Of all the races to exist in the world of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, the Altmer have this feeling that they are the superior and perfect race. While many Nords (especially the rebellious Stormcloaks) would beg to differ, there has to be some reason for this perceived racial superiority.

A good place to start would be to look at the Altmer culture. They like to think themselves the most "civilized" people in the vast land of Skyrim. Part of this is due to the fact that they have the most developed culture of the races in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, as there are many refined facets to the Altmer culture like clothing, art, crafts, architecture, and manners.

However, most Altmer consider thir culture as less important than their martial tradition and adeptness at sorcery or enchantment. Some even dabble in necromancy (the study of bringing the dead back to life), though this is reserved for only the most esteemed and privileged Altmer. They say it is only studied so that they can learn how to increase their longevity.

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It should also be noted that the Altmer practice a form of eugenics in an attempt to keep their bloodlines pure. This has also lead to them slaughtering many newborns in that effort for purity, unfortunately. In addition, they believe that this purity is what keeps their kind from contracting many diseases. The Altmer have even gone as far as to perfect the breeding and bloodlines of their wildlife. One could say that they are perfectionists (their race skill in Skyrim reflects this).

Given all that information, it is time to look at how this sense of superiority plays into the Altmer society. The land known as the Summerset Isles are where these elves call home. Altmer society is no stranger to hierarchical structures, as they live in a class-based system. The highest in high elf society, unsurprisingly, hold the most power. The pecking order follows as such: The Wise, teachers and priests, artists, princes, warriors, landowners, merchants, workers, and lastly the lowly beasts. Beasts are delegated to do the grunt work that the Altmer consider themselves above doing.

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When it comes to settling differences and disagreements, the Altmer prefer to have a dialogue with another. However, if talk is too cheap, they also settle things with a duel. There are conditions for the duel, such as the type of weaponry, a recital of their opponent's transgressions, and having a witness for the duel. The victor must treat the defeated with grace and hospitality. This may include calling for aid to treat the wounds from battle. The loser must admit their faults and apologize. In theory, this leaves both ends with their honors coming out unscathed. Honor is a rather important part of Altmer society, as many of them say it is the most important thing in their world.

Without even touching upon the Altmer's accomplishments, military, or history, it is pretty simple to see why they have such a high opinion of themselves. The pure bloodlines, high culture, almost erudite levels of knowledge and high value on honor make them seem like an ideal race. However, this may not be grounds for such snobbery and supremacy.

What is interesting is that Altmer society was originally agrarian (agriculturally-based) and egalitarian (meaning they treated everyone as equals). Though, it seems somewhere along the way these values and perspectives were lost. This may be due to some workers eventually venturing out of the Summerset Isles to explore more of Tamriel. It is said that they thought by doing this, they could live like kings instead of their lowly existence back in Summerset. This very well could have been the start of this all.

Either way, the Altmer are unlikely to change any time soon. They have prided themselves on their supposed racial superiority for a few eras now, much to the chagrin of all the other Skyrim races. Those kinds of views and behaviors do not change overnight, but perhaps someday they might return to their egalitarian roots.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available now.

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