As tends to happen when big tentpole titles near their release dates, details of said games sometimes get out early and spread like wildfire across the internet. FromSoftware's newest action-RPG has unfortunately fallen victim to this same cycle, as details of Elden Ring are now reaching the farthest corners of the web. With only one week to go until Elden Ring's official launch on February 25, it was looking like maybe some of the game's best-kept secrets would remain under wraps, but that is seemingly no longer the case.

While no spoilers will be posted for obvious reasons, it has been revealed by many outlets that Elden Ring's opening cinematic has been unofficially published. While this video in itself may not pose too much of a threat where major spoilers are concerned, many fans will surely only want to experience this cinematic on their own when booting up the game for the first time. It would be wise to be cautious when looking Elden Ring up on YouTube.

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It has also been reported that several screenshots have been posted to Reddit that seem to reveal a previously-unseen area of the game that is very clearly meant to be organically discovered by players. In addition, numerous gameplay clips had been published to YouTube that Bandai Namco has since then swiftly taken down. Elden Ring's leaks won't stop here as the coming week before launch will likely see more gameplay videos and screenshots being posted.

elden ring tree

Recently, FromSoftware and Bandai Namco have had to contend not just with leaks but also major security issues with the online portion of its Dark Souls games, specifically Dark Souls 3. This issue has been reported to also be present in the online infrastructure of Elden Ring, leading the publisher to take swift action in remedying the glitch in time for the game's release. The online capabilities of all Dark Souls games will be offline until sometime after Elden Ring's launch.

It's not too long now before the release of Elden Ring as the game is able to be pre-loaded onto Xbox consoles even if users don't own the game as of yet. Copies of Elden Ring have also begun showing up in stores, indicating the time is nigh for Souls fans to gear up for their next adventure. Only one week to go now before Elden Ring is released upon the masses and the water-cooler stories begin.

Elden Ring releases on February 25 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

MORE: Xbox Gamers Should Do This Before Buying Elden Ring

Source: IGN