it is time for the franchise to move on from the title. It feels like Bethesda has been relying too much on the RPG since it hit store shelves, which has made the series feel like it is stuck. While The Elder Scrolls 6 will likely change that, it could start even earlier with this Oblivion remaster. If it is real, then it could be exactly what fans have been looking for. It would not only help shake up this franchise a bit but would also be a great way to honor this iconic title leading up to the next chapter.

The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion remaster is rumored to be in development.

MORE: While Oblivion is a Great Choice, The Elder Scrolls Remakes Should Start Even Earlier