In a shocking revelation, an Elden Ring player has discovered a clever trick to eliminate the dreaded Death Rite Birds with a single blow, using an unexpected item. The Death Rite Birds, known for their elusiveness and lethal attacks, have long been a source of frustration for gamers attempting to traverse the dark and treacherous world of Elden Ring. However, this newfound strategy might just be the key to success for players seeking to conquer these formidable foes.

The Death Rite Birds, haunting creatures that inhabit Elden Ring's twisted landscapes, are notorious for their swift movements, deadly pecks, and skeletal bird-like appearances. Many players have fallen victim to their relentless use of ghost-flame magic attacks, with repeated attempts often resulting in multiple deaths. However, one intrepid player claims to have stumbled upon a game-changing strategy.

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According to Unable_Pollution427's video on the Elden Ring subreddit, the key to one-shotting the Death Rite Birds lies in an item that has often been overlooked – the Holy Water Pot. These seemingly insignificant consumable items, typically sold by unaware players, hold hidden power that can be harnessed to devastating effect, especially against undead enemies. In the video, the player approaches the dangerous Death Rite Bird after applying buffs to their character. After a moment, the player hurls a single Holy Water Pot at the enemy. This immediately drains its health bar killing it on contact. The incredible effectiveness of this attack against Death Rite Birds stems not from pre-fight buffs, although those are beneficial, but rather from exploiting the undead creatures' vulnerability to Holy Water Pots, capitalizing on their weakness to Holy damage and the pots' inherent 400% damage bonus against Undead enemies, resulting in significant damage.

Since its discovery, the revelation has caused quite a stir in the Elden Ring community. Players eagerly exchange stories of their encounters with these formidable adversaries and express astonishment at the effectiveness of this newfound strategy. The post currently sits at a couple of thousand upvotes after being online for a day. While this trick is super effective against Death Rite Birds, it remains to be seen if it can offer an advantage against other formidable bosses in Elden Ring.

This discovery is a testament to the immense depth and hidden strategies within the game. The revelation of this clever trick to eliminate Death Rite Birds with a single blow using an unexpected item has shocked many the Elden Ring community. The once daunting Death Rite Birds have now become a conquerable challenge thanks to this game-changing discovery.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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