The Elder Scrolls series has become synonymous with unforgettable characters that have left an indelible mark on fans experiences. From the valiant heroes who have saved Tamriel from impending doom to the cunning and mischievous tricksters who have brought laughter and chaos, these characters have become icons in the gaming world.

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As gamers eagerly anticipate the highly anticipated release of Elder Scrolls 6, players hearts are filled with hope and curiosity about which familiar faces will grace the game once more. Will fans have the chance to reunite with beloved companions who have accompanied players on epic quests? Or perhaps encounter enigmatic figures whose presence has shaped the very fabric of the Elder Scrolls universe? These are the best characters players hope to see make their triumphant return in Elder Scrolls 6.

10 Serena (Skyrim)

Screenshot Of Serena In Skyrim

The allure of Serana, the ancient vampire and daughter of Lord Harkon, enchanted players worldwide. As a key figure in Skyrim's Dawnguard DLC, she held significant importance in Dawnguard's main questline.

Serana garnered a large devoted fan base, with many players even utilizing mods to enable marriage with her. Given her immortal nature as a vampire, the prospect of Serana gracing the world of Elder Scrolls 6 is met with eager anticipation. Fans long to see her return from Skyrim, eager to embark on new adventures and explore the depths of her enigmatic character once more.

9 Night Mother (Various)

Close up of The Night Mother from The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

The enigmatic Night Mother has woven her mysterious presence throughout the tapestry of the Elder Scrolls games, assuming diverse manifestations. Whether as the formidable leader of the Dark Brotherhood in Daggerfall, a haunting specter in Oblivion, or a lifeless shell in Skyrim, she has consistently played a pivotal role in the lore of the secretive assassin's guild.

With such a rich history and her enduring significance, the prospect of the Night Mother returning in Elder Scrolls 6 holds immense excitement. The anticipation of witnessing her enigmatic influence once again, and the secrets she may hold for the future, stirs the curiosity of fans eager to delve into the depths of her intrigue.

8 High King Emeric (Elder Scrolls Online)

High King Emeric From The Elder Scrolls Online

High King Emeric, the charismatic ruler of High Rock and leader of the Daggerfall Covenant in Elder Scrolls Online, left an indelible mark on players' experiences. Previous Elder Scrolls games have witnessed the resurrection of previous monarchs, such as the undead Queen Potema in Skyrim.

Including High King Emeric in Elder Scrolls 6 could serve as a crucial link between the events of ESO and the upcoming installment, ensuring a seamless continuation of the overarching narrative. His presence would not only deepen the lore but also offer a sense of familiarity and connection for players who have ventured through the lands of Tamriel in previous titles.

7 Vivec (Morrowind & Elder Scrolls Online)

Morrowind Gods Vivec Almalexia Soltha Sil

Vivec, the revered deity of the Dunmer people, occupied a central role in the main questline of Morrowind. Yet, his abrupt disappearance during the chaos of the Oblivion Crisis left fans puzzled and hungry for answers. The fallout from Vivec's absence resulted in the catastrophic eruption of Morrowind's Red Mountain, forever altering the landscape.

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The potential return of this enigmatic figure in Elder Scrolls 6 holds tremendous allure, promising a resurgence of intrigue and speculation. Players eagerly anticipate possibly unraveling the mysteries surrounding Vivec's reappearance and eagerly anticipate the pivotal role he could assume in the unfolding narrative of the next installment.

6 Paarthurnax (Skyrim)

Skyrim Paarthurnax on the word wall

Paarthurnax, the formidable dragon and the last of his kind in Skyrim, left players grappling with a profound moral quandary. Depending on their choice, players determined whether Paarthurnax survived or met his demise. If his survival is deemed canonical, the prospect of encountering a dragon once again in Elder Scrolls 6 evokes a sense of awe and wonder.

However, the lingering question remains: Could the once-wise Paarthurnax succumb to his primal instincts and emerge as an unforeseen adversary? This intriguing possibility fuels speculation and excitement, as players eagerly anticipate the role this iconic dragon might assume in the next chapter of the Elder Scrolls saga.

5 Adoring Fan (Oblivion)

Adoring Fan Oblivion

The Adoring Fan, despite being despised by some, has left an indelible mark on players' memories. This exuberant Bosmer fan was bestowed upon those who achieved the prestigious title of Grand Champion in the Arena. However, like Skyrim's infamous Nazeem, players spent an ungodly amount of time ending the Adoring Fan in weird and wonderful ways.

In Elder Scrolls 6, it would be fascinating to witness the introduction of one of his descendants, carrying on the tradition of an endearing yet peculiar follower. The prospect of encountering a new generation of the Adoring Fan lineage adds an element of curiosity and nostalgia, tantalizing fans with the potential for unique interactions and comedic moments.

4 Sheogorath (Various)

Sheogorath From The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim

Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness, never fails to deliver a delightfully insane experience in every encounter. From his unforgettable presence in Oblivion's acclaimed Shivering Isles DLC, regarded as one of the best in gaming, to his unpredictable and whimsical nature, Sheogorath has left an indelible impression on players.

His return in Elder Scrolls 6 is an absolute must, bringing with it his infectious brand of lunacy that adds a unique flavor to the game world. Furthermore, the intriguing Hero of Kvatch/Sheogorath theory, which suggests a connection between the two, demands further exploration, offering a captivating opportunity to dive deeper into the enigmatic nature of this beloved character.

3 Jiub (Morrowind & Skyrim)

Jiub, the first NPC encountered in Morrowind, holds a special place in the hearts of players. This Dunmer prisoner's fateful meeting with the Nerevarine during their transport to Morrowind left a lasting impression. Over time, Jiub's heroic deeds included eradicating the dreaded Cliff Racers, leading to his eventual sainthood.

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However, his by the time Skyrim rolls around, his soul was found trapped in the haunting realm of the Soul Cairn. The possibility of Elder Scrolls 6 featuring a rescue quest to save the loyal Dark Elf friend stirs excitement and curiosity. Players yearn for the opportunity to embark on a noble mission to reunite Jiub's spirit with the mortal plane once again.

2 The Nerevarine / Hero Of Kvatch / Dragonborn (Various)

Image from Skyrim showing the Dragonborn about to perform a Shout.

Throughout the Elder Scrolls series, the protagonists of past games have remained confined to their respective titles (except the fascinating Sheogorath theory mentioned above). However, the possibility of a shift in this pattern with the release of Elder Scrolls 6 is undeniably tantalizing. Imagining the return of these legendary heroes sparks a sense of excitement and wonder among fans.

Much like the surprise appearance of Red in Pokemon Gold & Silver or the inclusion of Dragon Age's protagonists in Inquisition, Bethesda might surprise fans with an epic crossover, seamlessly weaving together the rich tapestry of the Elder Scrolls universe and offering a nostalgic reunion with beloved characters.

1 M'aiq The Liar (Various)

M'aiq the liar - encounter

When it comes to claiming the top spot, there is simply no other character quite like M'aiq The Liar. This adored Khajiit has made a mischievous mark on the Elder Scrolls series, consistently bringing both amusement and misinformation to players. From his memorable appearances in Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, and Online, M'aiq has become an iconic figure, renowned for his whimsical commentaries on the vast Elder Scrolls universe.

It's hard to imagine an Elder Scrolls game without the enigmatic presence of M'aiq, making his return an absolute necessity for Elder Scrolls 6. Fans eagerly anticipate the hilarity and charm that only M'aiq can bring to the next installment of the beloved franchise.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development.

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