
  • Players should be cautious when exploring the beautiful open world of Oblivion as there are powerful enemies waiting to fight them.
  • Bears in Oblivion can be a tough enemy to face, especially the brown bears found in the Jerall mountains.
  • Flame Atronachs, Clannfears, Ogres, Spriggans, Daedroths, and Minotaurs are all formidable enemies that players will encounter throughout the game.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion takes place in the fantasy realm of Cyrodil. The capital region of the game's main continent of Tamriel is a picturesque landscape filled with vast forests and rolling hills. Players should be wary when exploring this beautiful open world, though. The game is full of several powerful enemies looking to fight the player. Add to this the fact that the region is currently under threat from an invasion from the hellish realm of Oblivion, and players will find themselves facing off against some truly powerful enemies.

8 Best Side Quests In Oblivion

The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion had some truly unique and interesting side quests, and these are the best and most memorable of them.

Some of the enemies in the game are more powerful than others, however, so it is best to learn about these creatures before venturing off into the wild alone.

7 Bears

An Animal From The Real World Is Tougher Than Expected

Oblivion Bear

Just because Oblivion is a fantasy game does not mean that all its enemies need to be entirely fictional. As such, many players will often encounter bears when exploring the open world or wandering through caves. These tanky creatures pack a punch, and can take out players with just a few swipes of their claws.

The average bear can be found all over the map as soon as the game starts, but players will start to run into a more powerful type of bear once they reach level sixteen. The brown bear can be found mainly in the Jerall mountains, and they are stronger than the normal bears found in Cyrodil.

6 Flame Atronach

A Magical Fire Wielder With Ranged Attacks

Oblivion Flame Atronach

A Flame Atronach is an elemental that takes its form from magical fire. Most players will not have trouble fighting just one of these creatures. However, more than one of these enemies can pose a problem as they throw deadly fireballs toward the player.

Flame Atronach's are mostly found in the plain of Oblivion and can also be summoned by powerful mages in the normal world. These creatures will show up more often in caves in Cyrodil once players reach level nine. The fire salts found on their corpses are useful for alchemy, though.

5 Clannfear

Oblivion's Toughest Enemy From The Early Game

Oblivion Clannfear

A Clannfear does not look like much when players first encounter this creature in or around the first Oblivion gate in Kvatch. Especially since they appear when the player is still at level one, and they are surrounded mostly by the less than impressive Stunted Scamps.

The Clannfears of Oblivion should not be underestimated though. These dinosaur-like creatures are lightning fast and hit hard. They will also take a lot of resources to take out. The Clannfear will continue to show up throughout the game, no matter what level the player reaches. Luckily, these beasts only ever spawn in Oblivion. Once the crisis is over, most players will not see these things again.

4 Ogre

Strong But Slow

Oblivion Ogre

The Ogre is a standard creature to find in all kinds of fantasy fiction. They are often depicted as strong brutes with little intelligence, and players will find the Ogres in Oblivion to be no different. These creatures may be slow to strike and easy to outrun, but any player that takes a hit from one of these monsters is going to lose a significant amount of health. This is even more of a problem if there is more than one trying to fight the player.

9 Ways Skyrim Was The Perfect Sequel To Oblivion

Despite the time gap between Oblvion and Skyrim, these small details allowed Skyrim to feel like it was still part of the same universe.

Ogres are mostly found during the fighters' guild quest line in the game. However, players will start to run into these creatures in the wild at around level sixteen. They are easy enough to avoid, but far less easy to take out.

3 Spriggan

A Magic Protector Of The Forest

Oblivion Spriggan

Most of the Spriggans found in Oblivion do not pose much of a physical threat. These guardians of the forest rely more on magic and their ability to summon animals to defend themselves. As their nature would suggest, Spriggans are mostly found in the forests in the game once the player reaches level sixteen, but they can also appear in caves and other types of underground dungeons.

7 Darkest Choices In The Elder Scrolls Series

These are the darkest choices players will have to make in the Elder Scrolls series.

While these creatures can be killed easily with a few swings of a sword, they will first have to fight through several summoned bears or lions to get to the Spriggan. Plus, these creatures can heal themselves, so a fight will take longer than most players want.

2 Daedroth

Oblivion's Best Form Of Defense

Oblivion Daedroth

The plane of Oblivion is home to many different forms of Daedra, but none are quite as intimidating as the Daedroth. These large beasts look most like an alligator that has learned to walk on its hind legs. It behaves just as expected, as well, charging at players and aiming to take them down with their huge jaws and fast claws. They may be less tanky than a Clannfear at this level, but they are much stronger than their smaller kin.

The Daedroth is one example of the importance of completing the main story quest in the game early. This is because the Daedroth will start spawning in and around the Oblivion gates around level sixteen. Facing off against one Daedroth is tough enough, but players do not want to have to face numerous versions of them repeatedly during the main campaign,

1 Minotaurs

The Toughest Things Waiting In The Open World

Oblivion Minotaur

If players are lucky, they will first encounter one of the game's minotaurs once they have become the champion of the arena. At least in this instance, they will be prepared for a tough round of combat. There are two types of minotaur that can be found wandering in the wild once the player reaches level twenty.

The standard version of the minotaur wields a large hammer and is very fast at approaching players and knocking them out in one hit. They take a fair few strikes to take down, but they are nothing when compared to the minotaur lord. These bigger versions of the creature are much stronger and have even more health. As such, it makes sense that players need to be at such a high level to even encounter these beasts.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

PC , PS3 , Xbox 360
March 20, 2006