One Elden Ring player engaging in the game's PvP arenas encounters a player pretending to be Spider-Man. Elden Ring's character customization, both in actually making the character and then dressing them in the game's modicum of armor and clothes, is as wide-reaching and large as the world of the Lands Between itself. There are countless videos or photos of people recreating some of their favorite characters, such as one player who decided to play Elden Ring as Itachi from the anime Naruto. When a game provides the tools that enable such levels of recreation, players are bound to make some familiar characters.

When it comes to PVP, builds are as important as the skill of the people who wield them.Some players just like to have fun in the PvP arenas, making characters that are beholden to certain builds just to see if they are viable. One series of weapons that haven't been very viable were the whips, but whips have become more powerful thanks to Elden Ring's most recent update.

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This buff for whips did come at the disadvantage of one player coming across "Spider-Man" in Elden Ring's PvP arenas. Posting to r/Eldenring, user kkokkollou uploaded in the PvP arenas going up against a player who looks a lot like Spider-Man. While the character doesn't seem to be wearing many clothes, they were able to color their skin red and white with white patches over their eyes, giving them the appearance of the superhero. Alongside this, they wielded a pair of Urumi whips, which can look a lot like Spider-Man's webs.

Elden Ring whips in general are quite viable for combat, giving good reach and damage at the cost of not dealing critical damage. In the video, though, along with the use of the Incantation Pest Threads, the Spider-Man player was able to take on the scythe-wielding player with ease, despite the player using powerful spells. And when Spider-Man was able to take down the player, they used Patches' squat emote, which fits the Spider-Man aesthetic well.

In Elden Ring, both in and out of its PvP, one truly does not know what to expect if they are first playing the game. There are of course the many surprises Elden Ring has to throw at the player in general, but when one gets into PvP, players can certainly surprise, either with a super-powerful build that can kill players with ease or by recreating a familiar NPC invader from Dark Souls 1. Always expect the unexpected, and prepare for the worst, especially if it looks like the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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