While thousands of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim players have created their unique Dragonborn to take on the "world-eater" dragon Alduin and his resurrected army of dragons, the game alludes to the idea that being given the legendary role is extremely rare. There is a longstanding legacy of Dragonborn though, who significantly impacted the history of Tamriel and inspired the mythos around the elite dragon hunters. The release of The Elder Scrolls 6 means that the Dragonborn might be retired as a player character, so their impact on Tamriel cannot be overstated.

For those curious about the Dragonborn's history and the prophecy of the last Dragonborn, the in-game title, Book of the Dragonborn, is essential reading, as it provides much-needed context on how the Thu'um-wielding heroes are blessed and what they are expected to do. In short, the Dragonborn are people who have received the blessing of Akatosh, thought to be the dragon god of time and the chief deity of the Divines. These individuals are considered to have the body of a mortal but the blood of a dragon, allowing them access to extraordinary abilities in times of great peril, establishing themselves as heroes or villains.

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Miraak and The Saint Queen Alessia

Dragon Priest Miraak

The Dragonborn legacy was first established in the Merethic era with the dragon priest Miraak - the centerpiece of the Dragonborn DLC. Miraak served as a king-like dragon priest on Solstheim and so did the "world eater Alduin" and the other dragons who ruled over mortals with an iron fist. Miraak made a deal with Hermaeus Mora to acquire a dragon shout that would control dragons. Instead of aiding the Nord heroes fighting the Dragon War, Miraak used his Dragonborn abilities to stage a failed rebellion, leading to him hiding out in Apocrypha, where the Last Dragonborn encounters him.

The next known Dragonborn would appear in the First Era of Tamriel's history. Slave Queen Alessia, later known as "Saint Alessia," was instrumental in freeing the ancient Nedes from enslavement by the Ayleids. As part of her Dragonborn abilities, Alessia received the Amulet of Kings from Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time and the chief deity among the divines. Alessia used the Amulet of Kings to light the mystical Dragonfires that keep the army of Daedra from the planes of Oblivion at bay. Alessia's ancestors would continue the Dragonborn legacy, becoming emperors of Cyrodil and beyond.

Emperors Reman Cyrodil and Tiber Septim

The Elder Scrolls Tiber Septim Talos Shrine in Skyrim

In the wake of the Ayleid defeat, the Cyrodil Empire blossomed and created a new system of leadership in the First Era. The next Dragonborn to appear was Reman Cyrodil, an ancestor of Alessia, wielder of the Amulet of Kings, and the founder of the Reman Empire, one of the most significant and successful empires to rule Tamriel. Reman was a masterful battle strategist and used his prestige as the Dragonborn to rally armies against the devastating Akaviri invasion. An army general, Reman was so successful in battle that the Akaviri surrendered to his power, believing him to be the legendary Dragonborn they were looking for.

The next Dragonborn was Emperor Tiber Septim, one of the most famous figures in Tamriel's history and the only political figure able to unite the entire continent under empire rule. While there are differing theories on Tiber's background, some believe that he was born in Skyrim as "Talos," while others think that he was born on an island nation Alcaire as "Hjalti Early-Beard." Tiber Septim was an accomplished general who founded the Septim Dynasty, which ruled over Tamriel for almost the entirety of the Third Era, and Tiber was thought to have ascended into godhood as the ninth divine.

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Mankar Camoran and The Last Dragonborn

Mankar Camoran - Elder Scrolls Bosses

Continuing into the Third Era of Tamriel history, the Septim dynasty continued to rule, as their ancestral connection to Tiber Septim allowed them the Dragonborn qualities needed to wear the Amulet of Kings and light the Dragonfires. The Septim line ended with the advent of the Oblivion Crisis, a cataclysmic event triggered by the teachings of another Dragonborn, Mankar Camoran. Mankar was the founder and leader of the Mythic Dawn Cult, an organization that worshiped the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon. Mankar used his Dragonborn abilities to lead, crafting a plan to open the gates of Oblivion.

The Last Dragonborn is a figure that most Elder Scrolls players know well. Appearing in the Fourth Era of Tamriel history, the Dragonborn is Skyrim's player character and main protagonist. First appearing as a prisoner of the Imperial Legion, the character soon discovers their dragon-soul absorbing abilities and the prophecy of the Last Dragonborn. While much of the character's history is player-determined, they are constantly pitted against Alduin and his dragon army and fighting to avoid another disastrous Dragon War.

Wulfharth and Martin Septim: The Disputed Dragonborn

Skyrim 10 Warriors Ysmir Wulfharth

While there is a long list of confirmed Dragonborn who has had a tremendous influence on the history of Tamriel, there are a few cases in which the Elder Scrolls community can't decide if a figure was a Dragonborn. One case is Wulfharth, an ancient king of Skyrim who had a tremendously powerful shout. Some believe that Wulfharth couldn't be Dragonborn because he seemed unable to control the massive power of his Thu'um. The ancient Nord was said to have been reincarnated multiple times and was said to have tracked down the Dragonborn Tiber Septim at the behest of the Thu'um master Greybeards.

The other possible Dragonborn is Martin Septim, the illegitimate son of Emperor Uriel Septim VII. Martin practiced Daedric magic in his youth but soon became a priest at the Chapel of Akatosh in Kvatch. Martin was crucial to ending the Oblivion Crisis, as his Septim lineage allowed him to use the Amulet of Kings and Dragonfires to end the Daedra invasion. Some fans believe Martin was a Dragonborn because he had dragon blood in his veins. While this could be true, it is not confirmed if he had the blood and soul of a dragon, the two elements that create a Dragonborn.

The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim: Anniversary Edition is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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