TheElder Scrolls series is renowned for many reasons, the most notable being the rich and compelling lore of the franchise. This video game series possesses a long and fantastical history, complete with countless fascinating events, characters, mysteries, etc., unparalleled by other RPG titles. This extensive lore is why The Elder Scrolls franchise remains a popular RPG since 1994, albeit much of its current fame comes from Skyrim. As fans may know, the most enthralling lore comes from the exploits of the emperors and empresses of Tamriel.

RELATED: The Elder Scrolls: Inconsistencies In The Series' Lore

Tamriel has seen many emperors and empresses in its time, but only a few have a significant impact on the lore of The Elder Scrolls. These venerable rulers have had a tremendous impact on the world, dictating many momentous events in their life that would inspire many occurrences yet to come. Many of these emperors and empresses are well-known to fans, while others are not. Regardless of their popularity, these venerated rulers have contributed the most to the lore of The Elder Scrolls.

7 Alessia

The Elder Scrolls Split Image Empress Alessia
  • Titles: Queen Alessia, Saint Alessia, Slave Queen of Cyrodiil, El-Estia
  • Dragonborn: Yes
  • Empire: First Empire (Alessian Dynasty)
  • Reign: 1E 243-1E 266

Alessia was the progenitor and ruler of the First Empire of Tamriel, making her the first of many Emperors and Empresses. Before rising to prominence, Alessia was one of the thousands of people enslaved by the mysterious Ayleids, a race of elves best known for their worship of Daedric Princes and cruelty towards others. Seeking to escape the bonds of slavery, Alessia prayed to the Aedra ⁠— chiefly Akatosh ⁠— beseeching them for their aid. The Aedra answered her prayers and granted her three visions that would end with the overthrowing of the Ayleids.

Following these visions, Alessia freed herself and began a revolt against the domineering Ayleid slavers. She called upon powerful allies ⁠— such as the "Divine Crusader" Pelinal Whitestrake ⁠— and established a formidable army, granting her the means to defeat the Ayleids. With an army backing her, Alessia unleashed an assault on the Ayleid capital of White-Gold Tower, where she would overcome the Ayleids and established the First Empire of Tamriel. She ruled benevolently from then on until she died in 1E 266. Akatosh would canonize Alessia by placing her soul in the Amulet of Kings.

6 Hestra

The Elder Scrolls Split Image Hestra
  • Titles: None
  • Dragonborn: No
  • Empire: First Empire (Alessian Dynasty)
  • Reign: 1E ???-Around 1E1033

Hestra was an Empress that ruled during the time of the First Empire, during which she pursued peace and expansion for the Empire. During her reign, Hestra sought to dispatch those who threatened the Empire and the security of Tamriel. Her most notable victories include excursions against two would-be rulers: King Styriche, an influential vampire overlord, and "Red" Bramman, a ruthless pirate leader. In defeating these powerful and dangerous individuals, Hestra would usher in an era of peace and development for the Empire.

Hestra's pursuit of peace would sow the seeds for future developments. While warring with King Styriche and his forces, Hestra would fight alongside the Bretons, and together they would defeat the vampire overlord. Impressed by their skill in battle, she would admit High Rock into the Empire, which would inspire many events yet to come. Conflict with "Red" Brennan and his kingdom of corsairs would dissuade piracy, making waters safer for imperial ventures. Hestra would serve the Empire admirably until her death around 1E 1033.

5 Reman Cyrodiil I

The Elder Scrolls Split Image Reman I
  • Titles: The Worldly God
  • Dragonborn: Yes
  • Empire: Second Empire (Reman Dynasty)
  • Reign: 1E 2703-1E 2762

Reman Cyrodiil I was the founder and ruler of the Second Empire of Tamriel, yet he never claimed the title of Emperor for himself. Following the downfall of the First Empire, Reman I sought to unite the various warring factions of Tamriel. He did so by bringing the people of Tamriel together, in a joint effort, against the invading forces of Akavir. With these disparate groups backing him, Reman I countered the Akaviri's attempts at conquest and inspired them to join him in establishing a new realm, the Second Empire.

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Now that Tamriel was safe, Reman I began expanding the influence of the Empire with aid from the Akaviri, who swore allegiance to him and established an order of protectors known as the Dragonguard. The Dragonguard enabled Reman I to extend the Empire to every province besides Morrowind, which maintained its independence through the efforts of the Tribunal. Reman I inspired the multifaceted culture of Cyrodiil through his incorporation of Tamriel's various provinces. Reman ruled righteously until his unexpected assassination in 1E 2762.

