
  • The Elder Scrolls 6 could be set in Hammerfell, offering a balanced map size akin to Skyrim.
  • The region's diverse elements, like the Alik'r Desert, may make for an engaging gameplay experience without risking over-designing and overwhelming players with an unwieldy map size.
  • Bethesda might follow the Skyrim model by releasing additional content covering new areas post-launch.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is the highly anticipated next entry in Bethesda Studios' tentpole fantasy franchise. Though still not likely to be released any time soon, this doesn't diminish high expectations for The Elder Scrolls 6 nor prevent fans from conjecturing about many of its possible directions and details, from its narrative, place on the timeline, and perhaps one of the most discussed— where it will be set geographically within the world's setting.

The previous entry, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, has achieved legendary status within gaming, due in no small part to its impressive map and locations within. In the time since, though, the daunting number of games released with expansive open-world maps has veritably boomed, sometimes to the extent that players may find themselves on the verge of burnout, with the associated risk of how burdensome and repetitive too massive an open-world has a chance of becoming. If current TES6 rumors hold true, however, it may see fans adventuring in the region of Hammerfell, and if so, could create the perfect balance between them in terms of map size and design.

This year marked the 30th anniversary of the first Elder Scrolls title, Arena , and Bethesda shared some brief updates on The Elder Scrolls 6 's progress.

The Elder Scrolls 6: How Big Hammerfell is Compared to Skyrim

Many rumors point towards Hammerfell being the setting of The Elder Scrolls 6, and fans should know how it shapes up against the province of Skyrim.

If The Elder Scrolls 6 Is Set in Hammerfell, Its Map Size Could Be Just the Right Fit

Skyrim's Map and Legacy

Upon its release in 2011, Skyrim was hailed as a breathtaking leap in immersive open-world design. Backed by already deeply established lore, the snowy province was a sight to behold and explore. While it famously had its share of technical hitches, the ambition and scope on display in Skyrim in this area was undeniable. The original and its subsequent numerous editions have made it one of the most popular and widespread RPGs ever produced; a constantly revisited classic that remains engaging to this day. Players have poured thousands of hours into scouring its map, and there are dozens of hidden and interesting locations in Skyrim that have been discovered over the years.

How The Elder Scrolls 6 Being Set in Hammerfell Could Be a Seamless Transition

While it's not confirmed at this point if TES6 will indeed be set in Hammerfell, the assumption has some legs, as there are various reasons it might be the next logical location for the series to visit. As depicted in the in-universe map of the major continent of Tamriel, Skyrim and Hammerfell border each other, and their total land areas are generally equivalent, which could provide a good starting point regarding its vision.

Hammerfell contains a number of distinct elements, particularly in a collection of islands off its coast along with the vast Alik'r Desert, which in itself might theoretically constitute a significant portion of the playable area, depending on how extensively Bethesda decides to design the region. While canon details may technically demand a slightly larger scope, if the next title is set in Hammerfell, and its map size ends up being roughly equivalent to Skyrim, then it will still feel like quite a large region in the way Skyrim initially impressed, without being a step back, but also potentially avoiding the temptation to design with a "bigger is better" mindset and risk overwhelming players.

It would also not be a stretch that some areas might not be included in the base game, and will be added in later in content, similarly again to Skyrim. It thus will potentially not be any noticeably bigger or smaller overall, which may work in its favor regarding fan expectation balanced against the practicalities of game design and lessons learned in the years since. Bethesda doesn't necessarily need to reinvent the wheel, but should certainly aim to ensure that TES6's setting and other elements result in a game as satisfying as Skyrim in this regard, and placing it in Hammerfell could very well be what accomplishes this and makes it feel like a natural followup.

elder scrolls 6
The Elder Scrolls 6
PC , Xbox (Original)
Bethesda Game Studios
Bethesda Softworks