After the success of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Bethesda has a tough job when it comes to the next installment in the fan-favorite series. That might be why it's been over 10 years since fans were able to play a new Elder Scrolls entry, although Bethesda has also been busy with other projects like the ongoing Fallout 76 and the massive sci-fi RPG Starfield. Still, players were excited when it was revealed at E3 2018 that The Elder Scrolls 6 was on its way, even if relatively little has been seen of it since then. Apart from an initial teaser, fans haven't really seen much of The Elder Scrolls 6. In the absence of facts, speculation has begun amidst the community.

There are a few prevalent rumors, such as the assumption that the next Elder Scrolls title will be an Xbox exclusive thanks to Microsoft's acquisition of Bethesda in 2020, but not much has actually been confirmed. Thanks to The Elder Scrolls' expansive lore, there are plenty of places where The Elder Scrolls 6 could be set, and many potential storylines to follow. Some fans feel like Hammerfell — the homeland of the Redguards — is a likely setting, which will have interesting implications for The Elder Scrolls 6's story. If players want to understand the rumored setting before the game's release, it might be a good idea to read up on the region's fascinating history.

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The Long-Awaited Elder Scrolls 6

Elder Scrolls Legends The Forgotten Hero Emperor Titus Mede 2 II Imperial City

Considering how beloved Skyrim has been (and continues to be) in the video game community within the last decade, it is natural that fans will be eager to see what the next installment in the series will entail. While game development can undoubtedly be a long and involved process, particularly with diverse open worlds like the ones in games like Skyrim, it is natural that fans might get a little impatient when news has been so scarce and glimpses so infrequent.

Players know The Elder Scrolls 6 won't be coming out any time soon. With a lot of pressure on the next Elder Scrolls title, it makes sense that Bethesda would want to take its time and get things right; from the characters, combat systems, storylines, to the setting itself. If Hammerfell is the setting for The Elder Scrolls 6, then there are so many interesting facets of the area that the game could explore. Along with its ancient history and troubled past, the Redguards are an intriguing race with a unique culture that would be great to get to know in more detail.

Introducing Hammerfell

The Elder Scrolls Online Hammerfell

Hammerfell goes by a few different names; like Volenfell by the Dwemer, Hegathe by the inhabitants of Aldmeris, and even Deathland by the ancient Nedes. The region has been referenced in other titles in the Elder Scrolls series, and players can even visit parts of it, particularly in The Elder Scrolls Online, but it has mostly existed on the periphery of The Elder Scrolls.

The region itself is extensive and is mostly taken up by the desolate Alik'r Desert, alongside areas of grassland and mountainous terrain. There are not many large settlements among the unwelcoming landscape, but the Hollow Wastes do contain a few that are home to nomadic Redguards. The desert mainly contains the remnants of past civilizations, giving players opportunities to explore, as well as reminders of how dangerous the terrain is.

Hammerfell's coast not only has a few locations of cultural and historical significance, but also some small coastal islands as well. Stros M'Kai is one such desert island and was also among the first areas settled by the Redguards, after they came east in search of a new home after losing Yokuda. Piracy and pilfering are rife here, with lawless revolutionaries seeking refuge in this coastal haven. Hammerfell's few forest areas are found along the coast as well, offering a varied landscape to the mostly arid and uninhabitable regions towards the center.

If The Elder Scrolls 6 is set in Hammerfell, the Redguards will likely be a large focus. As their homeland, Hammerfell has been shaped by their history, conflicts, and cultures. Originally from the lost continent of Yokuda, the Redguards can now mostly be found in Hammerfell, and they're a playable race and a natural choice for a warrior build given their skill in combat. Unsurprisingly, their culture tends to be more martially orientated, with every Redguard taught to fight from a young age. There may have been a divergence in their cultures between the Crown and Forebear factions, but the Redguards remain a formidable race and one that has proven difficult to conquer.

With large swathes of the region still unexplored, Hammerfell could have its fair share of secrets to uncover. The ongoing tension between the more traditional-minded Crow faction, and the more open-minded Forbears, could serve as an interesting political background to the game. Players could also explore more of the storied region's past alongside its turbulent present. The Redguard's successful excursions into the inhospitable desert to uncover its many ruins would be a rich vein of storytelling to explore as well, and could be a fascinating backdrop to the game's action.

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Battling High Expectations for The Elder Scrolls 6

the elder scrolls 6 elsweyr

Thanks to the long wait for a sequel, anticipation is high for The Elder Scrolls 6. With more recent disappointments like Fallout 76, players are hoping Starfield will signal a return to form for the studio, and will act as an exciting predecessor to the next Elder Scrolls installment. It's clear that The Elder Scrolls 6 needs to deliver, and the right setting will be key to achieving this. While there are other settings that fans might hope to see as the focus for The Elder Scrolls 6, such as Elsweyr, Hammerfell really does tick a lot of boxes.

With its geographical proximity to Skyrim and its significance in its predecessor's questlines involving the Thalmor and the Aldmeri Dominion, Hammerfell could tie the two games together, as well as present interesting narrative directions. The rumors that the next game will feature a "political system" with different factions to navigate also fits this perfectly. While vast amounts of Hammerfell may be taken up by the Alik'r Desert, there are still plenty of other biomes that would provide interesting opportunities for exploration and feel distinct enough from Skyrim's landscapes to give players something fresh and new.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development.

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