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Elden Ring takes numerous deviations from the formula of Dark Souls games and the like. One such variation is the unprecedented but welcome implementation of a well-developed stealth system in addition to its combat system. With this, players can steer clear of otherwise disastrous confrontations without issue. In a game that challenges players relentlessly, the inclusion of a stealth system seems peculiar as it allows players to avoid otherwise perilous encounters.

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In truth, the stealth system in Elden Ring is not without difficulty, as players must plot their movements carefully and methodically maneuver around foes. Should players arouse suspicion or be discovered, swarms of enemies will flock to their location and force them into an unfavorable situation. Thus, players need to understand the stealth system of Elden Ring lest they alarm battalions of well-equipped foes.

Benefits Of Stealth

Elden Ring Split Image Benefits Of Stealth

The stealth system of Elden Ring provides players with numerous benefits should they utilize it effectively. Stealth allows players to skulk past heavily populated areas, avoiding conflict and conserving their resources. Doing so maintains characters in peak condition, allowing them to be at their best for unavoidable encounters.

Alternatively, players can effortlessly eliminate isolated enemies through Backstabs or other grievous attacks. This way, they reap the benefits of defeating enemies except for less effort.

Regardless of how players utilize stealth, it proves to be a beneficial and much-needed feature of Elden Ring. There are many situations in which players should avoid or limit confrontation. Otherwise, they will face needless adversity and struggle to progress. So, remember the benefits of stealth.

How To Stealth

Elden Ring Combat Stealth

The stealth system of Elden Ring is chiefly dependent on the crouch mechanic, which allows players to do as the name suggests. To crouch on consoles, players must toggle the L3 button for Playstation or the left analog stick for Xbox. For PC, players must press 'X' to crouch. Players can change the crouch button should prefer, however.

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Crouching makes players' movements quieter, allowing them to travel without making noticeable noise. However, players must use their surroundings to effectively stealth. Environmental features such as tall grass, buildings, etc., can conceal players, preventing enemies from seeing them. So, stealth requires players to be quiet and remain unseen, meaning they must crouch and use their environment.

When To Stealth

Elden Ring Tarnished Fighting Boss

Although the stealth system of Elden Ring is exceptionally efficient, there are times when it will and will not benefit players. Stealth is the most viable option in cluttered locations or where enemies are far apart. Stealth is the least practical option in open places or where foes are close together. So, players must recognize when to utilize stealth instead of outright combat.

In addition, players must also determine the effectiveness of stealth against particular enemies. While stealth is beneficial against most common foes, adversaries of greater power are not. Covertly bypassing or eliminating these more capable enemies will not always work. As such, it is best to use stealth against lesser threats and utilize it cautiously against more formidable dangers.

How To Stealth Better

Elden Ring The Confessor

In Elden Ring, there is no definitive method for constantly improving stealth. Stats do not dictate the stealth proficiency or progression of a character. However, some builds or classes lend themselves towards stealth, possessing temporary means of enhancing their ability to sneak. Through Sorceries and Incantations, these characters can conceal or quieten themselves for a limited period.

Builds or classes that utilize Intelligence or Faith can learn and use these magics. Thus, providing a way for players to become better at stealth. For instance, the Confessor class gains access to Assassin's Approach, an Incantation that nullifies the sound of footsteps and even fall damage. So, those seeking a more stealth-oriented experience should look into Sorceries and Incantations.

Stealth Tips And Tricks

Elden Ring Tarnished Wielding Bow

The stealth system of Elden Ring is uncomplicated but still requires much consideration from players. As such, here are some additional tips and tricks to aid players in situations requiring secrecy:

  • Observe and review areas
  • Note enemy locations
  • Utilize ranged weapons frequently
  • Be wary of enemies that can alert others
  • Be cautious and patient
  • Never stay in the same spot too long

These tidbits of advice will offer further aid to players as they stealth. Thus, informing players now rather than having them learn later on.

Elden Ring is now available for PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S

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