
  • The Elder Scrolls franchise features main campaign missions that are just as important as side quests and provide significant endings to the games.
  • "The Crystal Tower" in Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset, "The Citadels Of The Sixth House" in Morrowind, and "God of Schemes" in Elder Scrolls Online are all examples of epic final missions that live up to the hype of the prior quests.
  • The ending of Skyrim's main campaign, "Dragonslayer," is one of the grandest final missions in recent RPG history, leading the Dragonborn to Sovngarde for an epic battle against Alduin, the God of Destruction.

The Elder Scrolls franchise is filled with exciting missions and quests that players can engage in throughout their adventures in Tamriel. While these open-world adventures are all about exploration and adventuring through a lot of different side quests, the main campaign missions are judged equally by fans as important pieces of the overall experience.

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From the memorable openings of some Elder Scrolls games right through to the final missions, it’s important to get the main campaign missions right just as it is important to get the side missions right. The best final missions that give huge endings to these momentous games are incredibly significant in the overall history of the long-running Elder Scrolls franchise.

6 The Crystal Tower (ESO: Summerset)

Elder Scrolls Online Crystal Tower

Elder Scrolls Online has provided a real mixture of quests and storylines with each expansion over the years. However, one in particular that many fans thoroughly enjoyed as an adventure was Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset. This expansion and the storyline it contained provided some fantastic moments, including the final quest in that quest line, "The Crystal Tower."

In this final quest, players have to enter the realm of Clavicus Vile and make their way into the Crystal Tower, avoiding the minions of Nocturnal along the way that Barbas is helping defend the realm against. Once inside, players have to climb through the tower, encountering more and more evidence of Nocturnal and her tampering as they rise. At the very top, players have to deal with Nocturnal herself, or rather, the resurrected form of Veya that she uses as a champion against the player character. While "The Crystal Tower" makes for a long final mission, this foray into a Daedric conflict and realm is a worthy ending to a great quest line.

5 The Citadels Of The Sixth House (Morrowind)

Elder Scrolls Morrowind Dagoth Ur

Morrowind isn’t as commonly revisited these days as Oblivion and Skyrim, but one thing that the third main Elder Scrolls game managed to do was tell a great story. The culmination of the main quest line came in the form of "The Citadels Of The Sixth House." Another quest that feels like a truly epic conclusion to the overarching story of the game, this quest involved players going after Dagoth Ur’s accomplices so that they could finally confront Dagoth himself.

This quest involved a lot of steps and battling, but the way in which players had to fight their way every step they took to get closer to Dagoth made the final battle against him all the more satisfying. Dagoth is, for sure, one of the best villains in Elder Scrolls history, and "The Citadels Of The Sixth House" made him feel as important, and killing him as necessary, as the rest of the game. This was truly a final mission that lived up to the hype created in the prior missions and also helped make this one of the hardest Elder Scrolls games.

4 Dragonslayer (Skyrim)

Elder Scrolls Skyrim Dragonslayer

The ending to the main campaign of Skyrim is just one of a number of incredible quests that can be found in the massive fifth entry in the Elder Scrolls series. However, it is one of the grandest final missions seen in an RPG in recent years, having provided the Dragonborn with the opportunity to go to Sovngarde itself to finally put a stop to Alduin.

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The road leading the Dragonborn to this point was long and arduous, just entering the realm of Alduin was already an accomplishment, and then there was a great deal to fight through beyond that to enter Sovngarde. After reaching the Hall of Heroes and meeting with many of Tamriel’s most fearsome warriors from throughout time, the Dragonborn got to engage in this final battle with the God of Destruction himself. Much had been made throughout Skyrim about Alduin and his near-invincible nature, so this final mission and the incredibly cinematic final battle with him made for an excellent, and extremely satisfying, conclusion to the events that came prior.

3 God Of Schemes (Elder Scrolls Online)

Elder Scrolls Online Molag Bal

Although Elder Scrolls Online provided players with much extra material over the years, as well as some incredible lore, including some wonderful expansions, the final mission from the original quest line contained in the game made for one of the very best seen in franchise history. Part of what makes "God of Schemes," so great is how it gives players interesting moral choices, such as freeing Mannimarco and having to choose a companion that must be sacrificed.

After all of this, the player has to tackle Molag Bal, a villainous being who has popped up in various Elder Scrolls games over the years but has never been such a primary antagonist as in Elder Scrolls Online. The final fight with Molag is satisfying and excellent, with the player having by this point been infused with the power of Akatosh to challenge Molag. He is challenging enough and has enough diversity in attacks as the fight continues to make for a wonderful ending that convinced many players to continue their ESO journeys beyond this point.

2 At The Summit Of Apocrypha (Skyrim: Dragonborn)

Elder Scrolls Skyrim Miraak

Though there have been many great stories told in Elder Scrolls expansions and DLCs over the years, none of them have provided as satisfying a conclusion as Dragonborn. This Skyrim DLC pits the player, and current Dragonborn, against Miraak, the first-ever Dragonborn. From the moment players arrive at Solstheim, they feel the power of Miraak as it slowly upends the entire island, and after challenging him and learning more about his realm, the Dragonborn must make it into the realm of Hermaeus Mora.

Between the sacrifice of the Skaal in surrendering their long-guarded knowledge to the Daedric Prince, and the Dragonborn having to fight through the realm of Hermaeus just to reach Miraak, "At the Summit of Apocrypha" is one of the most satisfying and beautifully built quests in the history of the Elder Scrolls franchise. The final battle with Miraak is a challenging but excellent one, and the quest line remains one of the best DLCs in any game ever.

1 Light The Dragonfires (Oblivion)

Elder Scrolls Oblivion Crisis

Oblivion is one of, if not the most, beloved game in the Elder Scrolls franchise. This means it is no surprise that it has the very best ending out of any game in the franchise’s history to date. With Martin Septim safe and the Amulet of Kings retrieved, the mission begins with everything seemingly under control and Martin is about to be named Emperor when Oblivion Gates begin opening inside the walls of the Imperial City.

This leads to a frantic final battle across the city as the player and their allies must venture out to try and relight the dragon fires, sealing the gates between Tamriel and Oblivion. However, it becomes too late when Mehrunes Dagon himself arrives in the city from one of the gates, and instead, Martin has to become the Avatar of Akatosh, a huge dragon capable of defeating Mehrunes and ending the Oblivion Crisis. This fascinating ending made for one of the most epic missions in Elder Scrolls history, and it was one of the best conclusions in the series, which would be great to revisit in a remake.

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