4 Tiber Septim

The Elder Scrolls Split Image Tiber Septim
  • Titles: Talos Stormcrown, Hjalti Early-Beard, Tiberius Imperator, The Red King, Ysmir
  • Dragonborn: Yes
  • Empire: Third Empire (Septim Dynasty)
  • Reign: 2E 854-3E 38

Tiber Septim was not only the founder and ruler of the Third Empire of Tamriel but undeniably the greatest Emperor in history. Although much of his past is unknown or uncertain, Tiber definitively was a noble and ambitious warrior of significant renown. He took the title of Emperor upon the death of his predecessor Cuhlecain, the king of Falkreath and illegitimate aspirant to the Ruby Throne. Without any to oppose his largely rightful claim, Tiber became the Emperor and began pursuing his vision of a united Tamriel.

Through means both diplomatic and otherwise, Tiber succeeded in unifying the whole of Tamriel under his rule, celebrating his unprecedented accomplishment with the announcing of the Third Era. Tiber's four-decade-long reign of Tamriel was one of peace and prosperity for all, marking this period as the Golden Age. Unfortunately, Tiber's gracious rule ended in 3E 38 upon his death, the cause of which is undetermined. Following his demise, Tiber ascended to godhood as Talos, becoming a prominent deity of the Nine Divines and god-hero to humanity.

3 Uriel Septim VII

The Elder Scrolls Split Image Uriel Septim VII
  • Titles: None
  • Dragonborn: Yes
  • Empire: Third Empire (Septim Dynasty)
  • Reign: 3E 368-3E 433

Uriel Septim VII was an Emperor that ruled during the period of the Third Empire and was one of the last members of the Septim Dynasty. Uriel VII boasted the best characteristics of the Septim Dynasty, which allowed him to rule the Empire benevolently for sixty-five years. However, his prosperous rule was cut short by Jagar Tharn, Uriel VII's personal Imperial Battlemage and trusted advisor. Jagar betrayed the Emperor, imprisoning him in Oblivion and assuming his identity via Illusion magic to rule in his stead.

However, Jagar's deceptive reign was comparatively short-lived, ruling for a decade until his defeat by the Eternal Champion. With Jagar's downfall, Uriel VII was released from his imprisonment in Oblivion, although he had lost the vigor and optimism of his youth. From then on, Uriel VII began restoring the Empire to its former glory until the events of the Oblivion Crisis. Uriel VII foresaw this cataclysmic event and took appropriate measures to counteract it. Soon after giving the Hero of Kvatch the Amulet of Kings, Uriel VII meets his unavoidable demise at the hands of the Mythic Dawn.

2 Martin Septim

The Elder Scrolls Split Image Martin Septim
  • Titles: Brother Martin
  • Dragonborn: Yes
  • Empire: Third Empire (Septim Dynasty)
  • Reign: 3E 433-4E 0

Martin Septim was an Emperor that ruled during the time of the Third Empire, although his reign was brief. Being the illegitimate son of Uriel Septim VII, Martin was given away and kept secret from the populous. Early on in his life, Martin was a knowledge-hungry and impatient member of the Mages Guild. His desire for power and hidden lore led him and his peers to Sanguine, the Daedric Prince of revelry and debauchery. However, these Daedric teachings soon turned deadly, and several of Martin's friends met their demise.

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Horrified by the death of his peers, Martin turned away from Daedric worship and became a devout clergyman of the Nine Divines. His contempt for the Daedra and service to the Aedra would mold him into the hero of the Oblivion Crisis. With his father and siblings assassinated, Martin was the last member of the Septim Dynasty. As such, only he could bring order to the Empire and thwart the forces of Oblivion with the Amulet of Kings. Martin would retrieve the artifact from the Mythic Dawn, with aid from the Hero of Kvatch, and officially be proclaimed the Emperor by High Chancellor Ocato. However, pressure from the Daedra and Mehrunes Dagon himself forced Martin to make a sacrifice. He gave his life to end the Oblivion Crisis and prevent future invasions.

1 Titus Mede I

The Elder Scrolls Split Image Titus Mede I
  • Titles: None
  • Dragonborn: No
  • Empire: Third Empire (Mede Dynasty)
  • Reign: Around 4E 17-4E ???

Titus Mede I was an Emperor that ruled during the period of the Third Empire and re-established order following the calamity of the Oblivion Crisis. Without an heir to the Ruby Throne, the Empire was weakened and consumed by chaos. Eventually, a witch warrior named Thules the Gibbering came to power, disliked but unopposed. However, even with a ruler to govern it, the Empire's enfeebled state remained unchanged. Seeing the flaws of Thules and the Empire, Titus I devised a plan to take the Ruby Throne for himself.

With less than a thousand men backing him, Titus I effortlessly laid claim to Cyrodiil and usurped Thules. Although initially viewed as a savage conqueror, the people came to perceive him as a liberator. Titus I made it his initiative to strengthen the crumbling Empire, as most outside threats could inspire its downfall. He did so by regaining the support of several provinces that left the Empire. Emboldened once more, the Empire continued to grow in strength and influence under Titus I's rule until his death sometime in the Fourth Era.

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