Gaming industry icon Todd Howard recently shared some bittersweet news regarding the highly anticipated release of The Elder Scrolls 6. As part of the press tour for the upcoming release of Starfield this September, the renowned game director and executive producer at Bethesda spoke briefly about the company’s other big upcoming release, The Elder Scrolls 6.

Howard is known for his work on acclaimed franchises like Fallout and The Elder Scrolls, as well as the upcoming Starfield. As fans eagerly await the release of Starfield, Bethesda's first original IP in over 25 years and its major launch in years, speculation arises about the future of the gaming powerhouse that is Bethesda.

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During a conversation with IGN, Howard shed light on Bethesda's future plans, revealing that The Elder Scrolls 6 will be the next major title after Starfield, followed by Fallout 5. However, Howard intriguingly suggested that with the release of The Elder Scrolls 6, he might be taking a step back from his long-held leadership role within the company. In the interview, he spoke about how game development has shifted over the years. Instead of finishing a game, shipping it, and moving onto the sequel, development teams are now expected to support each release for months and sometime years on end. This emphasis on long-term support and regular updates is what has Howard wondering about the longevity of his career.

starfield direct space ship

The release of Starfield also reflects this modern mindset. The team aims to provide extensive long-term support and continuous updates for the game. As anticipation mounts for The Elder Scrolls 6, this project also prompts reflection. While Howard chose not to delve into any specifics, the passage of time raises clearly raise concerns for him. He openly acknowledges that he is not getting any younger and contemplates the duration of players' engagement with Elder Scrolls games. Consequently, it raises the possibility that this might be his final project.

While an official release date for The Elder Scrolls sequel has yet to be announced, this news undoubtedly signals a potential end to one of the industry's most illustrious careers. Bethesda's development approach, combined with the fact that the first teaser for The Elder Scrolls 6 debuted at E3 2018, raises questions about whether this highly anticipated game may skip the current console generation entirely.

Considering the extensive post-release support and the enduring popularity of Elder Scrolls games, it is hoped that Howard will remain with the company for the foreseeable future. Nonetheless, imagining a Bethesda game without Todd Howard at the helm is undeniably a daunting prospect, and only time will reveal if this truly marks his final project as the company's director.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development.

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Source: IGN