
  • A remastered Oblivion could enhance the beauty of its already stunning open world by incorporating improved graphics and technology.
  • Improving the NPC AI system would help to address the awkward and meme-worthy interactions that occur in the game.
  • Bug fixes should be a priority in a remaster, as there are known issues that have persisted since the original release and have not been fixed by mods.

Before Skyrim, there was The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. Oblivion was highly anticipated before its release in 2006, thanks to the success of its predecessors, particularly Morrowind which established the franchise as an RPG giant. Oblivion became a beloved entry into The Elder Scrolls series that is still remembered fondly by many fans, so much so that there's rumored to be a remaster in the works by Bethesda.

A remastered Oblivion doesn't have to do too much as the original game is already so compelling, but a few updates are definitely in order. Here are some that would make an Oblivion remaster something special.

The 27 Best Oblivion Mods, Ranked

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is a fantastic game that is made even better with mods. Which are the best mods available for Bethesda's RPG?

Updates to The World of The Elder Scrolls

A Beautiful World

One of the hallmarks of The Elder Scrolls series is its beautiful, vibrant, open worlds. Oblivion's Cyrodiil is no different, and even today it stands the test of time to be a gorgeous entry in The Elder Scrolls. However, a remaster could make it all the better, especially with the improved snow physics Bethesda developed for Skyrim and better technology to fill the landscape with plants and curiosities.

At the same time, Cyrodiil isn't the only place the player travels to in Oblivion, as there is frequent travel to the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon's Plane of Oblivion, the Deadlands, via the Oblivion Gates. The remaster is an opportunity to overhaul the Deadlands and make it truly a place of nightmares.

NPC AI Improvements

Oblivion is the source of many memes in the gaming community, and most of them come from the very awkward NPCs who populate the towns and cities of Oblivion. From stilted conversations to inappropriate remarks, falling into lava then continuing conversations as if nothing happened, NPC shenanigans abound thanks to an ambitious but imperfect AI system. Weirdly, the NPC AI in Oblivion is more reactive than in Skyrim, where the characters react to world and character changes better, but a more streamlined system that makes the NPCS less awkward would be welcomed.

Bug Fixes

Like many Bethesda games, Oblivion is plagued by many bugs, some of which result in a broken game. An Oblivion remaster will need a serious overhaul of the known bugs that weren't fixed in the years since its original release, the bugs that have been fixed in the years since with mods, and the bugs that modders haven't been able to fix, with the game-breaking bugs a priority.

Take Inspiration From The Elder Scrolls Games Beyond Oblivion

Include Oblivion's DLC

Oblivion included one of the best expansion packs in the series: The Shivering Isles. Set in the plane of Oblivion of the Daedric Prince Sheogorath, The Shivering Isles was praised by critics and players alike because of its fun story, colorful characters, and vibrant world, which would also look incredible if remastered. Any attempt at remastering Oblivion would be incomplete without including The Shivering Isles and the more substantial DLC such as Knights of the Nine.

More Music

Music is one of the triumphs of The Elder Scrolls and took a great leap between Oblivion and Skyrim. That said, Oblivion has a beautiful and distinctive theme, as well as some standout tracks in its soundtrack. More music like it, with the lessons learned from the music in Skyrim would create a better music experience. Unbroken Road, a track that appears in Skyrim, is a tribute to Oblivion but wouldn't go amiss in an Oblivion remake as it is an extension of its main theme song.

Improve Combat

One of the frustrations of Oblivion is the combat, thanks partially to the physics. An overhaul of the combat system, even a change to one more similar to Skyrim's, would be an improvement. That said, the magic system for Oblivion is better than Skyrim's in many ways, and a balance between the mundane and magic combat would be preferable. Adding more weight to the animation, improving the physics of combat, and improving the appearances of weapons and armor would go a long way to updating the aesthetics of Oblivion and removing the frustrations of combat.