
  • The Elder Scrolls 6 can revolutionize enchantments by adding wilder effects and cursed items for players to use.
  • A wider variety of enchantments in Elder Scrolls 6 can add more excitement, depth, and strategy to player builds.
  • While Enchantments in Skyrim were useful, The Elder Scrolls 6 could lean into the mechanic to make it feel far more unique.

Enchantments were a useful feature in Skyrim, and The Elder Scrolls 6 could make them an even more memorable part of the game. Players already had a decent amount of enchantments to play around with in Skyrim, some of which were key to borderline game-breaking character builds. However, with how long The Elder Scrolls 6 has been in development, there is plenty of potential for its take on enchantments to overshadow what Skyrim had to offer in that department. There are a lot of ways for Elder Scrolls 6 to improve, and enchantments is just one area that holds plenty of possibilities.

While initially seeming specialized, the Enchantment skill in Skyrim is one of the most useful in the game. Enchantments are everywhere in Skyrim, especially on high-level equipment. In order to enchant items on their own, players need to have taken the enchantment in question from another magical item, destroying it in the process. While it takes a fair amount of leveling to make player-made enchantments powerful, the player can eventually kit themselves out with powerful gear that amplifies their damage, defense, or skills to high levels. In addition, enchanted items sell for more gold, so enchanting also acts as a useful money-making engine in Skyrim.

The Elder Scrolls 6 Could Be the Perfect Melting Pot of RPG Classes

The Elder Scrolls 6 should consider implementing the largest pool of RPG classes the series has seen so far by pulling from various sources.

Elder Scrolls 6 Can Heavily Upgrade its Enchantments

Enchantments Were Invaluable in Skyrim, But Can Be Improved

Despite how useful they are in Skyrim's more powerful builds, there is a lot of untapped potential in enchantments. With the exception of the Muffle and Waterbreathing enchantments, all the enchantments for armor, jewelry, and clothing are based on fortifying certain stats and skills. While this made them incredibly useful for buffing stats, and making a powerful build, they unfortunately lacked much flash. Weapons, on the other hand, had an impressive amount of effects, including added magic damage, absorbing health, inducing fear, and others. The Elder Scrolls 6 would do well to focus on more effects rather than simple stat boosts.

Elder Scrolls 6's Enchantments Can Have Wilder Effects

Enchantment options could use a tune-up similar to how Elder Scrolls 6 can improve Destruction magic. More varied effects can make enchantment more exciting. For instance, a shield could be enchanted to reflect damage back at enemies, or a pair of boots could have an enchantment that lets the user teleport short distances. As for weapons, there could be enchantments that create shockwaves on hit, or use the old trope of launching projectiles when swung. Enchantments in Elder Scrolls 6 can be used to make items a lot more exciting than their base forms, letting players make their own majestic and powerful artifacts.

Despite how useful they are in Skyrim 's more powerful builds, there is a lot of untapped potential in enchantments.

Cursed Enchantments Could Give Players Powerful But Risky Items in Elder Scrolls 6

Another way to make enchantments more exciting is by introducing cursed enchantments. One of the basic rules of Skyrim's enchanting is that enchanted items are always a direct upgrade. Elder Scrolls 6 could instead let players make cursed items that have powerful upsides balanced by significant downsides. For example, a cursed sword could massively increase damage, but drain the user's magicka to zero, preventing them from using any spells. Alternatively, a cursed robe could drain health from enemies hit by spells, but constantly drain the user's health in combat as well. With multiple options for interesting mechanics, adding cursed items to Elder Scrolls 6 could be a fun change for the status quo.

Skyrim's enchantments were good, but The Elder Scrolls 6 can make them even better. It would be an incredible idea for The Elder Scrolls 6 to greatly improve the variety of enchantments available to the player. Not only would it add more variety to the game, but it would give players even more potential tactics to develop over the course of the game's lifespan, making player builds look entirely different from those seen in Skyrim. The Elder Scrolls 6 could turn enchantments into one of its greatest spectacles.