FromSoftware’s latest game, Elden Ring, has taken the world by storm with its mixture of classical European fantasy and bizarre dark fantasy. Unlike previous Soulsborne titles, which were set in grim, dying worlds, this game takes place in a realm fantastical enough to make the horror elements particularly chilling. Now, one Elden Ring fan draws attention to one of the game's most beloved fantasy elements by making a real-life tribute to the Turtle Pope.

Miriel, Pastor of Vows is a giant, gentle turtle NPC that can be encountered in the Church of Vows, where they serve as a steward. They bear a strong resemblance to the other oversized turtles that can be encountered throughout the game as passive mobs. However, what sets Miriel apart is their choice of headwear—they wear a white mitre, a ceremonial headdress worn by bishops and certain abbots in traditional Christianity.

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Redditor Azonavox recently shared a photograph of their real-life tribute to Miriel, Pastor of Vows, whom they and many other fans refer to as the Turtle Pope. The tribute consists of a large, plastic turtle figure wearing a carefully folded paper mitre. The hat includes detailed, game-accurate decorations drawn in what appears to be gold pencil crayon.

Unlike the real Miriel, Pastor of Vows, this imitation Turtle Pope appears to be able to stand up properly and move its head. The NPC spends their time lying completely still and reports that their legs aren't as strong as they used to be, so the figure having all its legs under it is odd. Additionally, the figure also features a warmer brown tone to its flesh than the actual Turtle Pope, who is covered in gray skin and scales. However, Azonavox's comments under the post suggest that they simply took a random turtle figure and repurposed it, which would explain the design differences.

As of writing, it appears that other Elden Ring fans are impressed by Azonavox's creation and are treating it like a diorama. One user declared that the tribute was the ideal place to bring all their scrolls and prayer books, while a second declared that they would buy it using their food budget if possible. A third user expressed fear that George R.R. Martin, who is well known for killing off characters, would make something bad happen to Miriel, Pastor of Vows in the Elden Ring DLC. As DLC has yet to be announced, it's uncertain what any expansions for the game will have in store for its surviving cast.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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