The Elder Scrolls franchise is famous for its inclusion of often nameless, voiceless protagonists, and for good reason. The lack of defining character traits has often made them the perfect blank slates for players to impose their own personalities and play styles onto. However, perhaps with The Elder Scrolls 6 the franchise can go for something new inspired by Red Dead Redemption.

Games like Red Dead Redemption 2 have become incredibly well-known for their flawed yet lovable protagonists. They provide an interesting look in what it means to both live and grow as a human being, making it a realistic experience. The Elder Scrolls 6 could take this approach, creating a more intricate character experience than ever before.

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The Elder Scrolls 6's Protagonist Can Be More


The history of The Elder Scrolls' blank slate characters goes as far back as The Elder Scrolls: Arena, where the character is a nameless prisoner who would soon become a great hero. This trope would be repeated throughout many of The Elder Scrolls games, with most of them being prisoners that rise to fame after they are freed. It has become a very potent formula for the franchise, allowing Bethesda to create immersive experiences where players can imagine themselves in the shoes of their character. However, The Elder Scrolls 6 has the opportunity to revamp this system, bringing something new with the franchise's return.

While the blank slate archetype does have a lot of pros, it also comes with quite a few cons. For example, while the player can become who they want to be, they can also contradict their character's perceived personality through some decisions, both voluntarily and involuntarily. One instance of this can be found in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, where the player can become the leader of multiple factions without issue. This lack of character consistency feels can often make the player's character feel more like a vehicle for questing than a cohesive individual who is affected by their actions. The Elder Scrolls 6's plot could be changed to amend these issues by taking a similar approach that games like Red Dead Remption 2 have.

Arthur Morgan, the protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2, is a deeply flawed character. Depending on the player's actions as Arthur, he could unnecessarily hurt or kill people. Despite his actions, many fans of the game consider him to be a tragic, but good person. He has a cohesive personality that changes depending on the player's choices, which makes him feel like a real person the player has control over. The impact of his actions can even be witnessed during the epilogue of the game, showing players that Arthur has the potential to change the world, for better or for worse. A character like this might be the perfect way to lead into The Elder Scrolls 6.

Though it may not seem like it at first, The Elder Scrolls' formula would support this kind of character very well. Typically, the main characters of TES games are flawless chosen ones who succeed no matter what. To change this, The Elder Scrolls 6's protagonist may be a little less confident in their abilities as a chosen one. They could struggle with their role, showing a lack of faith in their own abilities that slowly goes away up as the player progresses through the game. This is just one example of how the player character can mold and change depending on the events of the story. The Elder Scrolls 6 can make this feature more potent than ever, perhaps even establishing a new tradition in the franchise.

While it isn't likely that The Elder Scrolls 6 will take this approach, it's interesting to think about its potential. The Elder Scrolls 6 will feature many systems, but building up a more nuanced protagonist in the style of RDR might spice up the game's formula the most.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development.

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