An incredible Elden Ring streamer heroically manages to defeat two Malenias at the same time, which is an extraordinary feat considering that Malenia is one of the hardest bosses in the game. Boss battles are not easy in Elden Ring, and taking on just one of them is quite a difficult challenge, let alone defeating two challenging bosses at the same time.

Elden Ring players are coming into their own and discovering new and interesting ways to play the game and defeat the difficult bosses. Given enough time, players from the fanbases of most games are able to develop masterful technique and skill in order to triumph over gaming's toughest challenges. One Elden Ring player beat the game one-handed using just the Brass Shield, which is just one of the many examples of ways that Elden Ring players have started asserting dominance over the game.

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Redditor fernofry posts a video of a popular Twitch streamer, missmikkaa, defeating two Malenias at once, one on the PS5 using a controller and one on PC using a dance pad. So, not only does she defeat both Malenias at the same time and quite easily, she beats one of them using a dance pad with her feet. The amount of practice and hard work that was put into this feat is apparent as she laughs and smiles her way to victory through both the Malenias two phases of combat, finishing the fights in just three minutes. Some Elden Ring players have managed to beat Malenia without taking a hit, which is an impressive accomplishment, but defeating two Malenias at once is on a different level altogether.

Comments on fernofry's post are referring to missmikkaa as "Let Me Solo Them," which is a reference to popular Elden Ring player Let Me Solo Her, who is being given a gift by Bandai Namco for defeating Malenia over 2000 times. Missmikkaa is able to defeat two Malenias at once, and some gamers are saying that they have watched her do it multiple times, which is an extraordinary achievement.

Elden Ring is the record-breaking Game of the Year of 2022, and fans have continued to enjoy the gameplay. There are more players dropping into the Lands Between all the time, starting their journeys as the Tarnished in order to reclaim and reforge the Elden Ring.

As more players take on the challenge of Malenia and other bosses in Elden Ring, there are sure to be more videos of incredible accomplishments like that of missmikkaa popping up over the internet. Though it is hard to imagine how someone will be able to top defeating two Malenias at the same time, the Elden Ring community is full of dedicated players that are willing to go to extremes to defeat all challenges.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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