The Elder Scrolls franchise is famous for its extensive world-building, and Skyrim is a particularly poignant example, as the game takes players from the ruins of the ancient Dwemer to the Nord Hall of Valor. While The Elder Scrolls 6 is still in early development, there is quite a bit of speculation about where players can travel - Hammerfell or High Rock being likely TES6 settings - and what will make the game unique. In previous installments, the franchise explored the planes of Oblivion - both via the Planemeld invasion and by allowing players to travel directly to the planes of the Daedric Princes. Bethesda should consider exploring Aetherius in the upcoming game.

Skyrim players who have freely avoided the primary campaign in favor of exploring Bleak Falls Barrow or joining the College of Winterhold might be unaware that the Last Dragonborn travels to the planes of Aetherius at the end of the game. The climactic battle between the Last Dragonborn and the "world-eater" Alduin took place in Skyrim's Sovngarde, the mythological Nord afterlife that was never reachable until that moment. Now that Bethesda has given players access to Aetherius in two different games, there is no reason why The Elder Scrolls 6 shouldn't feature more from the location.

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Why Aetherius Should be Explored In The Elder Scrolls 6

Aetherius, Sovngarde landscape

Aetherius has been mentioned in every Elder Scrolls game in the franchise, but players have only been able to travel there twice. Before the Last Dragonborn traveled to Sovngarde, players could travel to Aetherius in the setting of The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall. Of course, the gaming technology available during Daggerfall's development was limited. The player character couldn't do much more than fight Daedra and walk down white hallways while in Aetherius. Skyrim's Sovngarde is the first glimpse at a plane of Aetherius designed with modern gaming technology, creating an exciting prospect for future divine strongholds to be explored further in a way that honors their significant contributions to Elder Scrolls lore.

Aetherius is home to the Aedra in The Elder Scrolls' lore, one of the two groups of immortal beings who contributed to the creation of Mundus. While the location could be thought of as the "heaven" equivalent of the Elder Scrolls franchise, it is also the birthplace of magic and the arcane arts. The revered Nine Divines that form the foundation of religion in Tamriel are rumored to reside in Aetherius and other powerful magical beings who created the stars and other aspects of the world. Not only is there an array of lore to explore concerning this realm, but it would be a refreshing change to explore a place that isn't in Oblivion.

How The Elder Scrolls 6 Could Feature Aetherius

Skyrim Aetherius as Seen in the Skies of Sovngard

Given that Aetherius is important to almost every single race in The Elder Scrolls, there are a ton of ways that the realm could be featured in The Elder Scrolls 6. For instance, like Oblivion, the plane has a multitude of realms that could serve different purposes depending on player choice. A Khajit player could travel to "The Sands Behind the Stars" to contact their early ancestors, which would be a great way to feature more Khajit lore. A Redguard player who has died could be randomly transported to the "Far Shores" and face a gauntlet of martial challenges in order to go back to Mundus.

The most exciting aspect of Aetherius being featured is that it would allow players to have direct contact with the planes of the divines. This could be a terrific way to award legendary abilities, expand a player's arcane arsenal, and feature Aetherian magic and relics like Skyrim's Aetherial Crown that haven't been seen before in the game. There are mods that explore what this magic could look like in Skyrim, notably "Aetherius Magic: The Ancient Sanctuary of the Deceived." This mod includes a questline centered around the realm and an incredible wealth of new spells to try. Bethesda could take inspiration from these mods to create an Aetherius that is revelatory for seasoned Elder Scrolls players.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is currently in development.

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