The Elder Scrolls 6 was reportedly still in pre-production as of early 2022, and there's no evidence full development has started. Granted, pre-production means different things to different studios, but it is easy to see why TES6 has become a poster child for games announced prematurely. Still, the fact that the game is coming eventually at least gives fans something to hope for.

While it's still officially unconfirmed, most fans expect The Elder Scrolls 6 to take place in the former Imperial Province of Hammerfell, with the nearby Province of High Rock possibly also making an appearance. However, there is also a solid case for TES6 featuring a small slice of Cyrodiil by bringing back the city of Sutch, an important location that was cut from The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.

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Sutch In Elder Scrolls Lore

Oblivion Fort Sutch

In Elder Scrolls lore, Sutch was an important city in the Gold Coast region of northwestern Cyrodiil. North of Anvil and Kavach, it was located near the steep banks of the Brena River, which forms the border between Cyrodiil and southern Hammerfell. Unfortunately, information on the city is relatively sparse. However, it was still populated during the events of The Elder Scrolls Online, when it was home to a cult dedicated to the Daedric Prince Boethiah. It was also part of a confederation called the Colovian Estates, which Tiber Septim led to conquer Cyrodiil and found the Third Empire.

Players were supposed to visit Sutch in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, but it was cut from that game partway through development. Instead, players visit the ruins of Fort Sutch during a couple of quests, and the area around it is unusually flat and barren, giving an idea of where the city would have been. However, the game doesn't reveal what happened to Sutch or its people. A popular fan theory suggests the city was destroyed during a civil war within the Empire, but that's still unconfirmed.

Oblivion's only other reference to Sutch is the in-game book "Thief of Virtue," which describes it as part of Hammerfell. Some fans interpret this as meaning that Sutch was considered part of Hammerfell at some point in Tamriel's past. This wouldn't be unprecedented in Elder Scrolls lore, as Skyrim's Falkreath Hold used to be part of Cyrodiil. However, others think there may be two cities of the same name or that this was Bethesda's way of subtly retconning Sutch's location.

Sutch's Return in The Elder Scrolls 6

Oblivion Sutch map

The Elder Scrolls 6 gives Bethesda a great opportunity to finally put these questions to rest. The simplest option would be to feature a character or book that describes the city's fate. However, Bethesda would pass up some big opportunities if Sutch didn't appear directly in TES6. Bringing the city back could mean embracing the retcon or telling players it was rebuilt in the 200+ years since The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.

Sutch's return in The Elder Scrolls 6 would obviously let Bethesda show off what their plans for it were in Oblivion. The city was cut relatively late in development, so it stands to reason that Oblivion's version was at least somewhat developed. Elder Scrolls: Online also has a few references to Sutch, and it would be interesting to see these tidbits expanded upon into a complete area.

Assuming that "Thief of Virtue" was a retcon, it would likely be a city in southern Hammerfell with heavy Imperial influences. The town might borrow some architectural influence from Anvil and have a larger-than-normal Imperial population while still being a Redguard city in many ways. Effectively, it would serve a similar function to Oblivion's cities of Bruma and Cheydinhal, which had major Nord and Dark Elf influences despite being integral parts of Cyrodiil.

Alternatively, Bethesda might place Sutch just across the border on the Cyrodilic side of the river. Of course, that would mean it is still part of the Empire. It might even be the only Imperial territory in The Elder Scrolls 6 if Bethesda decides not to include High Rock on the game's world map. This would also likely be the only place players encounter Thalmor agents operating openly, assuming their cold war with the Empire hasn't finally gone hot.

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Sutch, Hammerfell, and The Empire in The Elder Scrolls 6

Oblivion Fort Sutch from above

Sutch also offers an excellent opportunity to contrast Hammerfell and the Imperial heartlands. For example, Sutch could be the only place in Hammerfell that worships the Empire's version of the Eight Divines, possibly even featuring a Cyrodilic-style chapel. This would help distinguish the more familiar Eight Divines and the religions of Hammerfell's Crowns and Forebears.

Including a little slice of Cyrodiil would also allow TES6 players to get a sense of what's going on in the south and keep the Empire relevant in The Elder Scrolls 6. Skyrim had a lot of references to what's going on in Cyrodiil, and there are quests, such as with the Dark Brotherhood storyline, that feel like they would have made more sense there than in Skyrim. The Elder Scrolls 6 should focus on its primary setting of Hammerfell, but this would give Bethesda a way to tell the multi-province stories it seems to want to.

An Imperial-influenced Sutch could also become a flashpoint for political conflict. Hammerfell was part of the Empire until the Great War, which saw its southern territories occupied by the High Elves of the Aldmeri Dominion. The Empire abandoned the province after Hammerfell refused to cede territory to the High Elves as part of the peace agreement, leaving many Redguards with a sense of betrayal. A final finger of Imperial influence in Hammerfell would offer quite a lot of narrative potential.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development.

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