The Elder Scrolls' realms of Oblivion hold some of the most interesting personalities in the franchises. From Daedric Princes to the individual Daedra themselves, there is a wide range characters to meet. The Elder Scrolls 6 could re-introduce some of the most menacing of them yet: the Ideal Masters.

The Ideal Masters are an enigmatic group, but their mysterious nature mainly due to the fact they only speak to the player in one game. Despite that, they have left a huge impact on the franchise with their lore implications. The Elder Scrolls 6 should bring back these soul-snatchers as a faction, whether it be as villains or allies.

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The Nature of The Ideal Masters


The Ideal Masters reside in one the scariest planes of Oblivion: the Soul Cairn. Players can enter this location during the events of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Dawnguard DLC. Despite that, the player doesn't actually meet any Ideal Masters during their visit. The only time players get to speak with an Ideal Master is during An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire, where the player speaks to the Ideal Masters and assists them with kicking some invading Daedra out of the Soul Cairn in exchange for some help. Despite this mutually beneficial interaction, the Ideal Masters are known for tricking just about anyone who makes a deal with them.

These duplicitious figures supposedly feed on souls. In fact, it is believed that the entire reason The Elder Scrolls' Soul Cairn exists is to feed on the souls it collects. What's more, the Ideal Masters supposedly ascended beyond their corporeal forms to carve out this plane of Oblivion for themselves. While Bethesda has confirmed little about who they were before or how exactly they accomplished this, their hunger for souls is concrete. It's for that exact reason that the Ideal Masters have the potential such an interesting group to interact with, as all their interactions involve their goal of accumulating of more souls.

The Ideal Masters are willing to work with mortals as long as the deal is mutually beneficial, as shown by Battlespire. Aside from that, however, all other interactions have shown that they are conniving and dangerous. Depending on what someone has to offer, it is just as likely that the Ideal Masters will be enemies as they will be allies. The Elder Scrolls 6 could turn this into a major plot point, exploring the single-minded personalities of the Ideal Masters. It could also further explore The Elder Scrolls' dark secrets behind soul gems, which is what the Ideal Masters use to transport souls into their realm.

The Elder Scrolls 6 could explore their history. At the moment, all that is known about the Ideal Masters is that they were an ancient order of Necromancers that managed to ascend to godhood in some fashion. Their lust for souls could also use some explaining, as the fate of these souls is a little murky. It could be that souls are used to sustain their power, or perhaps the Ideal Masters are working towards an even greater goal than the one they previously achieved. The potential for further development of the Ideal Masters is limitless, as so little is known about them as of this moment. They even have the potential to be The Elder Scrolls' next antagonist.

The best part is, no matter where The Elder Scrolls 6 takes place, the Ideal Masters' plane of Oblivion would make them a threat or ally regardless. The Ideal Masters' reach is long, which gives Bethesda plenty of storytelling flexibility. Hopefully Bethesda explores this mysterious order in The Elder Scrolls' next installment.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development.

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